Are You SURE You REALLY Want Sanchez Off The Jets ??

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsKickAss, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    All Sanchez had to do was be a game manager and not turn the ball over... he failed at both behind Rex's scary defense and run game... he stinks and was on the right team at the right time... once all them hall of famers left he sucked ass badly
  2. Rockinz

    Rockinz Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    No chance he will be a Jet
  3. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I think there's a chance.

    We're talking about the Jets. They do wacky better than any NFL team.
  4. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Nobody seems to want to deal with the reality that management never put Mark in the position to succeed.
    Offense was an afterthought to Rex up until recently.

    Anyone with half a brain knows that you cant take away a young QB's receivers year after year killing any sort of continuity and familiarity, and replace them with mediocre talent.
    Look back over the receivers Mark had in his years here, it reads like a horror movie.
    Holmes Braylon and Cotch weren't together long but that's all anyone seems to remember.
    #2324 Jersey Joe 67, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
  5. APK 8

    APK 8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Taken away? Have you seen Edawards and Holmes' performance the last three years? Jets management didn't take the receivers away - the players performance dramatically declined. Kerley ably replaced Cotchery. Holmes signed a huge contract and the was hurt. Edwards just plain wore out.

    Offense wasn't an afterthothought. The Jets under Mr T used valuable draft picks to aquire Holmes and Edwards and then paid big time money to Holmes.They drafted Stephen Hill in the second round. Call those decisions mistakes but don't say they were ignoring the offense. To say the Jets would be better off with highly drafted receivers and a lousy defensive line at this point would be a hard argument to support.
  6. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    When is this guy getting cut? What are they waiting for? Falcons starting cutting players 2 days ago...
  7. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Just do a search of the offensive "weapons", and I use that word loosly, Mark had in his years as starting QB and his time with those players.
    The facts speak for themselves.
  8. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Yeah, I too blame all of Sanchez's boneheaded plays and awful stat lines on his weapons. I just wish these WRs would come out and say, "What did you expect me to do with this joke of a QB at the helm?" Because that's how I felt watching the Jets as Sanchez stumbled his way through 4 seasons.

    The real problem? For Sanchez to complete a pass, you had to be wide fucking open. He probably hit a receiver in stride less than 10 times in his career. It's comical how inaccurate he was.

    So yes, the facts do certainly speak for themselves.
  9. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I get that folks are down on Sanchez, thinks he sucks, want him gone blahblahblah. I get it and understand it.

    But then you throw out this nugget.

    So in over 1100 regular season and playoff completions he's hit a receiver in stride less than 10 times?

    And to top it off, you throw out this nugget?

    Yes, those "facts" do speak for themselves, don't they.

  10. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    It's called exaggeration. You try to make things so literal to prove a point but all it does is bring out how comical your arguments usually are. I don't care if it was 100 times. Watch a Jets game and you'd understand. Sanchez CONSISTENTLY (how's that for you, better?) throws low, high, to the side of his WRs. Sometimes those passes got completed. Sometimes they didn't. But when they were completed, they usually didn't get nearly the yardage they could have if he could hit the broad side of a barn.
  11. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Apologies. I thought you were being literal. There was a guy here who used to legitimately argue that Sanchez had only thrown 8-10 really good passes in his entire career. Then he upped it to 12 after "watching tape" of him, as if he went back throughout 4 years of film to find another 4 really good throws. I thought you were that guy.

    Mind you, I'm not arguing that he is anywhere near accurate. I agree that he can be woefully inaccurate. I just thought a literal 10 passes in stride was not necessary to make the point. :smile:

  12. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    For every person on this board that has a pair of rose tinted glasses when viewing Sanchez's play there are 5 people who's glasses are covered in diarrhea and obviously can't see a thing.

    Everyone picks apart every single thing that's not perfect but refuse to give the guy any credit for what he did accomplish or does improve at.

    If you go back and re-watch this preseason, He was accurate, completing passing and hitting receivers in stride consistently.

    Jets-Lions Highlights

    :40 - 1:06 are 3 perfectly thrown passes that hit his WRs in stride and allow YAC and ending in a TD.

    Jets-Jags Highlights
    0:06-0:36 - 3 perfectly thrown passes hitting WRs in stride allowing YAC and ending in a TD.

    Sanchez basically had 1 "bad" play. And a couple of minor mistakes through the preseason.

    But he didn't win the job, and he showed definitely that he could never lead this offense or improve in anyway.

  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    That's the story of his career though. Good things here, good things there... oh no 1 "bad" play.
    You can't ignore the bad things and focus on the good. It's about eliminating that bad play from the game. he hasn't been able to do that in 4 years. Maybe he can learn it somewhere else on someone else's dime.
  14. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    You are dismissing folks opinion-based facts as not being facts. Folks have opinions that become so embedded in their being that these opinions become facts, then they become indisputable facts that can not be argued with or dismissed, then if you question these indisputable opinion-based facts YOU'RE opinion is comical. Or you don't watch Jet games. Or don't know football. Or whatever that childish narrative is.

  15. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    He had 4 years. He was god awful in the regular season in 3 of those 4 years. He had very good playoff performances. I call it EXACTLY as I see it. He cannot lead this team. He has lost this team. And he should have lost this team. This is not to say that Geno is the answer, but I prefer the unknown to the known. We have seen what Sanchez can do, and at his best, he is Trent Dilfer. So what I'm saying is that yes, I believe Sanchez can lead a team to the Super Bowl, but I think all of the pieces have to be PERFECTLY in place for that to happen. His ceiling to me is a good game manager. I don't want to hitch my wagon to that ceiling.

    So you may think I have a very poor view of Mark and nothing's going to change my mind, and you'd be right. Because I frankly don't think a few good series or games here and there makes up for 4 seasons of what I thought was a QB holding the team back. Sure, there are excuses to be made. I just want a QB that can rise above the excuses and just perform. Carry a team on his back. A lot to ask? Sure. I know it is. But I think sticking by Sanchez is settling for mediocrity.
  16. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Very well put. This exactly.

  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Every day that goes by, we are closer to Muck's departure.

    Despite all the other question marks about the jets, that thought is inspiring.
  18. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    That's interesting. From my perspective, his 2 God awful years were year 1 and 4. Year 1 somewhat is excusable since he was a rookie with really only one full year collegiate starts under his belt. He also played better in the playoffs that year. Year 2 he showed some progress with a positive TD/INT ratio, some late game heroics and another solid post season. Year 3 the team around him was not as good as previous years and he failed carry them to the playoffs at the end like he was carried the years prior. So year 3 had a bad finish. That said it should not take away all of the good from that year. 32 TDs and another positive TD/INT ratio at least showed upward movement. Then Year 4 happened, a complete cluster fuck. Not much to say about it, other than he was "God awful".
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    They put him in position to succeed in 2009 and 2010. In 2009 we had a top 5 D, run game, OL and ST. That's a position to succeed. They traded for Braylon midseason, and drafted two offensive players in 2009 to go along side Sanchez in that draft. In 2010 they signed LT and traded for Holmes. In 2011, the Jets FO had tough decisions to make. They decided Holmes was more valuable than Braylon and didn't want to give Braylon the big money. They thought Sanchez had taken the next step but more importantly they also though Wayne Hunter had taken the next step. The offensive talent while not great, was good and the addition of Tom Moore sparked Sanchez and the RZ offense to heights they hnd never seen with Schotty. The jets wilted down the stretch of the season, partially because Sanchez. Also, Sanchez started, for whatever reason, getting much more antsy the pocket, rushing throws, and staring down WR. Many, including myself, speculated he suffered or aggravated an injury sometime during the season.

    2012 you would be right, but the in 2009-2011 the Jets were fully behind Sanchez. Even in 2011, after a dismal ending, they extended him when they didn't need to showing him support. They never said Sanchez's job was in jeopardy and never ever made him feel like the job wasn't his. The way the Jets built their talent in 2009 and 2010 is not sustainable if you don't hit gold on draft picks, including the Sanchez pick.

    I usually more often than not agree with your posts, but I never understood how people are excited to see him leave. I wasn't excited when he got hurt, but I was excited to see if Greg McElroy had some hidden talent, or what Geno could do as a rookie, but I was never excited of Sanchez leaving.

    To take a quote from Marlo from the wire regarding the Jets decision to resign Sanchez,

    "Do it or don't, I've got places to be"

    Yeah year 1 was really brutal. We snuck into the playoffs and made some noise. Hindsight is 20/20, but if we had a veteran QB in 2009 and let Sanchez learn and eventually take over, I'm pretty confident Sanchez would be a better QB today than he is right now at full health.

    Year 2 was solid. He kept his turnovers down and could make a key drive here or there. What I got caught up in, and I'm sure others did too, is that I overlooked the volatile nature of his play. Some of the games with comebacks, he played terrible all game and others he played well all game. Then he would have a great game followed by leading the offense to underperforming. Since in some of those bad overall games, we could sneak out wins, the inconsistency was overlooked or blamed on Schotty's slow starting offense. They key things he did:
    Limit his turnovers
    Limit his fumbles lost
    Limit his sacks

    Basically he became more aware in the pocket and was better feeling pressure. Unfortunately that didn't see to carry over to 2011.

    Year 3 was promise and despair. The things he looked like he improved on in year 2 didn't really show. He was a much more dynamic player for some of year 3, but he also was really bad with turnovers. He was a gunslinger and showed that mentality, there's nothing wrong with that if you the turnovers come with touchdowns.

    Year 4 was bad. Yes there was a lack of talent, but you also have to acknowledge there was great talent in 2010. Sanchez by himself didn't collapse, but he didn't help himself at all. His nature when panicked, was to make a bad decision. The jets probably win 2-3 more games if he just took a sack instead of panicking and turning the ball over in a few games.

    Overall, he's been consistently inconsistent. That's the frustrating part. Also, the regression in year 4 even if you blame it all on the lack of talent, look at the team now and can you seriously say this talent is acceptable? There's no telling how Sanchez would play, but if talent is the main reason people think he regressed in season 4, season 5 would probably be more of the same with the constant cycling of TE, RB, and WRs.
  20. bnots13

    bnots13 Active Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Is this seriously an argument?

    Sanchez had an elite offensive line and a very good receiving corps.

    Geno had arguably the worst receivers in the league and a bottom 5 offensive line.
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