Spike_D's Mock of Destiny

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Spike_D, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Spike_D

    Spike_D Active Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Or more than likely the Mock that wasn't even close. But be that as it may, I am taking a swing at mocking out the Jets draft. I listed a pick for all 12 selections, but I would not be suprised if we end up with only 9 or 10 picks total before its all said and done with trades and all.

    1.18 - WR - Marquise Lee
    2.17 - CB - Phillip Gaines
    3.16 - OLB - Trent Murphy (can put hand in dirt on passing downs if needed)
    4.04 - WR - Jarvis Landry (best hands in the draft & honestly would be shocked if he lasts this long)
    4.15 - FS - Ed Reynolds
    4.37 - TE - Crockette Gilmore
    5.14 - RB - Storm Johnson
    6.19 - OT - Justin Britt
    6.33 - CB - Terrance Mitchell
    6.34 - ILB - Avery Williamson
    6.37 - P - Tom Hornsey (we need another Aussie on the team)
    7.18 - TE - Colt Lyeria (if he is there we have to take a stab)
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I like a number of the players you pick, but there's no way some of them will be available where you have them, or you're taking them too high. The 2nd round is too high for Gaines imo. Similarly, there's no way that Jarvis Landry falls to the 4th round. I think the 4th round might also be too high for Crockett Gillmore. I like him, but that's reaching for him imo. I know the 5th round is too high for Storm Johnson. With regard to Lyerla, NO the Jets don't have to take a stab. The last thing they need is another player with legal troubles and being a distraction.
  3. Spike_D

    Spike_D Active Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I respect your opinions, but one thing I have learned watching the draft over the years....never say never, and never say definitely. As I predicted before making my predicitons, that my predictions would most likely be wrong. I now predict someone will correct my grammar, and I feel that that prediction has a better chance of actually coming to fruition.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    LOL I agree with you that screwy things and the unexpected always happens in the draft. As I said in my initial response, it's just my opinion on where those players will/should go. None of us (including the so-called "experts" in the media) have a real clue as to what round most players will be drafted in or who will take them. At the top of the 1st round it's easier to predict, but even there there are often many surprises. The rest of the draft is a crap shoot.

    My main bone of contention was Lyerla. Yes, he was only a 7th round pick in your draft, so the Jets wouldn't be losing much in terms of a draft pick, although that pick could be a productive STs player or perhaps develop into a solid depth-type player, but they would be losing in terms of his being a real risk for causing a distraction. I think it also sends a signal to other players on the team, and the rest of the NFL of the types of players the Jets are willing to take and that character doesn't matter. Since Idzik had no interest in Jackson of Philly, I don't think he'd even have Lyerla on his draft board, and I would hope that he wouldn't. Lyerla needs to get his life straightened, beat his addiction, get some counseling and THEN think about playing football. Going to the NFL is only going to give him more money to hasten his self-destruction.
    themorey likes this.

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