My very early 2nd mock

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Barry the Baptist, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Finally someone is looking at Sam. That kid is a justin houston clone as an olb. I have watched a boatload of mizzou games and that kid is a force.
  2. wisewolf

    wisewolf Active Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    No, I don't suspect that we have Warren Moon on our hands. I'm suspicious of anybody who states with much certainty what we have with Geno. He is a guy who was the consensus #1 QB going into last year's draft, was a consensus top 10-15 pick right up until draft day, and he slid. Probably for some valid reasons.

    He was put in a position to fail with a miserable group of receivers, and he struggled but he had a few bright spots. So FAR too early to tell with Geno.

    Grass is always greener on the other side. What happens if you draft Bortles and he is more or less at the same level as Geno? That to me is a pretty realistic scenario. Then you just spend a 1st rounder on a guy who might be a little better, might be a little worse than Geno and added a tremendous QB controversy that could pull down the play of BOTH Geno and Bortles.

    And it is sort of mind boggling that you, quite rightly, preface your statement saying that our opinions don't mean much, then say "you've never seen Bortles" play, that "NONE of us have any real idea how good any of these guys are", and then say that Bortles is "clearly BETTER than Geno."

    Mind boggling.
  3. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Wrong, wrong and wrong. But notwithstanding that, it was an awful draft year for QBs.

    What is mind-boggling is your inability to understand what I said.

    I have never seen Bortles play. I have no idea how good or bad he is. I have NEVER said he is clearly better than Geno. How could I? I've never seen him play, remember?

    I asked--what happens if every GM and Scout believes he's the real deal? What happens if real scouts, real GMs think he is clearly BETTER than Geno?

    Do you pass on him?

    Neither you nor I have any idea what we have in Geno--Warren Moon or Quincy Carter being the extremes.

    I don't want to pass on a QB early this year because I think--and I have no better knowledge than anyone else here--that he's closer to Quincy Carter than Warren Moon.

    BTW, I think there are a bucnh of QBs in this draft better and some MUCH better than Geno.

    Doesn't mean I'm right. Doesn't matter because I'm not the GM. It's what I'm HOPING for so we hedge what we have.

    My theory is you don't draft QBs high in bad years for QBs and you draft QBs high in good years for QBs.

    But that's just me.

    I'm tired of waiting for my Aaron Rogers.

  4. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    And that right there is the problem with some of the folks here.


    That's the ultimate aspiration. The pinnacle. The goal to shoot for.

    To mask the deficiencies of our QB.


  5. wisewolf

    wisewolf Active Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Presumably if you think "there are a bunch of QBs" much better than Geno in this draft, and you've singled out Bortles in particular, then you think Bortles is better than Geno. Please, somebody, tell me that I'm not going crazy.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The reason you draft play makers early and a QB in the mid-rounds is that if Geno fails next year with a free agent WR and a few early picks in the developmental stage at least you have something for the mid-rounds guy to play with or the high pick the year after if both QB's don't look like an answer.

    Putting a high pick in at QB next year without surrounding him with some real weapons is a waste of time. Putting him in with a bunch of 28 year old free agents is a waste of time in 2 years as you have to replace those guys just as the window might otherwise be opening.

    The answer is to go get the guys the QB will need and start developing them. If Geno works out with them that's great, the Jets are ahead of the game then. If the mid-rounds pick pulls a Nick Foles or Russell Wilson then the Jets are ahead of the game.

    I remember eating cold hot dogs and potatoes in summer camp when I was a kid. On Friday nights the whole camp would be camping out in the woods with each cabin off by themselves. The camp director had a running contest where each cabin would bid on matches with the fewest matches getting to pick the movie the camp would watch on Saturday night.

    The counselor in our cabin liked to pick the movies so we would go out with 3 matches, which nobody would bid below, and we'd always fail to get a fire started and wind up eating raw hotdogs and potatoes.

    Picking another QB without putting the pieces in place around him for him to succeed would be like bidding 3 matches, we'd get to see the guy everybody wanted to see at QB and then we'd wind up eating raw hot dogs and potatoes next season and I'm really tired of eating raw hot dogs and potatoes.
  7. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    He singled out Bortles because this mock draft includes Bortles.
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    1. He probably won't. Maybe he will some 4-5 years down the road, but he almost certainly will not next year. His fundamental deficiencies are too great for him to do anything with consistency. If at all, he will spend most of next year in shotgun. Of course that means it's going to limit the plays to about half. While it is not uncommon for the rookie QBs to correct throwing mechanics, it is a full-scale clusterfuck when it comes to Geno - he has to work with his footwork, then sight adjustment, and whatever else. It is not pretty.

    2. Geno was a consensus #1 QB prospect, eh? Does Joey Harrington ring a bell for ya? Yeah, last year's QB class was almost equally pathetic. Being the best of THAT crop is not a resounding endorsement - not to me at least. And he slid off while at that.

    3. If Geno does perform like a blue chipper that some here claim he is [I seriously doubt if it will happen, but that's another story]; very well. There is no such thing as talent surplus. Even at QB. If Geno pans out, and Bortles turns out to be a good QB prospect too, then you trade either one away for a high draft pick - if it is untenable to keep both, that is. It's that simple.

    4. Why two OLBs? Pace is hairy old, and Barnes is coming off season-ending knee surgery. And Jets didn't have a good OLB prospect in AGES. OLB spot still remains a hole that it was when Ryan took over back in 2009. What the hell are you talking about?
  9. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    There is about a grand total of 4 teams in the entire NFL that do not have to tailor the game to help the QB. The rest of the league gets by with a QB able to manage the game and limit turnovers.

    Not sure if your trolling or really unable to see that.
  10. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    You are not crazy, just not very perceptive or you don't readz too goodly.

    Go read all of posts.

    I've been talking about 6-7 QBs that I think are better than Geno. MY OPINION. 6 or 7 of them.

    I have NEVER seem Bortles play- I couldn't tell you anything about the guy. Not even a youtube clip. Not an ESPN clip. Nothing.

    I have never- NEVER- said Bortles was better than Geno.

    I have no basis for doing so.

    Go find ONE of my posts saying anything to he contrary.

    I singled out Bortles because OTHER people including real draft people have said he's the real deal.

    I have no idea whether he's better than Geno.

    One more time: I have never seen the guy play.

    You're not crazy. Just not very, well, you know.

  11. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    yeah man you must be trolling or live in a fantasy world. if geno smith can play as well as an alex smith or andy dalton, i think we would all be pretty happy. both those QBs are set up to succeed and the offense caters to their skill set. we need that with geno

    you just expect us to keep drafting QBs till we find the next tom brady, dew brees, aaron rodgers, etc. it doesn't work like that man
  12. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I am not trolling anything- I want a true franchise QB.

    Everyone tailors to their QB.

    Masking a QBs "deficiencies" is not my definition of tailoring an offense to a QB.

    Baltimore tailors to Flacco. Atlanta tailors to Ryan. Indy tailors to Luck. Hell, Seattle tailors to Wilson.

    I don't think "masking my QBs deficiencies" is something to aspire to. Semantics as it were but a pretty big difference.

    Not sure if YOU are trolling or really unable to see that.

  13. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    So you'd be happy if Geno is as good as Alex Smith.

    Now YOU'RE trolling.

  14. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Please don't feel the need to point out the obvious things to those unable to understand the narrative.

  15. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    are we talking about the same alex smith who has the most wins by a QB the past 2 seasons? the same alex smith that rarely throws interceptions and had his team at 9-0 at one point?

    geno can be a better alex smith, one that takes more risks
  16. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    So what I'm finally hearing you admit is we should take a QB NO LATER THAN the 3rd round.

    That must take a lot for you to admit, but it's progress.

  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Don't get me wrong because I don't dislike Alex Smith. But he was basically Mark Sanchez for about 6 years.

    Yeah, if Geno is going to follow ALex Smith's career path I want out right now.

    Right now. We can always trade for him 5 years from now.

  18. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    thats because he was in the same fucking situation geno is in. you clearly don't understand that NO ONE can succeed in this offense. NO ONE. you basically proved my point, put into the right situation with a good amount of skilled players, geno can succeed. we've seen the flashes
  19. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Lol, proved your point? The "flashes" I keep hearing about are the same flashes Sanchez showed. Folks shit on that guy and he was in a worse situation last year. Time to get a real QB and stop making excuses.

    You guys are too funny.

    He's got a wonderful arm but has awful mechanics, can't read defenses, stares down receivers and is inaccurate unless the receiver is wide open. He doesn't have a football IQ.

    You "proved" nothing other than you have an agenda.

  20. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    he's a fucking rookie dude, there used to be a time when you expected this from rookies. he's shown plenty of flashes, i feel like people also forget about his rushing ability. he obviously went through an awful stretch after the bye week, but has played well against the browns and raiders. the browns have a good defense too

    also shut the fuck up about an agenda. everyone has an agenda. this guy making the mock has an agenda. you have an agenda. i have an agenda. ours just seem to disagree because you're impatient and don't understand that no one can succeed under center here, while i look at this logically with a realistic view on how to help this football team

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