"Mrs. Crane, I'm looking at you, you wore green so you could hide. I dont blame you, you're a tramp! Ooh! That was a good one...you're a little monkey woman, you know that? You're a little monkey woman. You're lean, and you're mean, and you're not too far between, either, I bet, are ya? How would you like to wrap your spikes around my....."
Don't sell yourself short Judge, you're a tremendous slouch Not CS but one of the great Chevy Chase under the radar quotes of all time: Fletch: Why don't we go lay on the bed and I'll fill you in? _
To this very day when I'm playing with a-hole friends who are putting I'm whispering audibly perceptible "noonan...noonan" _
Correct me if I'm wrong, Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they'll lock me up and throw away the key.