Is Goodson done?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Acad23, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I can't believe people have so many fucks to give over this never has been.
    abyzmul likes this.
  2. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Cam up!
    Faux machine likes this.
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Why haven't we cut Goodson yet? We have Chris Johnson, Chris Ivory, Alex Green, and Powell. We don't need him. He doesn't seem to give a shit about his own career, why would he care about the team or winning?
  4. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Don't be surprised if Goodson gets out of his legal troubles, and we wind up keeping him on the Final Roster. I could see us going with 4 RB's.
  5. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I've heard Rex Ryan say in multiple video press conferences that he hasn't heard from Goodson. When asked about Goodson's knee, he said he doesn't know the status because he hasn't heard from Goodson. When asked why he wasn't at camp, he did not say "personal reasons" - he said basically that he doesn't know, but that it was not his obligation since they were voluntary workouts.

    I just don't see Rex lying about that. If he heard from Goodson's agent or lawyer "Mike is doing okay, his knee is progressing well, he'll be ready for training camp and he's been working out very hard. We almost have a no-jail plea deal worked out but he needs to avoid the limelight for now." If that had been the case- Rex would have said that Goodson was out "for personal reasons" and that they were expecting him to be available by training camp. Rex would not have said that he hadn't heard from him- there'd be no reason for him to say that.

    You are correct that technically the OTAs were voluntary. But players are expected to attend, and coaches want 100% attendance or as close to it as possible. Trust me, it's held against players who choose not to attend- both directly (perception of work ethic, and giving up an opportunity to improve your skills and get in better shape), and indirectly (the guys competing for your roster spot get a chance take your reps and get more of a chance to prove themselves.) It does not matter that the CBA says these are voluntary workouts- guys want to keep their jobs and they know that attending the voluntary workouts will help them do it.

    Coaches expect you to say you're really excited about the season, looking forward to improving, etc. If a player chooses not to participate, like Suh of the Lions did - they don't just drop off the radar. Suh said he was training on his own and that that would be better than attending the OTAs. Very different scenario. Also, Suh has a lock on his roster spot, whereas Goodson was on the fringe of the team. Star players may be able to get away with it, but fringe players can't.

    He hasn't violated the CBA by skipping the voluntary workouts- and players aren't required to give their coaches an explanation. It's not about that. It's about how the coaches and front office view his behavior. If you want to skip OTAs, you have to get out in front of it and defend that decision, and give the coaches lots of reassuring statements that this is actually a plus for the team.

    Remember, after Goodson's suspension, the coaches said he was not in NFL shape. He hadn't been allowed to train with the team during his suspension- and what happened? He came in out of shape. Now he's skipped optional practices, didn't give anyone any reasons for doing this - so why should we expect that he will be in good shape this time?

    Also, he's now started missing mandatory practices as well. Goodson has simply abandoned the team.

    I get that. But, he's not doing himself any favors with the things he's doing / not doing right now.

    RB is definitely a big strength of the team now, and I agree that Goodson is not really a big loss for the Jets. The running game was fine without him last year (he was suspended or injured almost the entire year) and it'll be even better this year with CJ and hopefully an offensive line that should improve from its 32nd run block ranking.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Well you certainly have a way of going on about this, which reminds me of some other posters here.

    Again as I said in my second post yesterday, the original post I posted was about his legal situation and physical condition, not communications with the team or lack thereof. About his condition you merely talked about expectations. But of course if he's in effect going to give up on his career, he won't be back.
  7. milo

    milo Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Aaaaaaand done:

  8. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    does anyone know what designation left squad means?
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    He coulda been a contenda.

    Not showing up at a mandatory workout probably gave them a precedent to designate him that way, maybe it will save some money.
  10. Spike_D

    Spike_D Active Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Yeah I would guess that this allows them to chase signing bonus money.
    abyzmul likes this.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    do you think we'll sign him back at a lower rate later on?

    (just kidding:D)
  12. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I think it means he quit which means they don't have to pay him and they may not have to carry any dead money either but I'm not sure on that.
  13. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Goodbye and good riddance as far as Jets football goes. That being said, hopefully the guy gets his life in order.
  14. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    They don't have to pay him, he doesn't count on the roster limits, and he is ineligible to play pro football (not just NFL football) on any team, until the 2014 NFL season is over. If he decides to try a comeback in 2015 or later, the contract is pushed forward and the years he missed are not "used up". He could only play for another team if the Jets released/waived/traded him.

    He could try to appeal it, but it's clear as day (except to one guy on this board) that Goodson abandoned the Jets, so this was the proper outcome.

    Basically the designation is designed to stop a player from being able to force a trade by abandoning the team. It's similar to when a player retires when he still has years left on his contract.
  15. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Any bets Goodson doesn't show for his court date? I have a feeling his staying out of NJ has something to do with this.
    TNJet likes this.
  16. SouthBayJetsfan4life

    SouthBayJetsfan4life Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    The guy had to go.
    Football is not a priority in his life.
    Both parties need to turn the page.
    To answer the thread question:
    Yes he is done.
    #76 SouthBayJetsfan4life, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  17. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    no brainer to cut him from a football and team perspective.

    I'm thinking Goodson is in a real bad way.
    just lost millions in potential earnings, prob will lose more if the Jets look to rightfully recoup signing money, and is amassing expensive legal fees.
    so he just pissed away all his money, his career, and quite possibly his freedom.
    it's a real shame. for his sake, i hope he pulls himself together before it gets even worse.
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Pretty obvious ke knows he is going way for some period of time so there was nothing to be gained by showing up now.
  19. RexontheBeach

    RexontheBeach Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Had he shown up he could have at least collected his money and then been cut.
  20. Turbocharged23

    Turbocharged23 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    It's probably not even with discussing Goodson at this point. He's done nothing for us, nor will he ever. I think the only real takeaway is that Idzik is willing to cut loose when he makes a mistake. That's key, and he'll have to start doing more of that as we move through the offseason to get down to the final roster
    TNJet likes this.

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