1- People at TGG are actually arguing about the merit of one of our 6Th round picks. LOL. For the last God-only-knows-how-many years most of us on this forum with the few picks we had did not give a flying "you know what" about anything past the 5th...if we were lucky enough to have one. 2 - We actually have high consensus on a few picks ...believe it or not. 3- We addressed almost every area short of OLB 4- We have MASSIVE COMPETITION GOING INTO TRAINING CAMP 5- Hopefully we have dispelled the nonsensical BS notion that Rex runs the draft 6- We did not over draft prospects. We did not get suckered into dumb trades without good value. I wish we could find out more about the M. Lee proposal. 7- We were not stupid enough to buy into the wide spread BS by the NFL media and the so called "expert rankings" 8 - We silently demonstrated that the nonsensical crap floating around about us over-drafting a few players is massive ignorance and fueled by the same moronic media experts that predicted a few QBs like McCarron / Metzenberg and others going into the second round. 9- Time will tell, but without the shadow of a doubt, I'll take Idzik's picks and his team analysis over Mel Kiper's and other highly respected analysts' list that more often than not are slightly more marginally accurate than TGG board's predictions. Roll the Jet's drums please 10 - And the best reason IMHO - This is going to be one hell of a training camp and pre-season. We drafted competition, swagger and an environment where young talent has a chance to succeed, best player will make the team and veterans be aware. COMPETITION RULES
Actually, IK Enemkpali and Trevor Reilly are both OLBs (and Reilly seems like a great prospect)... So make that every area being addressed*
Reilly could be a real diamond in the rough. He has a lot of potential to make an impact. Great pick for a 7th. I disagree with #6, we definitely reached on a few players like McDougle and our fourth round receivers. But on the other hand, our FO must have liked them that much to not want chancing them getting scooped up before we came around again. One of the best things about this draft: Special Teams got a huge boost.
At this point I'm not very happy with the draft. There are some good players that I knew and hoped the Jets would take, others that I liked, but preferred other players, and some I didn't know anything about and that's fine. I'm glad at least that they addressed the OLB position and Reilly's not a bad choice, but they had Attaochu sitting right there in the 2nd and passed on him. They had Teddy Bridgewater sitting there and passed. They missed out on all the top WRs in a great draft for WRs. I think that is a BIG mistake. I bet that the Saunders kid doesn't last 2 seasons, maybe not even one. He's too small and is gonna get killed, he's not even all that fast to evade big hits. I'm happy that Idzik didn't panic, that he kept and used all 12 picks, although supposedly he did earnestly try to move up in the 2nd to take Lee. I wonder how much he would have had to give up. Adding Lee would have made this draft more palatable for me in the short term, although I probably wouldn't have been keen on the price the Jets had to pay to move up. I'm happy that Idzik didn't overpay, however and decided to just stay put. Tanny would probably have traded away half the draft or next year's #1 and #2 picks or something equally as stupid. These players could prove to be mostly or even all very good players and could help the team a lot. I think Pryor will. Amaro had better since we passed on Attaochu and any of the 2nd tier of WRs. I liked the Dozier, Boyd and Reilly picks. I could easily wind up liking the rest. I'll give them and Idzik time and see how it all plays out, but I'm also gonna keep tabs on players I think he could and perhaps should have taken and see how they turn out.
A draft that has the potential to remake the team from the ground up within a few years. You just don't get that many chances. I doubt they all make it, but even if only 3/4 of these guys are still around in 2 years, we are in great shape for several more seasons of reasonable contracts and a lot of cap space for that one or 2 guys that can put the team over the top, if need be.
I think this was a strong, solid draft. It might not be the sexiest array of selected players, but we filled all of our most glaring needs, and improved our overall depth.
Analysts are pretty lazy and basically forgot about McDougle because he had so little game tape and could not work out at the combine. The Jets did their due diligence as I'm sure many other teams did, so I think the assumption that we reached on him is not founded. I think you are usually pretty on top of things but I really wish you wouldn't assume a lack of media chit-chat surrounding McDougle means he was a reach pick. There is absolutely no way of the average fan knowing that he wouldn't have been picked one slot after us.
Good point Max. I hope it's the case. I agree teams boards are usually radically different from the media's, particularly after then second round.
Well I mean he will probably play on the end of the line on special teams units, and perhaps he will play DE in sub packages but it's too early to tell if he has any projected role as a OLB in our base unit. Reilly on the other hand can definitely become a rotational OLB in a year or so. He is kind of a poor man's Trent Murphy, a high motor guy with a good football mind.
I love the fact that from everything you hear the guys drafted play with attitude and a chip on their shoulders. Love having guys with an edge to them.