OK pick the subject but remember the NYJs have won nothing in Woody 15 Years as owner & that there present HC has won nothing in his tenure as our HC & before Woody dear old Leon won nothing since 01/12/69
Sure, I'll remember. What kind of alignments do you think would be best for the Jets to utilize 3 safeties on the field?
Well what I think about your query does not matter but we better hope that our HC know when since he is in charge of winning the game for us. Also I do not deal in BS speculation so please stick to the real & true facts only
So basically you have no fucking idea about anything football related and you're just a whining little adolescent valley girl on her period. Thanks for the confirmation. _
Didn't read every post, but has anyone mentioned that loss to the Lions in Parcells' first year? We had that game won and he calls that idiotic halfback pass from the freakin' five yard line! It still annoys the shit out of me. Cost us the game and a playoff birth. The other game that comes to mind is that Dophin game a few years ago when the Dolphins couldn't move the ball a goddamn inch against our defense and we lose because Ginn returns two kickoffs for TD's. I'm pretty sure that Henne threw for 59 yards that game and they had less than 110 yards of total offense and still won the damn game. Ridiculous.
The 49ers game two years ago. Holmes just tossing that ball aside and the 9ers returning it for a td. Karpernick running all over us before we even knew who the fuck he was... It was a hot fucking day too and all my section was filled with 9ers fans
I remember being pretty pissed at half time of Jets/Steelers AFC Championship game. Then right after HT Sanchez threw the bomb TD to Holmes. For some reason, I got even more angry after that. Also, basically any game from the 2012 season. Watching that offense was so difficult.
I completely forgot about that game. Not one of the worst games, but yeah, now I'm pissed off again. Parcells made up for it the next year, so I forgot about it.
- Good call. And don't forget Parcells getting 'predjudicial' on his choice of QBs at an inopportune time (i.e. dumb, impulsive switch). - Henne that game as I recall actually had fairly impressive QB numbers (over 200 yds. passing) but I may be wrong. I only remember Henne looking too 'comfortible' in the pocket all too often that game. Back to Parcells: great coach but did have his weak points (e.g. special teams, specifically the punting game) primarily because his teams enjoyed the advantage of his specialists having knowledge of the "flags blowing north?…wind's blowing south" Meadowlands late-season winds…..'Tuna' exposed once big-time when the Eagles inserted Randall Cunningham as their punter while Philly was backed up deep inside their own 10 yard line, albeit with a gusting, but mostly 30-mile-per-hour-wind at their back. Parcells played it "conventional wisdom" and had just one punt returner (Leon Bright?) back to receive. Bottom line (going on memory): Cunningham (who, like Phil Simms and many other QBs, was a punter at UNLV) nailed a spiral that the wind grabbed and "turned over" at which point, once it bounced, took off on the hard, cold artificial turf…..60…70…80 plus yards….field position completely lost. The only thing the Tuna seemed to know about fatty #5 Landetta was when he'd offer up some sardonic crack about Landetta housing a pair of models as roommates…….this as a result of most likely some suck up, gossipy, Cimini-type 'yenta' beat reporter trying to curry favor with the irascible media-intimidating Parcells.
Not to mention Bradshaw ran one of our safties the fuck overr to seal the deal on a TD run... that hurt.
Most frustrating games ive seen of recent was either the butt fumble game or the Jets vs 9ers shut out last time we played when Holmes basically threw the ball away because his foot got hurt. I understand it was a nasty injury but to throw the ball away was unecessary and selfish, plus it went for 6 when we needed that drive to put some points up before it just got flat out embarrassing.
Coming from you, a top shelf "great read" when it comes to my (many) TGG heros here, I am beyond flattered. But with all due respect (per the below), you may want to rethink your gracious "good read" assessment (from just the other day): ….the two had reached the point of no return and at that moment decided they could wait no longer, that they needed to engage each other in full congress right then and there on the spot! In a flash, in broad daylight on the side of a near-abandoned country road, the two were at once fully ensconsed in the throes of pure, unadulterated carnal passion. He was a fully-tumescent stallion possessed; she a swollen, wet, besotted mare whose glandular scents rented the air with notice of total abandonment. As he continued to savagely breach her nether crevice with each and every thrust carrying forth his monument to manhood, her undulating hips arched higher and higher so as to meet his unrelenting love tusk as she approached a shattering climax she could not believe existed before, when suddenly from out of nowhere, a UPS truck being operated by former USC and NFL quarterback Mark Sanchez struck the two young lovers, killing them both instantly. The End.
Pretty sure that punt was out of the end zone and downed on the one. Cunningham was sick. Remember that play when pepper Johnson decked him but didn't tackle him?
But for those of us that don't give up on the team it was one of the greatest games especially that it came against the Phins. Just because you may have given up after the first half doesn't make it any less a great game. And it is the Monday Night Miracle, Miracle in/at the Meadowlands was already used for the Giants Eagles game in '78. There is actually Miracle in/at the Meadowlands I, II and II all where the Eagles beat the Giants.
a few of you mention the mudbowl. Well, the Dolphins themselves had to play in the same conditions. Why would it have been better for them than the Jets?e has less of an impact than the 1998 Broncos .JMO
Because they had the right cleats and they were prepared for the conditions. I'm assuming that you have never played football in your life.