Sanchez being released

Discussion in 'NCAA' started by tanknyc, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I'd agree with your post if we were robots, and not humans. There is a word called class, even respect. If your a class organization or a respectful organization you take care of those employees who represented your name with class and respect.

    Mark certainly never carried himself as a ME FIRST and JETS SECOND. He handled the NYC media as well as any person could have. I understand it's a business but when a potential free agent sees the treatment of a guy who was a Text Book employee, and get treated like trash then it certainly makes your business look unprofessional.

    It's abt winning, it's also abt doing the right things that a lot of teams and players forget to do today. How many players finish their careers in the same Team they started with these days???

    No loyalty! So it pays not to be loyal or faithful. That's a huge problem in today's society, including business. It was refreshing to see a young player always Stand by his Team and teammates, but unfortunately the JETS don't give a crap lol.

    Maybe we can reward the 4.3 40 running rapist while were at it. Black eye for the organization indeed
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    It's a black eye only in the eyes of naive fans who don't understand it's a business. Outside of a handful of players who already have it made financially they have no loyalty either. They go to whatever team is most financially beneficial to them. It goes both ways. Welcome to reality.

    You're obviously a Sanchez fan first. Hopefully you follow him to whatever team he lands on.
    VaBchJet likes this.
  3. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    LOL. Naive fans, Sanchez fan first? Are you kidding me?

    In this situation a classy player got screwed by being held hostage for a crucial part of free agency. When Mark got released most veteran QB needing teams already made their signings.

    There are situations where the organization is classy and the employee is not. Mostly all those felons who embarrassed their teams or contract hold outs make the team look bad, those players should not be taken care of.

    I don't understand naive and Sanchez fan because in my post I didn't say Sanchez is a great player but a player who always represented the team well.

    If you have a football Team and a player in your team was definitely going to released due to a bad contract or under achievement. The said player was always representing your team with class and respect throughout the circus and failures.
    You'd A- Release him in a timely manner so he may increase his chance Of landing a job with another Team
    B- You hold him hostage until all the vacancies are filled.

    The Jets were not bringing back Mark with that contract. They should've released him asap. While under contract he couldn't negotiate with other teams either.

    Marks numbers were pretty bad, but his level of professionalism was very high. You do the right thing for loyal employees, not for players who are not.

    If you were a Qb and having seen the Jets disregard a classy veteran, wouldn't you Be hesitant to sign with them???
  4. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    he got paid a lot of $$$ to be a game manager type qb and wasn't very good at it. what sucks now for jets fans is the team has drafted the same type guy. it took till the last 4 games of the year against inferior teams before geno even came close to being an effective game manager qb, throwing only 20 times a game so as not to lose the games by his own play. hopefully the jets organization figures it out sooner than they did with the so called sanchize.

    i got hell in the past from the sunshiners on sanchez and see things the same for geno smith, so flame away. hope the team spends a 3rd or 4th rd pick on a qb, just keep trying till they find a guy truly worthy of the label "franchize qb".
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You clearly don't get it. The Jets didn't "hold him hostage". They were not going to hurt themselves by releasing him until they had his replacement secured. Bottom line, end of story.

    You think the Jets should have hurt themselves to help Sanchez, thus you put Sanchez before the Jets. Your "black eye" and "hostage" narrative would work well at the NYDN, perhaps you should apply.
  6. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I don't think the Jets screwed Sanchez at all. Guys get cut at various points, usually when their spot has been filled by someone else. Not many teams cut a guy and then try to bring in someone to replace him because if you can't then you are in a worse position. Like LTJF was saying: they weren't going to hurt themselves in order to maybe give Sanchez a small leg up.
  7. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Yep, a class act. o_O
  8. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Say what you want about the personnel but the NFL is a business. The Jets hung on to Sanchez until A) they had a new backup in place, and more importantly B) till there was no hope at all of trading him and regaining some value. Sanchez made just over 50 million with the Jets over 5 years, the Jets were simply trying to gain some value rather than a straight cut.

    The Jets cut Sanchez only after signing Vick and only after the Texans trades Schaub (who was due just a little less on his contract than Sanchez and the raiders have tons of cap space) AND after the Texans had signed Fitzpatrick. Basically all the trade avenues were gone at that point and the Browns I would hazard a guess said no chance of a trade due to, at least in part, the Salary.

    In short the Jets did what a business does, they tried to get some value in return. If the Raiders had wanted Sanchez I'm sure they could have had him for a 6th or 7th instead of Schaub, they chose Schaub.
  9. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Namath was waived by the Jets to facilitate his move to the Los Angeles Rams when a trade could not be worked out.

    Montana was traded to the Kansas City Chiefs in April 1993.

    NFL teams do what they have to do to win games.
  10. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Stop the nonsense. He was employed and released compliant with the contract he signed. When his contract was written he could have negotiated an earlier date for his release or roster bonus to coincide with the beginning of free agency. He didn't, quit whining.
  11. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    The Sanchez Stans on this message board have become particularly unbearable
  12. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Yes I don't clearly get it but you do. Let's see I'm naive, a Sanchez fan, and should work for daily news lol.

    Your whole thing with it's a business thing sounds great on the surface. There are reasons why players like Antonio Cro. Who after being a model employee, got released without a offer says the Jets were unprofessional and not loyal.

    Your assuming The Jets were planning to keep Sanchez so they had to secure Vick. Either way the jets were releasing Mark. They were not keeping him with his contract (a whole diff issue) but the way they were waiting til the end was unprofessional.

    Vick came in Friday and on Friday within minutes was signed. The Jets didn't bother talking to other qb's Mccown, Hill, Schaub etc why? They wanted to secure a backup, no??!

    But you clearly understand it, the Jets billion $ organization had to protect themselves, and secure a backup an lol.

    They could've gotten any qb why wait so late?? Why not contact Vick a little earlier to secure your Back up an since your so worried abt securing your backup???

    So again, if The Jets were so professional and wanting to secure a backup QB why wait so long???
  13. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Yes especially the STANS who see Sanchez name on a thread, and come to comment on a thread on a player they don't like.

    Those damn stans! They don't offer any insight and just call ppl names, why????
  14. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Nonsense, and whining is evident in your post. Actually his contract he negotiated was well beyond this year, so why would he negotiate a contract he came to an agreement with the JETS?

    Also like I said before he was paid well and I don't feel sorry for him at all.

    I want the best players to play for the jets but obviously free agents like DRC rather sign with the other NY Team. We had the money and a better offer, why did he not sign with us, especially with a defensive genius who makes his defensive players look great???
  15. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I'm not talking abt personal life and off-season buddy. I'm sure if you try you'd find many arrests, lawsuits and tickets to many players.

    Look at Aaron Hernandez he had so much negative history but we didn't know until he legitimately became a felon. Players use drugs, abuse alcohol, cheat on wives, have x amount of kids with x amount of females.

    So thanks for the video where it shows Sanchez having private (he didn't know abt the recording) fun in the off season
  16. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Sorry Double Post
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The Jets couldn't release Sanchez until they found his replacement.

    Obviously Michael Vick was the guy they were looking at and they couldn't get Vick to sign on the dotted line because they were not willing to guarantee him the starting QB job. When Vick decided to take the money and sign without a guarantee of being the starter the Jets released Sanchez.

    It's a business and you don't compromise your business to do favors to players. Doing a favor for a guy is ok as long as it doesn't have bigger ramifications on your plan. If the Jets had released Sanchez their bargaining position with Vick would have gotten weaker.
    azhar80 likes this.
  18. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Naive is a bad word and shouldn't be used because you have your own opinion. So don't take that personal. With that said the nfl truly is a cut throat business and I understand why you feel like the jets screwed sanchez, but They didn't. I'm coming from a perspective where I would rather have had them restructure him than release him.

    Yes, it would have been nice had the jets released him months ago and he had ample time and a large selection of teams to meet with, they didn't. There logic is simple. They don't care what he wants.

    1. Hold him as n emergency plan if we can't sign anyone else.
    2.we paid him upwards of 50 mill in 5 years.

    That's the reality of the business of the nfl. As a fan I hated revis never ending string of bs complaints about money, to be fair to revis and players like him the organizations(all of them) are the same way. Off the field it's a cut throat billion dollar company.

    There not in the business of caring. The organizations and the players have no loyalty to each other anymore. As fans we get emotionally invested, the players and organizations are no longer emotionally invested in one another.
    azhar80 likes this.
  19. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I'm also coming to more and more of a conclusion that the Jets and Raiders were in talks about Sanchez. I have no proof of course but the timing of everything is indicative that something was in the works behind the scenes. In the end the Raiders went with the 32 year old Schaub and his, I think 37 million dollar contract, over the 27 year old Sanchez and roughly the same total contract amount (about a 2 million dollar difference in terms of 2014 salaries). The reason I suspect this is the Jets released Sanchez almost immediately after the Texan's and Raiders trade occurred. It could be coincidence but the timing is suspicious. Just business, no conspiracies.
    Charlie Kelly likes this.
  20. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I'm surprised they couldn't make a deal with the raiders since they signed Schaub, but I think this all had to do with signing Vick. He was released simultaneously to Vicks signing.

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