You guys going to catch this? Great reviews for it so far...95% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes (58 fresh, 3 rotten) I am excited to see this one.
Saw it last nite, decent flick, nice effort on continuing the reboot. A good summer movie, but not a 4 star movie by any measure. Interested to see where the story goes from there. _
Of course and Lincoln gets shot at the end of Lincoln, but the end of this one leaves that up for how it will even elevate to that level. _
DAWN was much better than RISE. Very fun film. I was surprised how good it actually was. The humans were a little weak though. Especially Gary Oldman's character but he cracked me up.
I saw this a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. This is how you do a reboot. Both movies have been outstanding.
My favorite movie this year so far. Andy Serkis is one of the best actors out there today, and 99.9% of the world wouldn't have any idea who he was if they were sitting next to him. Guy deserves an Oscar for Caesar, and he almost wasn't even the best ape performance (If you don't know Toby Kebbell, the guy who did Koba, you will soon).