wow, i thought i was the only one who thinks his wife is severely overrated (well I notice that with most supermodels). She has a manly face and the skinny body doesnt help. I like my brazilians with some ass , with a more feminine figure like (her ass is obviously fake, didnt have the patience to dig deep in my collection to post a genuine brazilian prototype)
Hardly nasty. Look on the good (back)side, you just learned a new word per my previous post: ("even if she's not the most callipygian babe…"). cal·li·pyg·i·an (adj.) [kal-uh-pij-ee-uhn] Having shapely buttocks.
I don't care how shapely her buttocks is or isn't. Terds come out of it, and baths are taken when a cleaning is needed therefor drinking her bathwater is frackin disgusting, plus all the chemicals and other things she probably puts in there. *cringe* And this is coming from someone who watched the entire 2 girls 1 cup video and didn't flinch.
That's nice, but you know in 10 years that shit's gonna be saggy and droppy and become jello ass with all the wrinkles.
True but since its obviously fake i'd say it will turn green before any of those things happen. But somone like Rocio Miranda will age just fine.