Ralph Fiennes (incredible) William Defoe Jeff Goldblum Harvey Keitel Jude Law Bill Murray Edward Norton Jason Schwartzman Owen Wilson Guys..if you are in the mood to laugh your ass off at some of the most dark humor you will ever see, here is a movie for you. You can search it online. Ralph Fiennes (quiz show) is..well...go see it. The theater was half full and the place was going crazy. One of those under the radar movies that will be huge on DVD. Strange? Oh yeah...hysterical...yep...deep? lol..up to you. Go relax the brain and see this Link to trailers and reviews: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2278388/reviews?ref_=tt_urv Oh..and a Wes Anderson movie...
Rale...I too not a fan..and all the names there besides Ralph Fiennes are quick hitters...even Goldblum is well? His role is well...dont sweat that too much. Several quick hits.
I can't watch Wes Anderson movies. I just can't. I've seen bits and pieces of a few of them and I've universally hated them, but friends of ours convinced us to watch Moonrise Kingdom in it's entirety. I stayed with it for about an hour. I really tried, I did. I ran out of the room screaming, looking for pencils to jab in my eyes and ears. _
lol...JS...sorry bud!! Listen..when it comes out on HBO or whatever..give it 15 minutes...trust me..this is much different and much better!
I don't mind Wes Anderson movies because he's carved his own niche in the film industry, and that niche that he carved is better than any niche that Twilight or Fast & Furious are found in. Having said that, I understand how some people cannot tolerate his films. Think I'll check this one out. Thanks Jaywayne.
I haven't seen this one yet, but Wes Anderson's movies are works of art, imo. I'll probably post in this thread in a year when I see it.
Not the highest bar you've set. I get that some folks like his movies, I find them frustratingly pedantic. _
I don't actually know many people that like Anderson's movies. But the people I know that like them are fucking cool.
My best friend likes them and it drives me nuts. The couples do movie night pretty often and every once in a while he'll whip out a WA movie and I want to dig my eyes out and ram baby loin lamb chops in my ears. Everyone was guffawing and I wanted to beat my dog after watching Moonrise Kingdom. I guess I don't find stilted quirky humor funny. _
Haha true. I'm just saying -- there's a lot, A LOT of crap that dominates the box office. I can tolerate (?sometimes even appreciate) his pedantic side because, for me, it's better than most of the fluff that's currently out there.
I agree there is a ton of crap out there, but I'd rather see some stuff get all blowed up rather than sit through a frustratingly unfunny dramatic comedy. I see a ton if movies so I see everything but I can't watch him. _
Cant compare Moonrise Kingdom to this film...apples and oranges except for the WA touch. This film is 50 times more funny..and in such an indescribable way. You just cant even repeat a line or a part of the movie..does it an injustice...just give it a shot and you will not regret THIS one.
I liked Grand Budapest Hotel, one of the better Wes Anderson movies IMO. I haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom yet, but so far none of them beat Royal Tenenbaums.
While Moonrise Kingdom has a few moments....I would rate that dead last Abyz. I really liked GBH..a lot. Royal T's was very good too. MK might disappoint but if you see it...would like to hear what you think.
I've seen that kind of opinion in a number of places about MK, which means I'll probably delay watching it for a while if ever.
smart move. I began to question my ability to get off the wall humor at least 10 times watching it. Thought I had a decent grasp on him until I really struggled to watch it. If memory serves me correctly, it took 3 attempts to finish it. Now GBH had many scenes that had me cracking up. The prison break was a classic.
The only Anderson film I've seen is Rushmore and I absolutely hated it. It makes my top 10 list of artsy fartsy movies that critics generally loved but I hated. The Master, The English Patient, The Tree of Life are a few others on the list. I will see some other Anderson films someday. Any director can put together a steaming pile of poo like Rushmore. I can't hate on a guy for one movie.