Manish Mehta 10m Source on Jets GM John Idzik: "He'll get a pass on one fire... and he'll fire Rex after next season." #nyj This guy is the biggest piece of shit. His source! Amazing.
I think Cro's hip may be shot or still not in good shape otherwise jets would have reworked his contract. Very possible he's damaged goods now. And with the way he played last season- no thanks.
I think he's referring to the fact that Idzik will get a reprieve when he cans Rex this year. Who knows. This was another gem he just posted: Manish Mehta 16s Woody Johnson employees not named Idzik are not happy with Idzik. One just told me Idzik "operates on his own time & schedule. Unbelievable"
Manish- Woody Johnson employees not named Idzik are not happy with Idzik. One just told me Idzik "operates on his own time & schedule. Unbelievable"
Hey the good news is the Jets usually end up with the Raiders trash AKA Chaz and Jacoby Jones lol how sad is that