When I was in Kuwait and Afghanistan, we didn't think about good guys and bad guys. We thought about how much hazardous duty pay we could make and hoped we were in a strong enough unit to stay alive. There's always that gung ho stuff to make people think you are all in for whatever is going on but most of that is window dressing to make people stop looking at you like you are about to die. Yeah, Syria is a FUBAR mess, you can say that for any conflict this country's politicians have gotten us into for the past century and a half. Stop believing al Qaeda is the enemy of this country, they are run and a lot of times led by CIA, we created them. For a specific purpose. Like this.
The guys on the firing pin end of the bullet. There are no good guys or bad guys on the battlefield no matter how the government and their media arm tries to sell it to you. There are only victories and defeats. The good guys and bad guys don't bleed, they sit in conference rooms and decide how they want people to die for their half assed decisions.
Turkish consulate in Mousul has been seized by ISIS militants and along with Turkish consulate, 80 Turkish citizens are held hostage. Time for Turkey to show if it has enough balls to go against Islamic terrorist which they fed with their own hands.
Well, Turkey being a US occupied nation, I doubt that they have to muster the balls to do anything but ask for a Navy SEAL team to be sent in resolve the situation. I also have no doubt that the casualty rate will be high, and I think it will be a tragedy if that happens, but it won't stop US politicians from declaring it a major success and using it for their own political gain.
Yeah, not an anti-Semite, but thanks for playing. And if you're ignoring me (thanks by the way), then why are you combing through posts I made 8 months ago?
He was talking about me, actually, but will never have the guts to admit that the reason he pretends to have me on ignore is that I took a picture of one of his favorite geriatric spank pieces and turned her into Miss Piggy with Photoshop. Blocker is one of the biggest cowards this forum has ever seen.
Fuck byz -between this shit, the comment to milo about not wanting him to Facebook stalk you, and the jäger I have been chugging after work- you are killing me. You are one funny fuck, my hats off
I do not have you on ignore, and from that you can probably deduce I was not talking about you. Plus I just said that, so there's that, too.