I agree. it seems so intent on trying to make whatever is occurring seem so emotional and significant it forgot to actually show you anything that would make you interested in it, such as a plot. what the hell is this movie about? I want to know more than simply they go back in time. obviously I do know more, but the casual movie goer likely does not. This trailer only appeals to the existing X Men fan who already has an interest, and does nothing to make someone who isn't already familiar with the story and interested in it interested in it.
Going tomorrow! Not gonna do the showing tonight. Gotta be up early tomorrow Top critics saying this movie gives The Dark Knight a run for its money!!
Yeah they had the premiere in New York and the top 10 critics were there. All of them said this movie is as good or better than The Dark Knight
A TDK quality X-Men movie sounds great to me! It has looked like it had that potential ever since I first heard the idea. Glad that most critics say it upholds or exceeds the expectation.
This might be the first movie I see in theatres since an Imax TDK showing in Manhattan years ago. Hopefully the hype isn't bullshit. I just saw First Class a few days ago and liked it, even though I hated how they changed Sebastian Shaw.
Brilliant film...Singer is X-Men, he literally said FUCK OFF to every other X-Men film after his second film in the franchise. Its like a reboot without a reboot Quicksilver was on par of amazing as Nightcrawler was in X2 Go watch the film!
Reviews have been unreal for this film...I think you will overall enjoy it. Not as much as TDK, but still a great X-Men film
I haven't seen it, but I think you might be thinking of the existing Xmen movie franchise. The source material for Xmen trumped anything DC ever did with Batman outside of the Dark Knight Returns.
No, I mean on the big screen. Tough to pull off a great X-Men movie but I think they did it. Definitely has great source material. Just hard to bring it to life.
I gotta say I thought it sucked. Quicksilvers scenes were awesome and so was the early scene that first shows the xmen fighting as a team. Magneto was kinda cool. But other than that, it was a total soap opera. A dramatic talk fest where heartbroken young Xavier can't get over his one and only Raven leaving him. Boo boo bee boo, Charles. He can't hack into her mind because his heartbreak has weakened his powers, what? maybe if he spent less screen time whining about his feelings his brain would be able to work better than his legs. The plot is a cool concept but they just kept trying to add depth to it through dialogue when they should have been showing some fight scenes instead. This thing took like 200 mil to make and there's like two legit action sequences and only one bigass explosion? comon. You people are comparing this to TDK, it's not even close to TDK. If you wanna see an action movie go see Godzilla, theres's some slow parts but the final battle in that movie tears xmen a new one.