Hearing a lot of negative details about this prisoner swap. Sounds like this army sergeant freely walked into Taliban hands and that his father deleted a tweet stating he wants all the men (terrorist) free from Gitmo. Not sure what is true and what is not, but this sounds like it was a pretty poorly thought out deal. 5 top Taliban leaders for a dickhead (as per soldiers that served with him).
I'm honestly waiting for more info to come out... Seems like the Media went all Benghazi on this one already but just like that...we need more details.
Lol, the (R)s went all 80s, don't bring Benghazi into it. Benghazi was a fucking tragedy that politicians are still trying to recover from because they fucked it up so badly. If there was any justice in the world, Hillary Clinton would be behind bars instead of running for president.
I'm not bringing Benghazi into it. I'm merely stating how the Media reacted to it... Anyone with an inkle of common sense realizes that one has nothing to do with the other.
http://news.yahoo.com/obama-congress-consulted-prisoner-exchange-105652951--politics.html Disagree if the American soldier is a coward deserter that risked the lives of braver American soldiers; and who's added cost is the release of five top Taliban leaders. Sounds like a pretty bad trade Mr. President.
That's why we are supposed to have checks and balances but the executive branch has become more and more powerful and lawless over the past 20 years and especially since 9-11 When does it end? Who is going to hold them accountable?
The U.S. equates one American life to (at least) several foreigners' lives. Makes sense to trade without readjusting value
When the government is comprised of packed courts, representatives elected to uphold the interests of the elite and executives who won popularity contests you wind up with an unaccountable mess. You want the simplest question that illustrates the problem? Why is a secretive federal court the primary check on abuse of the constitution at this point? If the processes involved are likely to result in constitutional over-runs on a regular basis shouldn't the decisions be made by a select committee of the Supreme Court with regular input from all 9 members?
Straight to hell is my guess. The accumulation of power at the top is going to continue barring an epic financial collapse and so for most of us there's no way out at the moment. The campaign to destroy the media's credibility has been a resounding success. The real muckrakers who protect political culture from turning into a self-perpetuating feeding frenzy have been driven off the main stage to platforms that are much harder to make an impact from. H.L. Mencken isn't going to rescue us from this.
It's not that I trust the government with gun control. It's that I trust my fellow citizens with gun use less.
Gave away 5 to pick up 1? Or did Mike Tannenbaum just get Jay Carney's job? Five to one, baby One in five No one here gets out alive, now You get yours, baby I'll get mine Gonna make it, baby If we try
This is a giant fuck you to the American people, I've seen and read reports that this guy left his weapons and his post (abandoned is a better word) and walked into hostile territory. There was obviously a reason the sick fucks didn't kill him like they have to so many others (Daniel Pearl , Nick Berg). Really makes me wonder why they didn't kill him or to sound like a loon was this all planned from the get go? And if you are wondering who the animals we let loose to the world are here ya go thanks to Wikileaks Mohammad Nabi Omari is described in the files as “one of the most significant former Taliban leaders detained” at Guantánamo. He is said to have strong operational ties to anticoalition militia groups, including Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Haqqani network. A former Taliban provincial governor, Mullah Norullah Noori, is also “considered one of the most significant former Taliban officials” at the prison, according to the documents. Mullah Mohammad Fazl, a former Taliban deputy defense minister, are accused of having commanded forces that killed thousands of Shiite Muslims, a minority in Afghanistan, before the Taliban were toppled in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The fourth detainee is Abdul Haq Wasiq, a former top Taliban intelligence official. The fifth, Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa, is a former minister of the interior and provincial governor. The best part of it all is we just agreed to keep thousands of Americans in that hellhole yet we didn't notify the Afghan government about this swap. Who's fucking side are we on again?