If the U.S. wins or ties, then we advance, right? What happens if we lose? Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Look at this motherfucker Howard! He was laying before the shot! World class goalie my ass all about dhow
No it wasn't. Howard in close shot situations tries to GUESS where the ball will be hit and then acts on that guess, before the shot. This is why he was on the ground on the goal, this is why he was moving to his right BEFORE the shot on that save. Goalie job is pretty straight forward: when in danger, move toward the attacker - this presents less open net. Instead he moves toward a side and as result has to reach the ball with his fingertips. And I'll tell you one more thing, watch Howard closely on this one: most of the times he moves to his right. If I'm attacking, I'd be making split second delay before the shot, and shoot to Howard's left.