You don't think its courageous? Ask yourself this, how many gay players are there in the NFL, not rumor but openly gay? Yep zero, there's a reason for that in this "PRO GAY" world. You're right though, who someone is banging shouldn't make any difference to the team , fans or players, but it does.
I mean that was probably the same reaction to minorities wanting equal rights back in the day (along with outrage). Eventually coming out wont be a story but until then if you dont care dont listen. I am not gay nor do I care if anyone else is gay and not even trying to attack you here just saying that this is how the media will treat any sort of controversey unfortunately. It shouldnt even be news but of course it is.
to a point, the real key is being a successful player. they will jump all over him with endorsements. this has been a very funny thread, i appreciate humor, i have not seen any hatred towards gays but have laughed pretty hard at quite a few of these posts. and i think thats where we are at for the most part as a society. most people dont hate gays, they just like to poke fun at them.
dont be so naive. get a better sense of the world than from the media and you will see that just because its all over television doesnt mean that the world today is 'pro gay' or whatever the hell you are saying. or if you dont want to leave your house, you can still see all the millions of dollars being spent to deny rights to homosexuals... 'pro gay' world tho right? the thing about this attitude, this, 'who cares just shut up and do what you want and dont tell me,' type of attitude only really serves the person it is coming from. i get it, youre just so sick of all this 'gay' crap in the media being shoved down your throat, but leaving the media out of it, this is still america, and a large majority of this country does give a shit, so much to say you can NOT sleep with someone of the same sex in some circumstances. there may be certain media outlets trying to sway public opinion through the airwaves, but its not a reflection of our society as a whole.
My opinion on a gay man playing football is it shouldn't matter. My opinion on this guy will be determined in the next couple of months. While there is nothing he can do to NOT make this a big story, how he handles it affects how I'd feel about my team drafting him. While there will be no getting away from the conversation for the rest of us, I want him to step up and say that he said what he needed to say and now it's all about playing football. If he does the circuit (View, Today, etc...) calling more attention to himself and becomes a flag waiver, so to speak, he could become a distraction in a locker room.
I would think he'll be the first 3rd or 4th round pick as a defensive player ever to have a Nike jersey made up for him as a rookie. Can't see Nike or the league not take advantage of this. It'll probably be a top selling jersey in 2014 too. Good for him (although he's not going to benefit directly). _
From what I understand this was all calculated by him and team of agents and PR people. He apparently wanted to come out in a few weeks but following his week at the Senior Bowl his agent had many scouts and personel people asking odd questions about his personal life. He chose to do this on his terms before someone outed him and he had to answer the questions. By doing it this way he gets to control the media instead of it controlling him. He selected Chris Connoly because he did the story on ex Pirates owner Kevin McClatchy who came out to Connoly a few years ago. Based on things I've read and heard his teammates at Mizzou including QB James Franklin did not "support" his lifestyle but they "accepted" it and that Sam was a good teammate.He also went to say this "Michael respected us. He didn't make us feel uncomfortable in the locker room," Franklin was quoted as saying. I've also heard that Michael had no problems in the locker room with guys giving him shit and busting his chops I'll say this because fortunately not here but other places I've seen people saying things like "He'll be turned on in the lockerroom" or "he'll be checking guys out". I'll just say this... are you turned on by every naked woman you ever see? I know I'm not, in fact I'm quite disgusted by a few of them.
Yeah, but if I was in a lockerroom full of young, naked, finely tuned female athletic bodies, I would probably be turned on A LOT by at lease a few of them.
Black people, people of color, minorities, w/e one wants to called them were treated far worst for decades, centuries in America than people who happen to like the same sex. Its not even close and I think when people try to compare the two and try to see similarities to how gays are treated today, I think old people who lived through the drama back then would feel insulted. Anyway, I disagree with what you said. Just saying.
This! If he falls in the draft order I fully expect the Jets to capitalize on the opportunity. Come to think of it, this guy Sam is being smart about it because a team that does draft him will really want him, whereas if he came out after being hired by a hostile team then he'd be miserable
It took guts I think but base on all the praise I somewhat agree that today you cant as a public figure say anything bad about them because if you do you'll be sent to counselling and will be treated as if you have a mental illness. Just ask athletes and comedians who were penalized for stating or joking about them recently.
My opinion is that homosexuality is perversion and will always be perversion no matter what society thinks. If he's practicing homosexuality, then that's his business and NOT ours. He should keep it in the closet and not shove it in our faces and expect us to accept his perversion. There have always been homosexual athletes, but they didn't need to "come out". Rusty Staub is gay and everyone knew that when he was playing, but he didn't "come out". His homosexuality didn't take away from the fact that he is still one of my all-time favorite players. If he had come out, I would have been disgusted by him.
Yes, because announcing you are gay when entering the NFL, an environment that has been staunchly against openly gay players, that has a large number of players that has vehemently stated that an openly gay player would not be accepted, is completely without any negatives. Do you just post this stuff to get a reaction? Because unless you have had a lobotomy I can not see how anyone can feel this is win-win.