Anyway, fuck all you jerkoffs. I've been a lot of places but the two where I've lived in the longest have been New Jersey and Virginia. There's actually a lot of people from Jersey down in VA. Anybody that bad mouths either state is an ethnocentric moron. Also, I've gone right by cops doing 95 on 95 in Richmond so I hope you get a ticket next time you're down here and think of me. Better yet, maybe a pothole will blow your tire or a mattress will fall off someone's truck in front of you. I will say this, people in the South can't drive for shit especially when it snows.
After a while, you figure out how to babysit auto correct if you really care to write coherent sentences.
I lived in New Jersey for my entire young life, voted there for one term, went back there after I got out of the service, and I can say with certainty that it may be the most miserable state in terms of people in our nation. So fuck you, too, because I don't care where you are from, or where you live, but I'm fucking right, you drippy dicked bitch.
yea my dick is dripping in pussy juice a few times a week, why don't you try it out. I'm sure you can find some skank who won't mind that you're a fat ugly cripple. You might have to move back to New Jersey though.
Wtf, how did this turn into an assault on NJ? I didn't even choose to live here--my dearly departed wife did. Geez. _
I love how New Jersey is the "Garden State." Like you mopes are all standing around waiting for a fucking radish to spring up or something.
I was waiting for a scathing response and that's all you have to offer? Care to wonder why I'm not surprised?
Dude, there's cows in south Jersey. And tomatoes. It's like your grandmother's back yard, without the crackheads.
I have nine potted tomato plants. Have at least 4-5 on each one. You guys are going to be envious in about 3 weeks. _
Kinda hard to do that when you use your and you're in sentences. Hell, I just had to fix "you're" in that first sentence. It automatically switches to "your"
I always have to correct words that are auto-filled in typing apps. But I do it because I care about how people view my posts. Many times, I have to go back and edit posts because of it. No harm in that. But I understand why people don't bother. I just don't understand why those same people feel they should have the right to hammer spelling and grammar. Either you care, or you don't.
I find my iPhone autocorrects to spite me. If I want a contraction, it refuses, and if I don't want a contraction it's going all apostrophe on me. Like it's trolling me. _
I do this all the time. I don't know why but it bugs me that strangers on the internet might think me illiterate. Or just slightly literate. _