Jets sign QB Michael Vick

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Axel3419, Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. amuck57

    amuck57 Active Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    sorry, can't get excited.:mad:
  2. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Did I say it was okay to kill deer for fun? No? Then your argument is invalid. Moving on.

    Ok, did I say I think it's okay to torture animals that we are going to eat? No? Then your argument is invalid. Moving on.

    Stop making of ridiculous arguments people. Torturing and killing animals for laughs isn't okay. Straight up killing animals for food is okay. There's a big moral difference in the two. Clearly a lot of people here just don't understand the difference.
  3. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Mods, can we move the animal/food discussion to another thread in the BS section? It has nothing to do with football let alone the Jets and is getting incredibly annoying.
  4. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Cause we need a tenth thread on Vick, right?
  5. Gloom N Doom

    Gloom N Doom Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Who's third on the depth chart? That's who we should be worried about as that is the QB who'll be playing in November.
  6. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    because deer are a game animal that needs to be managed since they no longer have any other natural predators other than your car. if nobody hunted deer the population would be out of control, your insurance rates would be doubled, lyme diseasewould be rampant and finally diseased deer carcasses would be littering the woods and water supply when mother nature decides to rectify the over population with a herd culling disease.
  7. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    He's sick and twisted just like a lot of you internet tough guys, but the biggest problem with Vick is he's old and washed up. He never really took to learning an offense and just rested on his natural ability. He's essentially the offensive version of Cromartie.

    I'm rooting for Geno, but mostly because I think he's the only one with a potential future. Vick couldn't win the big one with the Dream Team, so I'm not sure what you're all expecting him to do here. However, I think there's something to be said for allowing Geno to sit and learn how to be a QB rather than worry about the week to week game plan.
  8. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Basically the Jets got Vick for 3 mil on a one year deal. Mike gets his 5 million but the Jets saved two mil by cutting Mark. Which means they only spend 3 on the Qb position. Not too bad.
  9. papapump

    papapump Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Vick will more than likely win the job. His ability to stay healthy will be an issue, although I hope that is not the case.

    Hopefully the Jets will sign Jackson. He would be a #1, and a PR instantly.
  10. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I don't think Smith is the answer and NEVER did, but the move to sign Vick is the worse I have seen from a personal stand point. I will not buy one article or items representing the Jets as long as Vick is a member of this team. I guess the team has went to the Dogs, I mean dog killers and some people place morals higher than others. I don't care if he served his time or has changed, I as a person will not support him and if he is the person they want Smith to learn from, then Smith is more doomed than I originally thought. I have been a Jet fan for 40+, as far back as I can remember and I am truly disappointed in the team as a whole.

    Burn me if you want, but I hope the team goes 0-16 this year and next season we have a NEW coaching staff and all new QBs on this team. Idzik is no better than Tanny.
  11. southparkfanciz

    southparkfanciz Active Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Damn this move is really dividing people on here lmao. The fact is he is better than Geno ( I don't think I need to statistically explain this) when healthy, and anyone who saw the Eagles first 5 games last year can verify that. Geno COULD beat out Vick in preseason and I hope he does, but Vick provides a legitimate backup. You people want our young qb's to keep having fucking matt simm's be their backups? But Christ people are acting on here like signed like Blaine Gabbert or a serial killer haha
  12. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Well, putting all the character issues aside, a huge mistake that he paid for dearly, the real issue here is was that a good move or not?

    I think as a back up QB and only as a back up QB it is a very good move. We could not have done better for our system. If something were to happen to Geno he can help this team win a few games.

    For those however, that are happy that he will win the starting job, well let's hope not. If Geno is not our QB of the future then we are hosed again and in rapid need of another QB, because MV sure as hell is not it.

    I think Geno can really benefit greatly by learning from Michael on-the-field mistakes as much as his successes. If he can become a young MV without the fumbles and his careless propensity to get injured via the run, ....we'll we could have a real winner.

    Mean time, I would like to see NE, prepare for the first time we see both Geno and Vick lined up in the offense. You can man to man all day long but you can't stop the quickness they both posses on a broken play.
  13. S.Kolber set Joe up!

    Sep 17, 2005
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    I do not post this to start and argument and I will not go back and forth with people. I just have to get this out there.

    I am a legitimate diehard for over 30 years, and a season ticket holder until PSL's. I will always root for the Jets. Within 6 hours of my son being born we put a Jets hat on his head for his first pictures. That being said, I am totally disgusted with this team for making me have to hold my nose to root for this asshole dog-killer. I have lived and died with the Jets since I am 8 years old and been there for all of the ups and downs (predominantly downs), but this may be the lowest, and that is saying something. Bad drafts are one thing, but here we know exactly what we are getting, and management is selling its sole for a mediocre hopefully back-up QB.

    None of us really know how many dogs Vick has killed and tortured throughout the years but this much is true. If Michael Vick did not get caught he would have senselessly killed and tortured hundreds if not thousands more dogs. He did not know this was wrong at the time? Come on guys. He was not sorry for what he did, but sorry he got caught. And if the laws were written properly (ie dogs not considered legal property), he would still be rotting in jail where he belongs.

    And it wasn't just pits, they killed and tortured at least eight beagles (probably 100's who know how long they did it). They used the beagles as "bait dogs" just to come in and get torn apart. Anyone have a beagle? Yes, the kindest most child-friendly mild-mannered breed there is, tossed in a ring for the purpose of getting torn to pieces . This is a fact, look it up.

    This is a really nice mentor for a young QB...a real character guy. Here is a reminder for those of us with short memories or those who would rather ignore the facts:
    From 11/22/08
    The 17-page report, prepared by the USDA's inspector general-investigations division, provided some new details on Vick's participation in Bad Newz Kennels, the dogfighting operation financed by Vick and formed along with his friends Tony Taylor, Purnell Peace and Quanis Phillips.

    Vick is isolated at the Riverside Regional Jail in Virginia to avoid disruptions.
    The report, dated Aug. 28, 2008, says, "Vick, Peace and Phillips thought it was funny to watch the pit bull dogs belonging to Bad Newz Kennels injure or kill the other dogs." The report has names and phrases redacted in order to protect the anonymity of certain individuals who cooperated with investigators.

    The report also states in mid-April of 2007, Vick, Peace and Phillips hung approximately three dogs who did not perform well in a "rolling session," which indicates the readiness of a dog to fight. According to the report, the three men hung the dogs "by placing a nylon cord over a 2 X 4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed. They also drowned approximately three dogs by putting the dogs' heads in a five gallon bucket of water."

    Vick initially told authorities "while he assisted Phillips and Peace in the killing of the dogs, he did not actually kill the dogs," but "helped Phillips toss several dogs to the side," according to the report.

    However, the report says Vick took back that statement when he failed a polygraph test. "Vick failed the examination as it related to the killing of the dogs in April 2007. Ultimately, Vick recanted his previous statement wherein he said he was not actually involved in the killing of six to eight dogs. ... Vick admitted taking part in the actual hanging of the dogs."

    Did he serve his time? Yes. Rehabilitated? Doubtful. A wise signing football or otherwise? Absolutely not. I want all of you Michael Vick supporters to go right out and by that No. 7. jersey and wear it proudly so we know who you are. Be proud of your hero...I will be holding my nose. And hopefully one day down the road you will get it.
    Ben Had and Leicester Jet like this.
  14. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    There are millions of Pit Bulls but only one Lombardi. It was the same way with Michael Jackson and young boys.
  15. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I completely agree, as well as any post about dog killing.
  16. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    The Jets signing Vick being one of the lowest lows in franchise history is not only hyperbole, but flat out moronic.
    Leicester Jet likes this.
  17. mgjetman22

    mgjetman22 Active Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Protect Vick and pound them with Ivory, we should be allot better. I would like to see D Jackson added also though.
  18. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    You have no class and thanks for letting us all know where you stand, "the ends justify the means." I would rather kill every person on death row today than kill one innocent dog, after all they deserver and have been found guilt. Since the day Vick stepped back on the field I have been hoping he would have a Joe Thiesmann type sack and never be able to play again. And I still hope so, now more then ever. Too bad he can't be hanged or drowned to see how it feels. Sure he could be revived, but would you really want too?
    Leicester Jet likes this.
  19. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Eat any chicken wings lately?
  20. Jetrik

    Jetrik Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Talk about having no class.

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