Crazy. All cars should come with built in kill switches, so, if some lunatic like that decides to come jack me for my $120,000 car, I can press a button and kill the engine, just in time for the police to arrive. Now I know he wasn't hijacking cars for the car, but would've helped.
or a hacker can do the samething. Kill switches, just like the proposal to add in phones would do more harm than good.
and then the carjacker gets mad and starts shooting. Just give it up, call your insurance and live another day. The recent carjacking at a NJ mall comes to mind...
Sad thing is based on all accounts just giving it up is exactly what that guy did and it still cost him his life....
The best part was when he tried to jump the fence but couldn't pull his scrawny ass up. Seriously though, it amazes me how many people drive with their doors unlocked. Mine autolock once I start driving.
Tragic story. Just giving it up doesn't mean you are safe. There are plenty of times where people have been hurt, even though they just "gave up" whatever it is the criminal was after, sometimes it is just that, to hurt and injure. Also, my suggestion wasn't that you would kill the engine as soon as they get in, but you send a signal out when they are far enough away. Hackers can also take your financials, clone your ID, etc, but you don't stop using the bank do you?