I swear this is the best acted show HBO has ever produced... Mathew and Woody are such aces man...I feel like we are watching Se7en and The Wire at the same time...The Texas look reminds me of our wonderful Breaking Bad. Anyways MM is going to win the golden globe, oscar, and next year the emmy is probably his and the golden globe again. No one except Kevin Spacey will rival him...Btw, House of Cards season 2 was so fucking epic...Love these new shows
Woody must love this role because his character gets to bang hot chicks. His new sidewack is fine, but his wife Is bangin' as well!
LMAO Sucks that in a few weeks, this will be over and we have to say goodbye to them. New season, new characters every season. Cool to see new actors, but it sucks because these two are so good together.
The fact that we know this is ending, is what makes it so great. You know it has to resolved, it can't be moved to next season.
Yup. They were gonna make this a movie, but they decided to make it a short show that has new characters every season. Good idea I think
Another great episode. Saw the Michelle Monahan tryst coming 4 episodes ago! I cannot believe how outstanding an actor Matt M is--Woody is great but MM is on a different plane. _
Forgot one brutal part--where he's getting the confession of the woman that killed her 3 kids and blamed SIDS--and he whispers to her that she should kill herself? Wow. _
Ha yeah I love how cold he is. Reminded me of "You know what you just did? You just copped to a double murder" LOL
By the way, reading fan theories are so funny. They mostly make no sense, but the whole king in yellow they are pulling from is really interesting background. My favorite saying so far, time is a flat circle
Or when that guy asked him if he had anything to do with Dorrie's murder and he said, yeah, showing her photo probably did. And Woody called him a heartless bastard or something like that and MM said--fuck him, he asked about himself first. _
So as I have been paying to each scene in this show I fell into the category of folks who think this person below is the yellow king POSSIBLE SPOILER THEORY IMAGE! http://i.imgur.com/sjMj0cv.jpg I really think that person is the yellow king...Image of the person and some quotes tying things that someone put together. I remember how that scene played out and how abrupt it was
Poeman, I really like that theory. I think it's spot on and this show doesn't feel like it just has throwaway scenes. New episode is still scheduled for tonight, even with the Oscars