Sanchez being released

Discussion in 'NCAA' started by tanknyc, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Not the daily news, and for full story click link

    I get all that. Hold off on the sad-story violin music for the fallen star who is financially set for life.
    What I do not understand is why, when the Jets knew all along — for months — they were going to move on from Sanchez going forward, they felt the need to bleed this thing out until Friday night, two weeks into free agency and with most teams already having addressed their quarterback vacancies.
    By doing this, the Jets dramatically reduced Sanchez’s options for places to sign. Was that necessary?
    You want to make the argument the Jets held onto Sanchez as insurance in case they were unable to sign Michael Vick? The Jets never had any intention of keeping Sanchez. They knew their fan base would revolt if Sanchez ever were under center again.
    You want to make the argument it was the Jets’ prerogative to wait as long as they wanted — right up until his $2 million roster bonus deadline arrived on Tuesday — before releasing him? Of course it was, but does that make it right?
    I get that the NFL, like every other professional sport, is a ruthless business and teams must look out for themselves first. But the way teams treat their players goes a long way toward helping them recruit top players.
    A week ago, free-agent cornerback Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie chose to sign with the Giants over the Jets after visiting both teams. Maybe it only was about the money for Rodgers-Cromartie, with the Giants offering a sweeter deal. But maybe it was a choice of one organization over the other, too.
    Jets general manager John Idzik, for whom the jury remains very much out, has not proven himself to be a very good recruiter. See his failure to add a free agent cornerback to his depleted secondary despite a plentiful market and gads of salary cap space.
    The Jets, using the age-old, lame-old public relations ploy when the objective is to attract the least attention possible, announced the Sanchez release on their Twitter account at 6:22 p.m. Friday night with the sports world otherwise immersed in NCAA Tournament basketball.
    At 6:26 p.m., the Jets’ Twitter account sent out a canned Rex Ryan quote, reading: “I’d like to thank Mark for everything he’s done for this team and me personally.’’
    At 6:32, they sent out a picture of Vick signing his one-year, $5 million contract to replace Sanchez.
    Classy stuff.
    For all the negatives that seem to override anything good he did as a Jet, Sanchez was a good employee.
    The “Buttfumble?’’
    Not Sanchez’s fault, yet it is affixed to his legacy as permanently as that tattoo on Ryan’s right arm of his wife wearing a Sanchez jersey as a nightie.
    When Sanchez was put into that preseason game against the Giants in the fourth quarter last August — behind a backup offensive line, after he already had won the starting job — and got his right shoulder mangled, how often did you hear Sanchez complain about that publicly?
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I understand that this is an emotional time for Sanchez fans but that doesn't give you the green light to apply your irrational and emotionally charged thought process to others. It's easy to think of legit reasons the Jets would want to hold Sanchez until they did. What completely illogical and irrational reasoning do you think Idzik was going by? Do you think he just wanted to stick it to Sanchez? Oh oh, I know, he FORGOT! Do you think he was scared of big bad Sanchez coming back to haunt him? If Sanchez is any good he'll have no trouble finding a job regardless.

    In regards to cro, model employees get released all the time in the NFL. There's a salary cap, and again, it's a business. The fact that you think the Jets releasing him is somehow unprofessional speaks volumes about your naivety in regards to how the business of the NFL works.

    I don't even know what you mean when you say that I am assuming the Jets were planning to keep Sanchez so they had to secure Vick. Please gather yourself and explain what is going on in your mind with this one.

    Your claim that the Jets knew they were releasing Sanchez all along is something you made up. While certainly possible, there is no public evidence of that and so stating it as fact is misleading at best.

    The Jets were reportedly in talks with Vicks agent at the beginning of the FA period. Those reports stated that Vick was hoping to be a sure starter and the Jets weren't going to give him the starter position. It seems the only way they could have secured Vick earlier would be to guarantee him the starting position which they didn't want to do for obvious reasons. The Jets were protecting themselves in terms of roster (needing a backup qb), assets (potential trade) and negotiation with any FA QB. You give up leverage in negotiations with any backup QB if you have no backup QB because they know you have to sign one.

    Even if the Jets WERE planning on cutting Sanchez all along, which you have zero evidence of, it would have been in their best interest to sit on him in hopes of getting some value back out of him in a trade. This is the NFL. Wake up.
  3. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Both of which occurred immediately after the Raiders/Texans deal. I'm sure that Vick and the Jets had agreed to terms prior to that, at least verbally, but I'm pretty sure they would have waited till Monday to cut him and announce the Vick deal if the Raiders/Texans deal hadn't gone through just an hour or so prior. It was pretty clear to me that Vick was coming to the Jets I think it was Wednesday, maybe Thursday. No talks of Vick anywhere but with the Jets, at least none that had any teeth. Like I said it could be a coincidence of timing, but there had been mummers about Sanchez to the Raiders and clearly the raiders were talking to at least the Texans and it wouldn't be any sort of stretch to assume they had also inquired about the cost of obtaining Sanchez with the Jets, if for no other reason than trying to push the Texan's cost down on Schaub probably the Jets (well you know, You're asking for a 5th rounder but the Jets are offering Sanchez for a 7th, if you'll move to a 6th rounder then I think we can make a deal) You know, good ole horse trading. Considering how likely that event is and considering the timing of the two events (the Raiders trading for Schaub and the Jets announcing the siging of Vick and the cutting of Sanchez). I think you could put the odds of the two events being somewhat related at about 75-80%.
  4. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Could also have been a situation where they wanted Sanchez to re-negotiate his contract but he refused either for the ability to hit the market and sign with a different team or just to stick it to the Jets so they didn't get an asset back for him. Just while we're talking possibilities.
  5. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I'm not a Sanchez fan nor do I feel a bit sorry for him. Plz register that.

    Now you might not appreciate or understand where I'm coming from but maybe you'd understand this article:

    It states everything that needs to be said regarding The Jets handling of Sanchez. As far as I'm a fan of a player, I can't be bcuz I'm a Jet supporter, meaning when Mark was with us I supported him.
    If you did not support Mark til the end of his tenure, I can make a Case that your not a Jet fan, or just a Sanchez hater.
    So be careful when we label fans here.
    Btw i don't have a Sanchez jersey, but unfortunately have a Revis one and that sux.
  6. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    We've been laughing at that shit article all morning. Thanks. You know you're up the creek without a paddle when all you have to backup your irrational thoughts is a shitty Cannizzaro article.

    It seems you care more about Sanchez than the Jets since you think they should have taken a hit in order to please him. So yea - you're a Sanchez fan so far as I'm concerned.
  7. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    One clearly had to do with the other.
    1968jetsfan likes this.
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Don't be so ignorant that you don't believe contingencies are built into every contract. The latest date of release before the bonus could have been two weeks ago if it was negotiated.

    Why are you talking about Rogers-Cromartie in a thread about Sanchez? He's gone. Get over it.
  9. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Also possible, however since the Raiders didn't renegotiate Schaubs contract and since the money was roughly equal then I think we can rule out the last possibility you mentioned. If he was refusing to negotiate so he could have his walking papers, as you suggest, then more power to him..It's a business.
  10. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    When he was on the field I rooted for him to succeed, I didn't have faith that he would by the end of his run, but I did root for him WHEN HE WAS ON THE FIELD. I gave him carte blanche his first 3 seasons, growing pains and so on (I seldom criticize a player in their first 2 seasons in the NFL, there's a learning curve).
    You root for them to succeed when they're playing, it doesn't mean you should wear green colored glasses when discussing their play before or after a game or season.
    The 1985er likes this.
  11. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    While I think that Schaub is better than Mark paying him the 10 mil is not smart by the Raiders. They could have gotten him cheaper. That is unless they felt he would never sign with them if he was released. They also let a few good young players go and signed older ones who aren't as good. There's rumors about Mark going to the Rams. They're saying that because STL needs a backup for a starter whose often injured . Mark of course is coming off of a serious injury. And the assumption is that Mark is tight with Schotty,. Not sure that is true, it could be but Schotty was fired (and blamed) when Mark regressed in 2011.
  12. FlaJet

    FlaJet Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Let's end this already..
  13. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Just like we shouldn't wear Green colored glasses when discussing players same applies to all parts of the team No? If the coach or Gm makes a bad decision were supposed to be quiet?

    I think the management messed up and that's the bottom line.
  14. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    What's up with the name calling here??? DRC was mentioned bcuz it shows that players don't prefer to play here.

    Yes there are many things that go into a contract, but why would Mark want to discuss and revise his contract, the Jets are supposed to initiate negotiations.
    Yes he's gone and what's your point?
  15. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    How abt calling a spade a spade, I'm not a Sanchez fan, but you are a Sanchez hater. As far as I'm concerned The haters like to label supporters as a fan, it's easy and cheesy like the rhyme I just made.
    Ex: I want Mark to do well and succeed. A hater says Mark sucks and your just a Mark fanboy.
  16. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Yes I am a hater. And you're a Sanchez fan. You are more concerned with Sanchez being helped out than the Jets helping themselves out. It doesn't get anymore clear cut.
  17. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Nobody said anything about Sanchez revising his contract. My comment was if he had done a better job before he signed his contract he would not have put himself in the position where his bonus day was two weeks after the start of free agency. You seem to be posting based on a lack of knowledge of the negotiation process.

    adjective \ˈig-n(ə-)rənt\
    : lacking knowledge or information
    : resulting from or showing a lack of knowledge
  18. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    i dont buy the storyline that the jets were going to cut sanchez regardless. if so they would have done so much earlier to be players in the qb market, not wait around with a guy under contract with a bonus due in the coming weeks. so if this is the case, sanchez got the short end of the stick but theres nothing else they could have done. vick is an upgrade to sanchez if, like marty has been reported to be, you are confident in geno. if vick wins the competition and starts week 1, geno will get extra time to work on his footwork and running a pro style offense; only a good thing for the future. with sanchez on the roster, you are most likely looking to either keep him as a backup or hope he wins the competition so you can start him for a little bit and trade him to a qb needy team.

    anyway, sanchez got shafted but not by any fault of the jets i dont think. if they couldnt bring in an upgrade they were likely going to restructure marks deal and move on. im tired of talking and reading about this. the way people get crazy over sanchez is mind-boggling. and honestly ive never seen anybody quite as crazy on he side for sanchez...

    hes off the team and yesterdays news
    azhar80 likes this.
  19. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Looks like Rams have intrest in the Butt Fumble Champion,I had a feeling they would with Shotty calling plays
  20. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    wow poor mark if he gets stuck with that guy again

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