I was in Row 2 for two years, and the railing was only a slight factor. But enough so, that when the opportunity to move closer to the 50, I chose row 3 over row 2 and stand by the decision. But as I mentioned in an earlier post, I suspect the railing factor in row 2 matters less as you get closer to the 50. I believe it cuts across less and less of your field of view the closer to midfield you are. Factor #2 is your height. I'm 6' and the rail was less of a factor for me in row 2 than it was for the wife, who is 5' 4". This season in row 3, the word rail was never uttered. Given the choice, I'd stay in row 3.
Well its official. Sent the Jets an e-mail with ticket demands and told them unless I get the seats I want, I am not renewing and also I am going from 3 to 2 tickets so no one wants to go anymore. I am willing to lose my current seats which I like and wind up going the stubhub way. I can see saving $ and no pre-season and miss the Bills and Raider games and get lower level seats for just 6 games and pay the same as I do now.
I know, I actually believe them but I am still not renewing unless I get better seats. I feel like the seats we are in now( 17a are near each other) are where I should have sat from the beginning I should have been upgraded to upper prime 40/50 last year. We all know how Woody screwed us long time Upper deckers, Well, now its my turn. I would be willing to skip pre-season and buy 6-8 games off of stubhub if that's what it takes. I am digging in for the long haul
Moved to Sec 338 row 1 last year and adjusted to the rails pretty quickly (I'm 6'3"). Won't deny it - they are definitely in your sight lines but I got used to them...plus it appears to me there is almost an extra foot of legroom (a godsend as I have had my knees up against the seats in front of me for like thirty years)...and of course the no one is standing in front of you ever benefit...just wish I could get Jet fans on either side of me (surrounded by broker seats).
I called last week after the email but the guy told me there was nothing better than my Row 1, 40-yard line, aisle seats. I didn't think there would be. And I need 4 together. But he said to call back. I am thinking, how the hell much better am I going to get? Not only that, but they dropped the prices finally. I was shocked. I even asked him, "How come you fnally decided to drop te prices and he said, "Well, it's according to wat was taking place in the market. You have to adjust." I thougt that was incredible. He even referred to what's going on on StubHub. So, they know they got their asses kicked last year with STHers losing thousands and their ticket prices way above what the market was willing to bear. They lost so many old timers it's freaking disgusting. So now, after they lose all those loyel guys, they finally lower the UD Primes? What are you fucking kidding me?
So are you renewing? Since it was debated earlier what are your thoughts on the bars in row 1? I sit corner end zone and they weren't an issue. It was about time they adjusted prices. They definitely follow stubhub and I"m sure even unload a lot of seats on there. One game last season a friend of mine got two tickets off stubhub. One didn't scan and apparently it was double sold. Stubhub didn't show up instead the Jets made a call and gave him two new upgraded seats.
it really chaps my ass that it took them so fucking long to realize how completely overpriced everything in that stadium is. its still going to be a shit ton of opposing fans, its going to take a few good seasons and a team that is poised to make a run to get alot of people to come back. people are just fucking done with it and woody will have to deal with it for the next how ever many years till he dies.
One of the big reasons I am postponing my season ticket dream is the opposing fans. I really don't want to sit among Steelers fans or Dolphins fans etc. To avoid opposing fans, you need to sit in expensive seats and unfortunately I can't afford that yet. As much they reduce the upper deck, as man opposing fans will flock to see their teams. Sad but true.
that's not true, the opposing fans get their hands on expensive seats too. The real fans were priced out and it is easy to get cheap tickets or good seats to any game. The teams w/ larger fanbases in our area will flood the stadium w/ their fans and even ones w/o. I was at the SF game 2 years ago in great, padded seats and there were probably more Niner fans there than any opposing fans outside of Steeler fans.
Wow. Thanks junc. I thought opposing fans was mostly buying cheap tickets and infesting upper deck. Thanks for clarifying this.
I think there are more in the lower levels. I haven't sat upstairs much but I haven't seen as many opposing fans. The first game ever vs. Baltimore I sat in the lower level and there were Raven fans everywhere. The only place I didn't notice many opposing fans was when I had the chance to sit in the coaches club seats. Other than that and probably the suite areas opposing fans can take over depending upon the team we play.
Of course there's more in the lower levels. Think about it, if you're going to fly in on a $300 ticket or spend $150 on gas plus hotel and accommodations, why would you pay $75 to sit on the moon when you can pay $50-$100 more and be right in front of the players. The marginal difference compared to the trip cost is very small
we get some niners fans out here in ct. old joe montana guys, and they will go to see the niners in the meadowlands every single time they play there only because they never get to see their team play.