And I get that, but let's pretend you're the ref. That replay was not completely conclusive. It was not. Whether you want to say it was off Barnes or Jackson, it was not perfectly clear. You can not see if Jackson's hand was on it and you can not really see if Barnes touched it. You, as a ref, go to the replay. While watching the replay, you notice that you missed a blatant foul on Jackson which in turn, caused the ball to go off that way. You can not specifically say it was off any one player, so what do you do? You correct your missed foul call and give OKC the ball. If you want to argue the call, then argue the missed foul call also. I'm not talking about going to replay. When the event occurred, they called it OKC ball and missed the foul. All in real time.
Soxxx lol geez. What a downfall bro. You're right tho man. CP3's career is over. This clearly means he'll never be the same. Wow such an educated, and well thought out post.
Soxx, I hate the Heat just as much as you do, probably even more, but you can not sit here and claim that Brooklyn will win that series lol I am truly hoping that almost all of your posts are being made under the influence, because the stuff you post is insane Lmao
I made a few couple dollar bets on the Nets winning the series after they were down 0-2. I know I won't pull a Yisman, but damn would that be awesome.
No you have to be kidding me, this could have been CP3's time to finally reach the WCF and potentially the NBA Finals. Foul or not, in a month from now, two months from now, NO ONE WILL care about the foul, they will only care that CP3 has yet to reach a WCF....
The way I see it: 1) Barnes fouled Jackson, refs missed it. 2) If you ignore the foul, the ball went of Jackson, conclusively on replay. 3) Refs missed this, and called OKC ball still. 4) There is an obscure ruling I haven't seen used before and I'm not sure applicable to the situation (think Tuck Rule) and if the refs used this, I think they misapplied it and were wrong and were just trying to cover up their mistake.
Like Doc said, the Clippers sucked down the stretch. But that doesn't excuse poor reffing. Poor reffing is poor reffing and the refs either jobbed them in GS or OKC. The Clippers getting the wrong side of this both times is rough and the NBA needs to clarify and fix it Clippers players so far handling it well from quotes on twitter. They are saying the game shouldn't have been there. Let Doc rip the refs and yell about, players avoid it. Smart strategy.
Also this is a big test for Adam Silver and his transparency push. Will these refs get finals game? Games next round? Will the NBA just issue a memo apologizing and then fine Doc? Will they find a way to not apologize and fine Doc?
Wow Clippers got screwed. OKC is the NBA's golden child. They shoulda lost in round 1 but the NBA can't have their MVP bust out early.
Bill Simmons is wrong on a lot of things, but he got this right At: 10:17 PM - 13 May 2014 Bill SimmonsVerified account@BillSimmons Bennett Salvatore, Tom Washington and Tony Brothers reffing a genuinely important NBA playoff game - what could possibly go wrong? NBA was lucky JVG wasn't announcing the game. He would have gone on one of his rants.
Clippers have to bounce back. They wasted a bad game from KD which shouldn't happen again. Westbrook saved the Thunder last night. DeAndre can't get into foul trouble and has to be more active. Thunder need to get an offense and use it late in games. Both teams need to defend the PnR better, although CP3 and Westbrook are probably 2 of the top 5 or even top 3 PGs in the league so it is a challenge. Tonight will be interesting to see if BK has folded after last game or has one left punch left in them. It's important for Lebron to get rest by the Heat closing the series out tonight and would be more beneficial if Wade becomes a productive NBA player. Battier, Jones, and Lewis have all been weak spots for the Heat so they need one of those wing guys to step up. Cole also isn't giving the same punch he gave in the past, so Chalmers, yes Mario Chalmers, is important. Nets need to run more and hit their 3s. Also if you double Lebron you have to rotate and use your hands better. The rotations were slow and Lebron in the post was given free eyesight to see the whole court and set up a play. Spurs should win, the gentleman sweep. They also would get by LAC easily and are probably smiling seeing how bogged down or non existent OKC late game offense is. 2 years ago they kept on getting burned on that button hook type screen, but that seems to be the only OKC play. OKC is frustrating because they can make mistakes defensively, but have length and athleticism to still make a play defensively. It's frustrating because offensively, you moved the ball and did everything right and got the open shot you wanted, but OKC still recovered. Defensively, it will be interesting to see how they handle Westbrook. I would assume Kawhi gets KD the majority of the time?
If you are going to sit here and tell me that CP3 is better than Tony Parker, ya can blow me. Ill take TP any day over that fake superstar.
I'll take Tim Duncan and Pop over any player and coach CP3 has had in his career. And then I'll take CP3 over Parker for that team. Parker is a top 3 or top 5 PG right now.
Have to agree here. Especially after watching CP3 make mistakes a three year old would make last night. Parker is far more advanced than CP3. Parker over him any day for me also
So you want most basketball fans to blow you? What is wrong with you? You're very obviously wrong here, but you're the same person who told us several times that Wall is the best player in the NBA, so...
The excuses with CP3 are done, first it was "he has no teamates", so he went to LA and has been surrounded with decent players. The next excuse was "he doesnt have a good coach", now he has Rivers... You wanna know why Rivers was so upset last night? he watched his PG have an absolute meltdown of epic proportions. As controversial as Rondo was with Doc, I don't recall Rondo collapsing the way Paul did last night. That was one of the worst PG performances EVER.