started here about an hour ago, don't look like much is going to fall before it blows out. looks like the bust line will be i84
YEP are dead on. In fact by me, the radar of green is beginning the collapse. If that continues, we go to moderate snow and we end up with around 10 here. We are around 7 to 8 right now.
here is a very VERY cool link. You can clearly see the eye of this storm off the DE/Jersey coast..and it has moved about 50 miles northeast..the reason we are seeing the radar dry up to the north. This also shows wind direction and speed. Great link:,40.06,3000
so time to move to the next event? thursday? saturday? i keep hearing about a line of clippers, anything to this?
shoveled twice today already and it just keeps coming. Feels like zero degrees and to make matters worse, the heat in my house stopped working. Using a space heater.
i just clicked it and it worked..its a must see..really cool. HERE..TRY AGAIN:,40.06,3000
YIS..BEEN there one storm when my heater just went...really sooo sorry. Careful with the space heater tonite bud. FJF..will be checking later tonight but it is a parade of clipper storms that will be more popular with the cold air they bring then the snow...something was on radar for next wednesday..let me check tonight. Still snowing decent here..looks like NNJ has another 3 hours left at least.
Not much snow near AC. MAYBE 2 inches, but I'm just eyeballing from my second floor apartment. Someone got my hopes up for another day off...
that would be me GD. was talking in an earlier post how the shore south of exit 82 was really struggling to get heavy precip and honestly I have no idea why. Looking at the current radar, it still looks like A.C. gets another 2 to 4 inches I would think. I mean philly...philly got clobbered..and is still get clobbered.
My brother routes and schedules aircraft.... He didn't answer his phone earlier, I'm guessing he's working OT tonight. :breakdance:
It started snowing around 11:30am here. Pretty hard. It was more of a freezing rain though. Roads were pretty slick. Still snowing kind of hard, but it's just not accumulating.