Geno or Vick? Who do you think becomes starter week 1?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Poeman, Apr 17, 2014.


Geno or Vick? Who starts week 1 of 2014 season

  1. Geno

    88 vote(s)
  2. Vick

    59 vote(s)
  3. Matt Simms?!?

    10 vote(s)
  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    It's not weird as in out of the ordinary, this type of thing happens all the time in the NFL. It's also not weird with the Jets, since they stupidly did the same thing not long ago with Sanchez.

    The only weird part is the logic portion, since Geno showed he was far from ready last season.
  2. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I think he's just pointing out that the scale is weighted against him, because the other guy is much younger. He's saying he has to win convincingly to get the job, which sounds about right.
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Agreed. It's also possible he might just be saying all the right things to be classy and show respect for Geno. It's not out of the realm of possibility that Vick blows Geno away in training camp and PS and becomes the starter. In fact I think it's more likely than not, but I'd be way happier seeing Geno take the next step and edge Vick out even if he plays marginally better or at the same level.
  4. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Vick hasnt been anything special since his 2010 season. I think we can win games with him as QB, but I dont think its going to be as easy for him to run away with the starting position as many feel. Since 2011, he's played in 29 games, has 35 TDs, 27 INTS, 6880 yard and a record of 12-17. Averages out to a 19 TDs, 15 INTS, 3795 yards extrapolated to a years worth of stats.

    We all know Vick wont play 16 games, and I dont see why Geno Smith cant produce something like 18 TDs, 15 INTs and 3500 yards... and thats being fairly generous in assuming he wont progress a significant amount.

    Just looking at last year when Geno had Kerley on the field (the only NFL caliber WR), this was his stat line-

    10 Games, 12 TDs, 12 INTs, 4 Rush TDs, 227 YPG, 60.3%

    Extrapolated over 16 games would be- 19 TDs, 19 INTS, 3632 yards. Now obviously this isnt a perfect comparison or analysis because the level of competition, weather, home to away ratio, ect may be different in those 10 games compared to the other 6, but with pretty much only Jeremy Kerley in a receiving corp Geno put up comparable numbers to Vick who had McCoy, DeSean, Cooper, Maclin, Celek ect. With Decker, Kerley, CJ?K and Amaro + WRs that were drafted, I dont see why Geno cant play at a similar (or potentially better) level than Vick this season while progressing for the future.
  5. HAYN

    HAYN Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Rooting for Geno. I believe he will make great strides and improve with a full offseason, familiarity with MM's offense in his second year, added playmakers, and chemistry with recievers and RB's.

    If he doesn't pan out, I have faith Vick can step in and win some games.
  6. GreenMatt14

    GreenMatt14 Member

    Oct 21, 2009
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    I wish there was some way that Vick could be the starter this year... while Geno holds a clipboard without completely killing the kids confidence
  7. LWC611

    LWC611 Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    It is a sixth round pick. It is not a lot of money... There is no guarantee Boyd makes the squad. If the Jets were looking at a QB of the future in the later rounds, I would like to think they would have gone after Mettenberger who was available at their pick in the 5th round I think. Hopefully Boyd can prove me wrong.
  8. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    It wouldn't.
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    If he is so emotionally fragile that not starting would ruin his career, good riddance, he's too much of a pussy to handle adversity.
    NotSatoshiNakamoto likes this.
  10. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    I like Boyd, but originally I was set on Garappolo, who Pats took. Was Mettenburger ranked higher than Boyd? If so, the FO apparently decided to get a QB that runs/passes similar to Geno and MM offensive scheme over considering Mettbger. who is more a drop back passer, if I am not mistaken. Got my fingers crossed it works out..
  11. LWC611

    LWC611 Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Mettenberger is a drop back passer. I have to agree with you on the similarity in the skill sets of Boyd and Smith, which is an explanation as to why he was picked. I also hope this works out!!!
  12. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I like how Idzik has handled the QB situation. He has Geno as well as Vick who could step in if needed as well as a young developmental QB in Boyd.
    Turbocharged23 likes this.
  13. Flyboy

    Flyboy Active Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I'm predicting Smith will start at least six games, then Vick taking over. I hope I'm wrong, though, because I'm tired of seeing mediocre QBs. It's time somebody comes through for us.
  14. LWC611

    LWC611 Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    If Smith starts and Vick replaces him during the season, that would mean that to me anyway that Smith either did not improve or regressed. Either way it places the Jets in the position of needing a QB next year.
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    There's at least a few ways to look at the FO's thinking based on what they did, and did not do, this off season.

    Cutting Sanchez does not mean that much, but no effort to re-sign him did. They did not want Mark as either the 1 or 2 Qb.

    But the fact that they did not rely on Simms to be the backup, or to bring in some JAG vet Qb to hold the backup role while perhaps Simms developed into that role, tells us a few things, and not only about Simms. Getting Vick, arguably the best FA Qb available, means quite clearly they are not sure they want to rely on Smith for the coming season.

    Beyond that, though, what do the moves to date mean?

    Certainly one possibility is that the FO expects Smith to come into camp with no real similarity to his mostly awful performances last year. They look at the last four games and discount the weak opponents and drop off in ypa as a conservative passing game was incorporated, leading to a drop off in turnovers. The Johnson signing is a good measure of an intention to supplement a conservative passing attack with an additional weapon in the running game, but also one who can be the safety valve back for dumpoffs. In this scenario Vick is essentially an insurance policy.

    In the foregoing scenario the so-called competition would be heavily weighted toward Smith. he would have to revert to a turnover machine in camp and pre-season to not be the starter opening day. But does that mean he retains the job long after that? Vick as insurance does not require they do so past a certain point.

    Another scenario is that the Jets really do hold a Qb competition, with still a slight rounding up grading system in Smith's favor. This is the scenario I favor. It increasingly sounds like it is not the one they will be using, but that is not clear yet. In this scenario Vick will be given the opportunity to take over in Marty's offense and show if he can get it done and avoid injury. The CS will still be able to monitor Smith's progress.

    The third is the Jets use a quick hook on either Qb, or alternatively expect that Smith will play a certain amount no matter what based on an assessment of Vick's fragility. This is the one the FO wants the least, but it could well prove to be the most likely scenario to occur.

    Returning to LCW's post, one might assume the first scenario is the one that will put the Jets in the best position to determine what to do with Smith going forward, or alternatively seek a starting Qb in next year's off season (most would assume this would mean a high draft pick - not necessarily, as FA or a trade is also possible, but I digress). I understand this point, but there are two other factors.

    The first is that the first scenario is not necessary to assess Smith. Smith will likely play at some point. And they will have practices and other ways of also assessing him.

    The second point is the overall results of assessing Smith by whatever means may well end up with an ambiguous conclusion. There is no guarantee in short that the question what to do about Smith will be anymore clear next off season than this one.

    The Jets accepted marginal improvement from Mark Sanchez from season to season, even when it was clear he was not making significant enough strides to warrant solid confidence in him. I hope that scenario does not happen with Smith.
    LWC611 and Turbocharged23 like this.
  16. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Mettenberger is slow as molasses both in foot speed and agility in the pocket, probably slower now because of his injury.

    He's got a great arm but he's gonna get absolutely killed in the NFL trying to avoid the rush and trying to find the open guy. He will be in for a rude awakening when he realizes this isn't LSU where he can just stand back there and easily find his great receivers. Mettenberger probably would've been a good NFL QB in the 80s or 90s, but those statues don't work in today's game. If you are a pocket passer, you either have to have a quick release like Manning or great awareness and agility in the pocket like Brady/Rodgers. Mettenberger has neither and will be a career backup.

    I'm not a big fan of Boyd either, I don't think he has the accuracy to do much in the NFL and I think he benefitted from the great receivers at Clemson. He's just a sixth rounder so who cares if he sucks or not, but I'm not counting on him being anymore than practice fodder for a couple years.
  17. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    There is NO competition. Geno is the starter. Vick has said it. MM has said it. Let's just move on and support our second year QB. NOTHING good comes from Vick starting.
    The 1985er likes this.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I thought I was doing a pretty good job of tracking what Marty has said, and i do not recall him saying there is no qb competitin this off season.

    What Vick has said is far from categorical, as you imply.

    Plus unless you consider fielding a more competitive Qb something other than a good thing, I don't know what you are talknig about.

    Smith was the worst starting qb in the league last year.
  19. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    MM said they will not do anything to impede Geno's development. Losing a lot of reps or competing with Vick impedes Geno's development. Vick is not starting barring injury
  20. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The problem here is that Geno is still the QB of the future but Vick isn't going to fight as hard as he can
    for the starting job. That shit about Geno and Vick supporting each other will die the first day of camp.
    It will cause a quarterback controversy for sure, but they might be good. If I were Rex I would talk up
    Simms too. Make it anybody's job! Even if it takes two or three weeks to find out who the starter is, the
    competition will help the candidates.

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