2004-2005 playoff game against the Steelers, for some reason that hurt so much worse then the 2 AFC Championship game losses. Idk why. That loss just really bothers me. Probably due to the 2 missed FG's with one hitting the cross bar. That was like torture.
1. The '04-'05 Doug Brien mess against Pitt. A crippler. 2. Gastineau late hit against Cleveland in the playoffs was just brutal. FUCKING BRUTAL!!! For those not around for that, it was a backbreaker of epic proportions. 3. The '98 Championship game. 30 plus years of being a Jets fan and that was the best Jets team I ever saw. Division winners (rare), winners of a home playoff game (rare), and a halftime lead in the AFC Title game. No doubt in my mind we beat Atlanta in the SB if we make it that year.
#3 - gonna have to say this as well. I was picked through the NFL lottery for a pair of SB tix. Not only did this break my heart, the Jets ripped it out, stomped, pissed and shit on it, then shoved it right back down my throat. It was the final straw basically for me. I have no reason to deal with bullshit like this in my life. So I`ve been on a "don`t give a flying Feck anymore what this team does", rant since then. Aside from The sack Exchange teams, this was their best team imo too.
The worst games for me kinda go in chronological order...the younger I was the worst the loss felt. The Mud Bowl was really bad after beating the hated Raiders and Lyle 'Steroid' Alzedo. The Cleveland game was really bad too. I went from loving to hating Gastineau (I'd still do his daughter though). Bill rejuvenated my love of the Jets. When he brought Vinny in off the sofa I thought WTF, but losing to the Broncos was hard. We were both good teams but we had the lead and momentum for a lot of the first half. Just enough to give some real hope. Doug Brien losing to the Steelers kind of sealed my jaded fate. Like Rexandthecity said, I don't get mad anymore I just laugh it off and try not to let it ruin the rest of the day or even the entire week. But then fucking Rex Ryan came along and rejuvenated my love for my team AGAIN. Fuck the Colts. Fuck the Steelers.
But in hindsight, the worst game as a Jet fan HAS to be the Miracle in the Meadowlands. This one game has now forced all of us to watch every painful Jet blowout to the bitter end, 'just in case'. If you missed the first Miracle, you sure don't wanna miss the second. This has added hundreds of hours of torture to our lives that may have otherwise avoided at half time.
10/18/2009. A friend and I are making our way toward the bathroom, and I hear the distinct sound of a horse in distress. I couldn't believe my ears, because we are in a football stadium and this is not an NCAA deal, so I keep walking. Then, to my surprise and, well, shock, a huge brown horse is galloping through the main thoroughfare. I was frozen. I followed the horse until we were almost on the ground level of Chinatown. I took one of the frozen carrots that Soxxx told me to stash in my back pocket, and threw it straight up into the air, and wouldn't you know it? A pegasus caught the carrot. It even dropped the severed penis of Soxxx before it made the catch. Disturbing night, but at least I got somebody from the village to stop writing about designer toilet paper for 10 minutes.
You guys have posted some memorable heartaches. Didn't see anyone post the regular season loss at Denver to Tebow. I watched this game with friends and they love to torture me... being a Jets fan. They kept taunting......it's Tebow---time ..... I thought .....no way .....can't happen! Was painful watching Tebow's game winning drive. Jets needed more speed ..... At least now the defense is getting younger and faster.
Exactly THIS right here for me.......! and 2nd, IMHO, is the absolutely HORRIFIC, "HEIDI cut-in" play-off game vs Oakland! Mannnn, all game long I was successfully workin' my secret, "Harlem-Hoo-Doo" ghetto magic "spells" vs the Rayderz ( ) until the evil entity/death star, NBC, decided to combat my control of the game by using the dreaded & feared "Heidi Curse". The rest is history! Since then I continue to labor - for years - to create a spell to reverse the curse that's been placed on my Jets since then..... I will prevail! 'Nuff said!
Going to ignore both semi recent Pitt playoff losses: These are probably my top 3 recent ones: 2007 Kellen Clemens vs the Ravens and Justin McCareins 2012 Jets vs Titans 2011 Jets vs Ravens
The Doug Brien "Gag Green" game in Pittsburgh. The Mark Gastineau late hit game in Cleveland (dishonerable mention: Jerry Holmes and the DB's sucking in crunch time as well as that pathetic 4th down play).
There was a game against the Jaguars where the Jets tried to let MJD take the TD to give us a chance to come back in the final 2 minutes, he stops at the one yard line. My refrigerator was not in good shape after that abuse.
The Ravens losses have been annoying to watch in general. Never a good game, we always shoot ourselves in the foot.
On the flip side you might remember this one: down in Tampa Bay, the Bucs were trying to get James Wilder the rushing title (he needed something like 10 yards or so) so they purposely allowed the Jets to score a late meaningless TD so as to get the ball back. The Jets were incensed that TB coach John McKay would use them for such a stunt and with nothing left but their pride, the Jets stopped Wilder cold from getting the needed yards. Fast forward to the following year: game played at Shea. Unfortunately McKay was canned as coach after the previous season (and while the Jets denied running it up), they nevertheless dropped a team-record 62 points that afternoon on Tampa Bay. Yes the Jets went 11-5 that year and TB was 2-14 but still…
Lammons was in bounds. Should've went into OT at 13-13. Oh, and btw it's spelled 'two' if you're trying to indicate something excessive.
So tough to say, as many Jets games piss me off but I think I would go back to Snoopy Trophy last year for Rex. It was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. He threw his starting QB to the wolves, and his season down the toilet, all for a trophy no one cares about. And he celebrated after. Never have I been that pissed after a Jets game.