Anyone interested? Great short Japanese sci fi novel Americanized into a Tom Cruise actioner. Starship Troopers meets Ground Hog Day. Cruise caught in a time loop, dies every day in an alien war only to wake up the next day, and every day he becomes a better more accomplished warrior. Really good read if anyone's interested. Looking forward to the flick. _
Same here. Was a little iffy at first, but after watching the entire trailer, I am very interested. I love Tom Cruise. I think he is a great great actor. I usually enjoy all his movies.
The book is great. Cool concept. Was interested to see what the exo-jacket looked like on film and it looks like they did a great job. _
Yeah I've heard that from a few of my buddies. Never read the book but they are excited to see it also.
It's hard for me to take Tom Cruise seriously as an actor now, I used to enjoy all of his stuff, now I just see the whackjob scientologist hovering just behind whatever character he portrays.
I've decided not to even read about stuff like that. I ignore all the celebrity gossip and just take actors for how they portray roles on TV. Same with John Travolta. I never read the bullshit that goes on with these guys. I just watch their films and enjoy the superb acting.
It's a short read. Take you 2 days to finish it. If you can, give it a try before you see the movie. Although they have changed a lot for the movie. _
While he is a whack job I'm with Falco on this one. Hell 1/2 the actors in Hollywood are whack jobs. I just look past that stuff, kind of like Mike Vick _
Half of Hollywood aren't manic in every interview they do. Yeah, I can get past it with a lot of actors, but Cruise seems like he's on the verge of wearing a straight jacket every time I hear him speak.
Come on man. You're exaggerating now. I've listened to plenty of interviews with him. And yes, A LOT of Hollywood is fucked up.
That's how I am with Joaquin Phoenix. Guy creeps me out. And then I saw The Master, one of the worst films I've ever seen. Friends wanted to see Her and I started laughing thank you no. _
You've already said that you love Tom Cruise so I'm not really all that concerned about convincing you to see what you purposefully ignore.
Cruise is a weird one for me I don't think I've ever seen one of his movies where I turned it off in disgust but I don't think I've really liked any of them either beyond "that was pretty good"
dude, comon.... Top Gun is one of the best movies ever. Jack Reacher was badass and like I mentioned earlier Oblivion is really cool movie. The first mission impossible was awesome. Collateral was another good one. off the top of my head those are my favorite cruise flicks.
Come on what, I said I liked them. Top Gun is certainly not one of the best movies ever though. It's just weird to me that he's been in so many decent to good movies but never a great one. Last Samurai is probably my favorite.
I'm interested in reading this book (I didn't know it was a book). I think Top Gun is one of the most overrated movies ever. Why does everyone love it? I mean, it's ok, but it isn't at the top of my must watch list. I like Cruise though. Magnolia is a good one, although he isn't a true "lead" in it.