You do realize Woody is the owner right? He has final say in every decision. He can do whatever the hell he wants, if he feels Manziel will put butts in the seats then he will push the Jets to draft him. We have seen it with Tebow and it could very well happen with Manziel.
Manziel will be fine, he's a playmaker. If he's still on the board, we'll have a good opportunity to trade down. If not, I'll pass, we need a playmaker at the WR position.
This and I dont think football is a game where people buy tickets to see one player. People want to see winning teams, not certain players, the only real exception is Peyton Manning but other than that people want to see a winning team.
There's no exception there. Peyton Manning has only QB'd two under .500 teams in his career and one was the rookie disaster. In fact Peyton Manning has only QB'd two teams with less than double-digit wins in his career. His career W-L pct of .696 is the highest of all time of QB's with 200+ starts. Next year at game 9 Tom Brady will become that guy even if the Pats are 0-9 at the time.
And if people recall, THOUSANDS of colts season tickets pulled out after the 2011 season despite knowing that they were going to be seeing Luck the next season And the thing that people forget is this, Manziel looks pretty right now but if this guy struggles, he will become irrelevant very quickly. Look at Cam Newton, tons of hype, Panthers started losing, people completely forgot about him and didnt care. Even RG3, look at Rg3 last offseason compared to this offseason, not much talk about him now. People want to see winning.
Colts season ticket holders pulled out because the team went 2-14. You're going to lose ticket holders when you disappoint even in a "good" cause. How many of those guys were on the verge of retirement and headed south to the Gulf or north to a cabin on the Great Lakes? There are a lot of factors in play.
Well I am trying to point out is that even a guy like Andrew Luck did not draw as much as interest. Winning will sell tickets, losing will lead to empty seats, no matter who is on the field.
Sigh, again with the smart ass replies. Of course I know Woody is the owner and can do whatever he wants. I am fully aware that he could order Idzik to take him, but he is the only one connected with the Jets, aside maybe from some sales and marketing oflks, who should even give one second's consideration to selling PSLs. It is the job of the football side of the team operations to put the best team on the field they can. That, more than anything else, will sell PSLs and put fannies in the seats. Field a consistently excellent team that is a perennial contender, and the PSLs will sell themselves. It isn't Idzik's job to worry about PSLs, and that's why I responded as I did.
Not all football teams operate the same way, you as a Jet fan should know this. Woody has the power to override anyone's decision. If Manziel is available and Woody wants him above anyone else, Woody will get Manziel and there is nothing Idzik can do about it. Remember, who does Idzik report to? Common sense tells you Woody should not be involved in that decision and PSLs should not play a role - but this is the NY Jets. If Manziel is available at 18, I know for a fact I will get that nasty feeling in my stomach like last draft with Geno Smith lol
Why do you keep saying that? I already acknowledged that Woody could order Idzik to take him. You're missing the entire point. Really, dude, slow down, carefully read, think, then respond.
Just making sure we are both on the same page. I am well aware of the front office responsibilities, so you didn't have to tell me that (not to be a dick). I also have common sense to know that wins = PSLs. Unfortunately, Woody thinks this backwards. That is why I responded the way I did. I am well aware of this. I just hope you didn't think the Jets ran their organization normally (or right for that matter), because they certainly do not.
Would love picking him, but if we still had Mark here he would see no playing time. Rex has a boner for Mark.
If Johnny Football is available I would be perfectly fine with drafting him. It would be an interesting competition with him & Geno Smith. We still haven't found THAT guy yet at QB, so until we do and we're sure, we should continue to look. And guys, stop with the Woody headlines crap, you guys watch entirely too much TV. Real life isn't like an episode of 24. He's not going to force Idzik to pick the guy he wants, for the heck of it. Idzik, Rex & Woody will make the decisions together. It's not like they will have this awesome talent in front of them and Woody will override Rex and Idzik and take the more flashy headline guy over the talented guy. Woody knows that the best way to make money is to win and make the fans happy. Some of ya'll need to take that tin foil hat off. Some of ya'll really think that Woody is this shadow government type guy that secretly pulls all the strings and ignores the talent scouts and coaches just to get headlines. That shit is beyond silly.
You take him and build your team around him like any other top notch capable QB. There is zero chance that Football is there at 18 and a real shot that his home state Texans make him the new face of their franchise with the #1 pick.
The giants won't take Manziel, they have a system in place and he does not fit that philosophy. They also have a QB they are developing behind Eli, I think he goes by the name of Ryan Nassib. They will pick a DB, LB, or OL, they need to rebuild that oline badly. I hope the jets don't select Manziel.