I just saw on another site projected compensatory picks for the 2014 draft. It projected the Jets to get a 5th (Landry) and three 6's (Devito, Keller, Greene). Has anyone seen anything different? I was hoping for a 4th for Landry.
I've seen the exact same projections. The 49ers lost Dashon Goldson and they're projected to get a 4th, so the 5th round for LL is spot on.
It would be because Idzik is smarter than you and not willing to give up a draft pick for some effing dumbass cokehead who refuses to learn from his mistakes and clean his act up. Only a moron would want to bring a piece of crap like that onto his football team. It would be a HUGE distraction to the team, would require too much energy and effort from the CS, and there'd be way too many temptations in the NY/NJ area for Lyerla. He needs to get his life straightened out first, THEN try to play football. I swear, some of you people are absolutely clueless.
Where are you getting that he hasn't tried to clean up his act? From wHat I've read he has and has also been dropping some weight. He also ran pretty well at the combine. Not saying that we have to take a chance on him.
I say we take a chance on him for sure. Fifth or sixth round could be a high rewards low risk type of a strategy. If he falters he is gone.
Come on man....quit carrying yourself like some Damn expert, you're just a guy on a message board like the rest of us, you don't know Jack sh*t
Talent trumps character. Self-destructive behavior beats everything else though. Colt Lyerla has spent most of his teen and young adult life doing everything he can to avoid getting drafted. There's a good chance he succeeded in that endeavor.
With 4 sixth round picks he's the PERFECT player to take a chance on. Face it most 6th round picks won't make the team or be part of the team for more than a year, or will be practice squad material. Some 6th round picks are just UDFA that happen to strike the fancy of some teams. Our 4 6th rounders are not all making the team and likely none of them are going to be impact guys but backups and depth at best. Colt may flame out. Or he might be our Tom Brady find. It's a smart gamble. Not talking taking a chance with even a 3rd or 4th or a 5th. Not like it's a monumental screw up like the Matt Jones situation. Folks were really down on Vontaze Burfict and while he wasn't nearly the screwup Colt is, the Bengals got an incredible player. What is William Campbell going to amount to? Where are Terrance Ganaway and Robert Griffin? If we blow one 6th round pick, it's not a huge loss. It's a luxury really. _
Tom Brady did love the white lady... One thing I read which is telling is that Colt only benched 15 reps...shows that he didn't care enough for strength and conditioning to prepare himself. He benched the least out of all the tight ends...then again he's more of a joker player that can run the ball and lineup out wide...time will tell but I would have no problem with drafting him with a late pick
I've read a couple of different things that said he has made no real effort to change and hasn't learned from his mistakes.
I'm not. The first several sentences are based on what I've seen from Idzik so far and what I've read other top quality GMs and people like Gil Brandt have said in the past about similar prospects. The last sentence is just common sense. I may be just a guy on a message board, but I've evidently got more character, class and common sense than some posters.
You don't have to berate the guy because he suggested we take a troubled but talented guy at the end of the draft.. it's a 6th or 7th rd pick.. That's where you take ur chances. Idk if I agree but it's not the most" clueless" thought in the world Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk
There's a lot that's evident with your last sentence. Are you saying we didn't see Idzik give out a three year deal to a guy who proceeded to get drunk to the point of hospitalization, smoke weed, and carry hollow point bullets? Mind you this guy is still on the team...at least Colt Lyerla didn't put anyone els at risk besides himself. Still worth of one of our comp picks
oops............. http://
I wasn't trying to berate the guy. It wasn't really personal. After the circus the Jets were for several years, I just think the very idea of bringing a guy on the team like that is just incredibly stupid. Idzik has worked to clean up the mess. Hopefully, Sanchez and Tone will be gone. Why would he then turn right around and bring a cokehead onto the team? It makes no sense whatsoever. It's not even about the draft pick itself, but rather bringing a potential distraction and problem to the team. The CS has enough to do developing the young players they will have on hand and perhaps having 40% of the roster being new. The last thing they need is a guy, that they're going to have to watch 24/7 to make sure he stays "clean" or sober and out of trouble off the field. They need football players, who are dedicated to the game, to the team they sign with, and to becoming the best players they can be. Addicts don't fit that description. It wouldn't matter if he was an alcoholic rather than a coke addict. It's in Lyerla's own best interests as a man and human being to set aside his potential football career until he's cleaned up his act, worked hard and is ready, so his life won't go down the tubes (or up his nose), and then as a football player to make sure he won't blow the opportunity and/or burn any bridges. As it is now, he'll be luck to get drafted, and won't get much money. If he gets a handle on his problem, grows up and gets his head on straight, then works hard to get in shape and stronger, he'll have a better chance to succeed.
Ok yea I agree with a lot of what you say, just seemed like you were Really going after that guy for a thought that does have some merit... Now if you were going after a troll then that's cool lol Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk