I've been done debating this. Idzik is NOT an evaluator of talent. Not a scout. It seems as though whatever scouting he has done in the past was EXTREMELY limited. He never coached high level football, nor played. He's just not an evaluator. That his former colleagues throw him a bone and give a nice quote about an important skill for a GM position ... I'm not surprised. But SI is extremely reliable. So if Peter Kings source tells him Idzik is a cap guy ... I'm going with that. Gary Meyers ' article also told the truth. You have to learn how to read btwn the lines when it comes to job descriptions and what former employers say about you. I'm done on this over and out. Agree to disagree. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Surprised that so many people would like to see Walls start opposite Dee. Thought there would be more votes for a draft pick.
Again, see links:
So Brian Costello said he scouted. Peter King and Gary Meyers' sources said he was a cap guy. Hey, you and I have scouted. To have been a "scout" is such a loose term. Anyone he previously worked for can say he scouted. Mike Tannenbaum certainly scouted for us before he was GM. He absolutely went on scouting trips even when he was just the cap guy. Would u call him a bonafide talent evaluator? Nuff said! Was Idzik ever a major player in the draft war rooms? No!! Nuff said Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Thank U so very much. For the record I really like Idzick although I do feel at times he may be in over his head. I could very well be wrong and it would be a good thing for our Jets. I don't take my Jets lightly I've been rooting for this franchise and in fact was in attendance the very first game in The Polo Grounds. I'm sure those poster feel the very same we do about our Jets. But opinions should be respected we owe that to each other after all this franchise put us through.
Can we keep talking about how awesome it would be to pair Darqueze Dennard, with a hopefully improving and emerging Dee Milliner?, Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
No doubt ... Hey I wasn't there in the rooms in TB and Seattle or Arizona. I could be wrong too. I'm just forming an opinion based on what I see, what I know, sources I trust, and my OWN experience in reviewing resumes and speaking to former employers, professional references etc. You have to really think critically about the words used. To have scouting experience is such a loose term, but to me, his previous job descriptions and titles sound anything but someone who was heavily relied upon for personnel evaluations. Again ... If you want to take that approach than we have to call Mike Tannebaum a former scout and evaluator. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Dudes, seriously? You two are in some hardcore denial right now. I will happily tweet Gary Meyers and Peter King with the same questions. You do realize John Idzik worked for the Buccaneers as a "Pro Personnel Assistant" for the 1991 and 1992 seasons and as "Director of Football Administrations" for the 1993 season, and the salary cap wasn't even introduced to the league until the 1994 season. What do you think Pro Personnel Assistant means? He was a SCOUT and proved he was skilled in administration so they promoted him to Director of Football Administrations before the cap was introduced, and teams had to learn the ins and outs of the new set of rules, and that is where the quote comes from where The GM of the Bucs at the time says he got roped into the cap responsibilities primarily because he was the smartest guy in the building. His words, not mine.
So this was a previous employer "throwing him a bone"? How do you read between the lines with this quote? "he knows talent. He has a unique eye for evaluating players"
I'm on my phone but I posted the Gary Meyers article before .... Reporters don't lie about sources and quotes contrary to ignorant belief (speaking of denial) ... Not a personal attack man just saying that ppl don't know the laws of journalism. So you can all dismiss the sources and the quotes Gary Meyers. I think peter king had something too ... Not 100% sure at the moment. "Director of Football Administration" ... That job title tells me nothing about scouting. Sounds to me like he knew somebody. It's an empty job title ... Trust me. That he did something .... I don't doubt, but if it was a role with large personnel decision making. Super highly unlikely. Can't believe u guys roped me into this lol Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Very good but nothing saying he was pro scout. There U go again trying to shit on fellow poster. if he made a foll me what did he do to U? Strange I got this from him in an email not a tweet; zzz-DoNotUse-Brian. Costello To Me Today at 9:40 AM He worked in personnel with the Bucs back in late 90s, early 2000s.
And my last kind of unrelated point on Idzik ... I mean I'm very confident of my opinion ... But just to boot ... And this has never been mentioned. Lets just play pretend for a minute and suppose that Idzik was this super scout with a unique eye for talent. Why then did he work in this field for 20+ years without ever being given an opportunity to be a GM or an assistant GM or Director of Scouting (very specific job titles with power). For me ... That is a huge red flag. In an industry where talented scouts bolt through the tiers of football power, he just languished in scouting purgatory? So he had a large role in "scouting those great late 90s - early 00s teams and never got a whiff at a GM job or a scouting director job. When an opportunity did come knocking he was the 3rd or 4th choice for a DESPERATE team and he had to inherit a head coach nobody else wanted?? It took him 20+ years for that opportunity?!?! And his name was never brought up for any other GM openings through the years. Geez with such a vast scouting background and having all those power positions Hou would think that would not be the case. BUT IT WAS. checkmate ppl ... Tanny was a scout then lol. (Drops mic) Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Wait what? Did you really just say nothing saying he was a pro-scout?? The tweets in order Me- @BrianCoz Been debating whether Idzik has been a pro scout. I was told you said he has not. Is he lying at 30 minutes in his intro presser? Me- @BrianCoz The quote "I came into the league purely as a scout" can be taken no other way than as a pro scout in NFL no? Brian Costello- @MaximusD1636 he scouted with Tampa In your email he clearly says worked in personnel, meaning scouting. enjoy this little piece from when he was hired
Direct quote from an NFL GM "Coming up through the scouting department, John was always thought of in many league circles as a money guy, as a salary-cap guru. That, to me, is the farthest thing from the truth." He goes on to say: "John is also a football guy. He knows players, he knows talent. He has a unique eye for evaluating players.
Dude you realize there are literally only 32 positions called GM in the entire league? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a GM job? Men work for decades in the league before they attain GM jobs. Most do not get their shot until they are in their late 40s to 50s because they just plain aren't considered to have enough experience. It is rare to have a GM under 40.
Tweets seem to short don't they? Try emailing him and getting a more complete response. He told you 1 thing in a tweet and told me another thing in an email. Again please note this carefully I never said he was not involved in scouting. And he may be excellent at it. All I ever wanted to be noted was he was not a pro scout. In fact his position was more important than a pro scout.