wow, they should've said 2nd longest in the NBA rather than longest in the East. That's a lot more impressive, actually. I only could think of Popovich off the top of my head. Jackson coached for a long time (although he had breaks) but after he retired, after Deron Williams got Sloan fired... really no one left aside from Popovich.
I'd say he has a chance but Jackson wants to put him in right now, as if his career ended today. No way in hell he's a Hall of Famer right now. LeBron is. Wade is. Bosh isn't. Maybe next he'll want to put Joe Johnson and Deron Williams in. I know soxxx does.
Breen makes an interesting point. Road teams 34-38, best winning percentage in over 30 years, but we got chalk in the ECF and WCF. That includes a lot of lopsided series, though. 1 vs. 8, 2 vs. 7, etc. Those are almost a lock for team that wins Game 1 wins the series.
yeah I've heard that stat before I always take it with a grain of salt though. That stat gets brought up for toss up series between good teams (you must win Game 1, etc.) when in reality if you only included series like that one, it's significantly lower than 77%.
Heat defense has been poor today. Announcers addressing it perfectly. Also pacers knocking down 3s at a high %.
cheap shot right there Chalmers attempted to injure CJ Watson Chalmers has been a dirty player in the past.
Mark Jackson said if someone did that to LeBron, he'd land on his feet. What? Pushed from behind while in the air? No one lands on their feet. Coaching must've robbed Jackson of some IQ points.
Bullshit move by Chalmers. Suspension looming? I think so. Deliberately attempting to injur a player. Indy beating the snot out of Miami everywhere on the court.
I hope he is suspended. That's deserving. Clear attempt to injure. Going with a Mark Jackson comparison, if someone did that to LeBron and he got injured, the guy might be done for the series.
Yeah I'm not sure how doc rivers situation counts in this. If he counts then spoelstra is 3rd Wonder if Mario gets suspended. Side note, again this is why you shouldn't have obstructions so close behind the hoop. Watson slammed into a table.
yeah I've heard Chris Webber rail against that a few times, saying the NBA needs to protect players by not having cameramen, etc. so close behind the basket re: free throws you never see that called they called a personal foul beforehand then a flagrant for the cheap shot, but the max free throws is 3
Bob Kravitz @bkravitz 8m We have our first real nastiness: Chalmers crunches CJ Watson, Watson nearly lands in my lap. I took the charge
Will be interesting to see how Miami responds. Lebron did a bad job defensively in the pick and roll, and they didn't do well going big. Chris Bosh no show really hurt them because he can be a good/frustrating defender. Indiana will cool off and Miami uhhh will heat up from 3 but the uncontested looks Indy is getting is miami's defense. Also free throws, Miami has to get more and give up less
soxxx, Indiana isn't a contender, right? It's just the media pretending they are. Really, they stink and Paul George is mediocre... Right? I will say Indiana has had an easy road, but that's because the East is a joke. Series is probably 55/45 now.
The funniest part is that this was the most painfully obvious playoff matchup of the season. Yet sox was arguing how this would be an upset in his world. In fact Indiana and Miami even got the matchups that would knock them off. I wonder if this might be like the ECF from the first trip the heat made. I think Chicago beat them by like 30 and then lost 4 straight. I think IND is better than that but they and Miami have been a puzzle
Heat shot over 50% but played such poor defense that they got blown out anyway. LeBron 11/18, 25 points, 9 rebounds Wade 11/16, 25 points I can't remember the last time the field was so bad that it would be an upset if two teams didn't meet in the conference finals. It's happened, sure, but not in the last few years? The 2013-2014 Eastern Conference will go down as one of the worst conferences of all time in terms of depth. Two good teams and that's it. I think every other East playoff team (obviously the non-playoff teams) would've finished under .500 in the West (and Washington and Atlanta would've been WAY under .500).
Indiana just made this a VERY interesting series. This is the Indiana team that dominated during the first half of the season. I am sticking to my guns and calling Indiana to win this series.