If memory serves me correctly G, MD... and NC were at 65 and 70...but Virginia was last (except for that sneeze drive through DE) VA was last to go to 65...they stayed 55 until about 5 years ago. I was pulled over between 68 the lowest and 75 the highest. I remember the 75 because it was 20 over the limit and the ticket was through the roof...maybe around 8 years ago?
Yeah...Im not sure what planet BRAD on this issue but if you are on 95 going through NC...Im telling you right now..the cruise speed for most is around 75-78. Im not bragging...Christ..Im not bragging at all..in fact..im a dick...but Im usually passing through NC. after midnight and Im keeping pace with those drivers well over 80...perhaps averaging around 85...and trust me...several cars are breezing by me. Left lane drivers? I worked with this woman and one day it came up in our office and I went off...ballistic...and she calls me in her office and says "yeah but Jay...if you are going over the speed limit by at least 5mph, nobody should come up on your ass and try to tell you to get over." I replied...are you passing someone? No she says...but Im going pretty fast...BUZZZZZZ...NO..NO. That's what causes accidents..when the left lane gets 6 or 7 deep because someone thinks they are going 62 in a 55 and they should be there. With all of that said I have never ever tailed anyone. Even if you are pissed at the person in front of you..trust me..have seen it...the tailer dies...the dick ahead does not die.
Why do they sell so many button-fly jeans in the state of Virginia? -Because sheep can hear zippers from a mile away.. What does a Virginian and a bottle of beer have in common? -they are both empty from the neck up.. What is the definition of a Virginian virgin? -an ugly 12 year old who can outrun her brothers.. Why are tornadoes and people from Virginia similar? -they both end up in trailer parks..
No...no court. As long as they get their money. Now NC intercoastal waterways...here is a story for you. Was jet skiing with my boys and a huge boat came flying by..what to do? Of course jump their WAKE right? So..we did..only to get pulled over by the water police. I received a ticket for it. Fast forward 5 years..and Im being hired by a company and their HR guy calls my house with a bit of an attitude. Right from the beginning...so he opens with "well..everything seems fine but Im concerned about one thing on your record"...RECORD? He continues that I was ticketed for driving through a wake? So...I start laughing about it and he interrupts me to say that cutting through a persons wake is not a laughing matter. HUH? OHHHH...NO....NO...nooooo...I say. After explaining it was in the ocean..not through a funeral procession, I guessed he felt embarrassed and still had an attitude. Was hired a few weeks later and ran into him and we laughed about it then..but...true story.
Then south to S.C. and it gets really ugly: Blufton, South Carolina, a scam of a town if ever I saw one. Speed trap "55-to-30" signs that appear in the blink of an eye with a lazy trooper sitting like a fat toad just waiting to pull your Savannah Airport-to-Hilton Head rental car over so you can get fleeced paying your way to "moving on." Nice guys though: for an extra $70.00 bucks, you can have points taken off. Scamville, U.S.A. They have yet to and they never will get their grubby mitts on my wallet. Other than that, Virginia sucks. Even the Redskins' ex-coach finds Virginia offensive and nasty. Q: Why shouldn't you throw toothpicks into toliets in Virginia? A: Because crabs there can pole vault. Virginia Slims?……more like Virginia Skanks
Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but you're not exactly setting a good example with this post, ace.
You got lucky then...anything 20 and over is consider reckless driving and the cop can make you go to court. Hell he could also arrested you if he wanted. The wake shit was funny as hell.
Dude. If you are going to slam somebody's grammar while posting from a cellphone, it's pretty common knowledge that you do not contract words.
Maybe you should just type in your native language and someone here can translate into English for the rest of us readers.
I thought must people in New York don't speak English? The ones that do are soft as a Twinkie fill in. Plus most are internet tough guys?