My take is that he was good at blowing up the run game or just a receiver in the flat but in man-to-man, which is a huge part of our defence, I wasn't overly impressed and these are supposed to be highlights. Mostly just seem like the picks he got were terribly thrown balls. There was an endzone pass that I guess they are characterizing as him breaking it up but the receiver was in front of him and dove for it and the ball was just a foot or two out of his he didn't actually do anything in that clip, maybe he jammed him up at the line to knock him off his timing or something but that's not on the video so it just looks like a bad pass. Overall: Meh. Not terrible, definitely some good plays but you could make a highlight video of just about anyone and have some good looking plays on it.
Thanks for posting that....he looks good from the video clips. ....but why does every you tube player highlight video have a rap soundtrack?! I have nothing against rap music, I used to listen to some of it myself, but football highlights need a rock soundtrack, like Metallica! Every football highlight reel should be accompanied by a Metallica sountrack, like "seek and destroy" for a defensive player, or "The four horsemen" or "Orion" or something like that!
I thought his man to man coverage looked amazing. I know it's a highlight reel, but every play he was right in the receivers hip pocket, he knew when the ball was on it's way, and he either broke up the pass or made the pick. There were a few times where I thought he was playing the ball better than the receiver. And some of the throws were bad, but bad throws are opportunities for turnovers and this guy was converting. And his run D reminds of Revis with the way he missiles in full speed and just crashes into the ball carrier's lower legs. This guy is the player I'm must excited about in the our whole draft class.
I'm actually really excited about McDougle, I really think he can be the starting number 2 corner. Think he is going to be a steal for us.
This is a good read about what he did last year while injured I'm very excited about this guy.
Thanks for posting these highlights. I didn't know anything at all about this kid when the Jets drafted him, but the more I read about him, and after seeing these highlights, I'm really starting to like this kid and get excited about him. Great character, work ethic, pretty speedy, great ball skills and vision, tight coverage. I only saw him return one KO, but his vision and cut back ability looked pretty amazing in that clip. I don't know if the Jets would risk him as a returner if he's starting opposite Milliner, but if not, he could be a big bonus on STs. I like his potential a lot. If he can stay healthy, I think he has a very good chance to develop into a quality starter or at least a very good backup. Whoever put the highlights video together didn't do McDougle or the watchers any favors. Maryland changes uniform colors and designs almost every game, and in the early part of the video they were playing teams with the Red and White color scheme, it would have been helpful to have the box around McDougle before the ball is snapped so we don't have to watch it two or more times to clearly see McDougle.
Draftbreakdown has a few of his full game cutups to watch, he played in a very zone heavy scheme in College.
My main concern with Dexter is the way he tackles open field runners. If you watch that highlight film, he goes shoulder first at the feet or shins of the ball carrier. No need to wonder how he wrecked his shoulder "tackling" a tight end. I have a lot of excitement for this guy, but they need to coach up his tackling technique before he ends his own career or someone else's.
That may be (I don't doubt you or Draftbreakdown), but does that mean he can't transition/switch to more of a man scheme in the NFL. Granted, it was only a highlights video, but if this was zone coverage, his coverage was very tight. That would seem to indicate to me that he wouldn't have too many problems making the switch. Surely the Jets thought about that and worked him out in man. Plus with his being a student of the game, studying film, etc., I think he shouldn't have too many problems in that regard. He's perhaps likely to struggle early, but by mid-season, I would think he would be fine. It would be hard to think of his struggling any more than Milliner or Cro did last season, n'est ce pas?
He seems like a very bright kid so I'm sure he will be fine in our scheme, the physical tools are there and its clear from the game tape that he has a high football IQ so its just a matter of him learning the playbook and getting some practice reps. I truly wouldn't be surprised if he was a starter or got major playing time for us in our nickel and dime packages going into week 1.