Why Rex is not a good HC and maybe not even a good DC

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    So whats the point of free agency? Who would have been a bad signing? DRC at 15 mill? That's a bad contract in your opinion?
  2. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Per year? Uhh.. Yeah !
  3. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    He got 15 mill guaranteed. Not 15 mill a season. It very reasonable contract.
    JetLifeLo likes this.
  4. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Drc isn't getting 15 mill a year man that's the money guarnteed in 5 year contract
    JetLifeLo likes this.
  5. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Ohh lol thats different.. Crazy to think some one out there really been demanding more... Per year! Sick
  6. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    DRC is getting almost $11M the first year of the contract, $10M signing bonus and $730,000 base pay. There were also incentives.
    Way too much to lay out for him 1st year of the contract in my eyes.
  7. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Well he had Tebow and McElroy on the roster. And I think Simms was on the PS. Any of those three would have given the Jets a better chance to win. And we know that (in retrospect) because Mark lost. And TT for all his haters. All he's ever done when given a chance is win. Who knows like with Denver he might have caught lightning in a bottle again. Winning ugly without perfect spirals over losing ugly.
  8. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    So because Sanchez lost you think Tebow, McElroy and Simms gave the Jets a better chance to win?
    What sense does this make?
    Based on your logic, if I would have played they had a better chance of winning because Sanchez lost.
    bicketybam likes this.
  9. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Well, they couldn't have been worse. That's my logic. And why not give someone a chance when it counted if the starting Qb is in a meltdown. McElroy looked good in the Arizona game and brought the team back for a win. In the Chargers game he was worse than Mark. I would have loved to see Tim get the start. He won games the previous year including against us which basically knocked us out of the playoffs. Stats and poor throws aside the guy won games. It would have been interesting to see if he'd have won here. The bottom line: we know Mark lost but we don't know if Tim could have won.
  10. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    serious question....is the OP a little on the slow side?
    if so i don't want to make fun of him. this thread is an embarrassment to Jet fans and this forum.
  11. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Well, in 2011, when they lost the final 3 games to finish 8-8, Brunell was the backup. I don't think you can blame Ryan for not inserting him towards the end of the year. In 2012, they were 5-7 after McElroy helped defeat Arizona. Sanchez started the following week and the Jets beat Jacksonville to improve to 6-7. The next game against the Titans Sanchez was awful and the Jets fell to 6-8. So the following week he goes back to McElroy, who was terrible, and the Jets fell to 6-9. Why would you fault Rex for going back to McElroy and not Tebow? McElroy played well in the Arizona game, so it made sense to go back to him. The final game of the season was meaningless, so who cares who started that one?

    Rex has plenty of faults, but he had no choice but to stick with Sanchez in 2011. And in 2012, he did bench Sanchez - twice.
  12. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    What's the point? For uneducated fans to bitch and moan, joking so ever slightly.

    DRC is overated, lazy and has had ONE good season in 6 years.

    The problem with free agency it creates unreal expectations and isn't the panacea to fix your team in the long term.

    I don't always agree with Cimini, but he posted a great article/video recently.
  13. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I totally disagree. There were alternatives to Sanchez. And imo if Rex was fired it should have been for that reason. No way Mark should hot have been benched much earlier. As for Tebow sure I would have liked to have seen him play. But they obviously had no plan for him. Just put him in and see how he ran the offense. He was given exactly 2 series the entire year. How can any Qb be successful just going in for one play and a running play up the middle (everyone knew the call). He was only allowed to throw eight passes the entire season. Even the biggest Tebow hater has to agree that they didn't give the guy a chance. Now if Mark had been playing well no argument. But he was regressing and losing games. And when the team needed a change Rex stayed with Mark.
  14. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Well he had 3 good seasons, I agree he's not richard Sherman. Free agency doesn't just create unreal expectations to fix teams. The draft is a crap shoot, in DRC situation signing him like the giants did, shows they believe he has more value that someone they can pick up via the draft.

    DRC wasn't the second coming. It's just goes to the point this is a rebuilding year again and the jets have low expect again for this season.

    If what everyone thinks on here is true an idzick is a genious and building a long term plan, not what almost all media outlets are reporting that they have no idea what he's doing.

    Multiple draft picks, young players and guys giv vet minimum contracts and rex told. Make it work. That's my biggest problem with this.

    Like parcells said, they expect you to cook the diner least you should be able to do is shop for some of the groceries.
  15. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    This logic just makes me want to give up on humanity.
  16. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Do you concede that Ryan had very little options in 2011? I hope so. As far as 2012, at what point in the season should Ryan have benched benched Sanchez? After week 6, they were 3-3. Can't see making a move there. The next week they lost in OT at NE to drop to 3-4. Sanchez was 28/41 328 1/1 in that game. The following week they lost 30-9 at home to Miami. Is it after this game that Ryan refused to go to a better option than Sanchez? The next week was the bye and then they played Seattle on the road. They lost 28-7 to a very good team that is practically unbeatable at home. Sanchez played poorly. Is this the game Tebow should have started? They won the following week and then got drilled by NE 49-19 on Thanksgiving.

    2012 was the year Holmes went down in the loss to SF. I don't think Ryan blew the Jets Super Bowl chances by sticking with Sanchez too long that year. Obviously you feel he did. I don't think that team was going anywhere no matter who was playing QB. But I respect your opinion.
  17. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    Different situation. They already have their teams in place, and both have QBs that are in the "greatest of all time" discussion, who are nearing 40 years of age. They're looking to add those final pieces, whereas the Jets are still focusing on building the team up, figuring out what kind of QB they have, etc. Completely different scenario, which calls for a different strategy (in my opinion.)
  18. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    2012 don't even argue with him this all about Tebow a guy who one year later was out of the league. PCL is butt hurt just like tnjet so they pile on Mark and hate Rex because they feel he ruined Tebows career. They never mention of how bad Tebow looked in practice or on the field for that matter. Their hero Tebow got screwed and that was all Mark and Rex fault not Tebows fault for sucking and being worse than Sanchez.
  19. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Ah. Gotcha. Makes sense now. Hard to make a case for Tebow when he couldn't even secure a backup role last year.
  20. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I'm not a big Tebow fan. I just think we might have had a better chance to win if the guy had played after Mark imploded. If Mark had played well no argument from me. But there's no way you can say Mark should have played over TT because we know how poorly Mark played. The event is over so we know the results. We don't know how bad Tim would have done. Maybe terrible. But I'll take that maybe over a definite "shit no" when it comes to Mark starting esp after the Patriots game in 2012.

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