Have never seen that FM...great find. The amazing thing about that read is how Japan..even in the winter...is a close study to our future weather patterns 7-10 days out. Now their weather doesn't become our weather but as you can see from that read, it really determines our jet stream....storm track..temps. Great find....will use that this winter for sure.
HEY FM..AND all....lol...this is no joke whats going to happen next week with temps...I mean..holy crap: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...cking-summer-return-in-eastern-u-s-next-week/ some good mentions: But make no mistake, in parts of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest getting dealt the chilliest air, hoodies and jeans will be required. Highs in this region could well get stuck in the 50s and 60s – especially where there is considerable cloud cover. Wednesday morning’s lows may drop into the 40s over a large part of the central U.S. Remember, this is July! The heart of the chilly airmass will probably just skirt the East Coast, but temperatures are likely to be about 10 degrees below normal. Highs may struggle to reach 80 in D.C. next Tuesday and Wednesday with widespread lows in the 50s (even 40s in the mountains). the most important thing to take out of this will be temps during the day will still be upper 70s for our area....but its the lows at night that WILL break records with lows in the upper 40s to low 50s. Now..does this have a tie to winter? Kind of...with ElNino forming off the Pacific coast, will go out on a limb right now saying this winter will be below average temps...but still cant say about precip being above or below....so fill those oil tanks this summer if prices drop!
It's funny how crazy everyone gets over 50 degree temps and how freezing they think it is, when we'd kill for those all winter. 50 isn't that cold!
lol....lol....good one FM. 50 plus days in the winter have everyone walking around with no jackets and just a shirt. 50 degrees in the summer and people are all bundled up in their hoodies. Lol...great point. The great weekend that was predicted for this weekend has a small wrench being thrown in there with now...slight chance of tstorms everyday. Not widespread..but possible. I think JS had out in the water plans...I do too. Something to keep an eye out for. Long term...next Wednesday now seems to be the freak of nature day when temps may not hit 70 and lows might be in the upper 40s....read above article for reasons why.
Thank you Petrozza ! Hey Jay,,,are you out there ? We hope so,,,,,,,,my dog needs to know when these thunderstorms are going to end ? Should she plan on spending the next 48 hours living under my bed or are they over ?
Brook,,,,,like you I hope he comes back on but I honestly don't know if he will ? I look forward to the weather stuff as much as anyone but the bottom line is Jay understandably was pretty hot about how all this went down! I don't think he will get an explanation or apology as to what exactly happened here and again I don't even know if that would help ? Hopefully he had some time to think about all this cool down and he takes the high road but if he does not no one can blame the guy .
Grandpa C Thanks again for your help. But something happened. I am not trying to point fingers at all. I just need you and Petro take necessary precautions so this doesn't happen again. That said, I think Jay should come back and own this thread like before. Since I had a promise earlier, this will be my last post until Jayster comes back.
weird how everything was deleted. It's gotta be a mistake related to this new software because Jay is THE guy around here
Guys....thanks..really. Im not into this attention stuff. Seriously. I have checked several times and thanks. Its not a huge deal..really. When I responded last in that post to WW what I meant by "nobody would remember me in a few weeks" was n0t meant because my posts were gone..lol...as I told Abyz you can sell my old posts on ebay for a dollar..maybe. I meant people come and go...and nobody cares about the old posts. Nobody will care about a poster making a point. Who the hell am i....I mean seriously. My concern...my real concern was if you got rid of my posts..did you do it because that post was pale compared to some of the stuff that goes on here? The way people talk to each other? Was it because asshole is now the word that gets you banned or warned? Im wondering why those posts were eliminated. Was I guilty of using the a word? yes..was it overboard...of course. I guess my biggest question would be..how many people have been warned in the past 2 years? How many of those people lost all their stuff. Just get the feeling there is more to this. And guys like Brook...who is the best...keep posting here...this is the best site out there. For reasons that I have mentioned, been spending too much time here and there lies the problem. Its all good. Leave it alone.
Ok, back to normal. Little worried about the weekend of the 26th. Long ways out but doesn't look good.
Jay, I'm glad the thread is back . I believe in the process of deleting your post in the NBA Thread, I by mistake, hit a wrong button that deletes your post history. There is really nothing "more" to this. I have never, ever had an issue with you and have a tremendous amount of respect for your efforts at TGG. I was doing my job, addressing an issue of people attacking others posters and I even addressing the people that bait posters. Of course, I and other Mods can't address every violation of TGG's rules. I just happened to come across the NBA thread that night. I'm certain a lot of other stuff goes on that Mods don't address and we miss. I was called every name in the book by some members of TGG that didn't know the facts, without even an apology. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
98 degrees out on this beach this weekend in Siberia then all hell breaks loose with a massive hailstorm: