Ok.. There is no way that there is 8 QB's in this upcoming draft that will be better than Geno Smith. There is no way there should even be 8 QB's in this draft with a better grade out than Geno last year. That is just crazy talk. I would take Geno Smith over Johnny football any day. ANY draft, any day. However you want to word it, I think he is going to be an absolute bust. One of those players that I just feel absolutely positive that he will fail in the NFL. Can't wait to find out, as long as he's not a Jet. Doesn't matter to me anyway. ;-)
It's just one writer's out of the box opinion. Its easy to get views when you say outlandish things. There is a reason so few people feel this way. I happen to agree with you, though. The only guy I am 100% confident is a better prospect than Geno is Teddy.
I don't think there are 8 prospects that are better prospects than Geno was. I would say that after Geno, Barkley, and Bray there was a major drop off for me last year. Geno was def the top guy for me though. I would say that this year I like Manziel, Carr, Bridgewater, Murray, Morris, Mettenberger, and maybe Shaw as much as those guys. I still haven't checked out Savage.
I'm kind of up in the air about Bortles. He does some good things, he also does some really dumb things. I keep on skipping Bortles because I think he's decent but I think he's getting way overdrafted if he's in the top half of the first round and so I forget about him when I'm ranking. I actually like him a little more watching additional cut ups on draftbreakdown than the three games I saw him play during the season (vs. USF, Houston, and Baylor). Maybe he's in that group above.
You put this as if I didn't read the OP. I did. Still doesn't make any difference. Just because Charlie Casserly says it, doesn't mean he is the all knowing wizard of the NFL all of a sudden. I respect that he has had a great deal of insight in the NFL but even that doesn't mean you know everything, or even most things within the NFL. So many GM's, and current NFL analyst's are consistently wrong. Everyday. So forgive me if I don't hold too much weight in ONE former GM, over what he thinks about the QB's in this draft class. smh I am capable of forming my own opinions and thoughts, it's a crazy world out there, but I managed to do it. Yay!
I didn't say your opinion was wrong or that Charlie's was right. Or that anyone's opinion is right or wrong. My only point is that this is all just guessing- some more educated than others. Btw, you don't "know" Manziel is going to bust, you are just guessing. You have no idea what he's going to do at the next level. He may bust, but that doesn't mean you "knew" it just meant you guessed right. And if he becomes a franchise QB, it doesn't mean you were wrong, it just means you guessed wrong. There are folks on here telling the world that they know-to a certitude-that Clowney or Watkins or surefirewhomever is going to be a HOFer. One of those surefire players is going to bust and all those posters will not have been been wrong, they would have just guessed wrong. Just like if Fales becomes the next Tom Brady, folks weren't wrong they just guessed wrong. Nobody "knows" anything really. _
And neither of those guys might be wrong. If you look at Carr's skill set he COULD become the next Brady and Teddy could just be Geno. _
edit: just realized you may be talking bout derek carr and i was referring to his selection of david carr #1 overall for the texans.
I don't want to disregard Casserly's opinions, but sometimes these guys get a broadcasting job and really stop working a tenth as hard as they did when they were employed by NFL teams, sometimes they are told to say things that they disagree with by producers, and sometimes they just don't give a shit anymore. I saw a video the other day of Charlie Casserly dressed like Willie Wonka during a segment. I'm not ready right now to trust every word he says about NFL players.
It's all good. David Carr was in an awful position, got killed and never recovered his guts. I think Derek has more spine to him. _
I'm not suggesting anyone should trust anyone. I'm just happy I've finally found someone not named JetsFanForever or BlitzKill or 328Hehe that agrees with me. Someone that USED to be a real GM _