Now we see the double standard. 2 years ago Alosi was not even on the field, not even close to being on the field as he was standing behind the thick out of bounds markers. Nudges his knee out a tiny bit and barely clips a fish player. International scandal, Jets a circus etc Now here is the steelers scum coach whose right foot is ON THE FIELD OF PLAY DURING A KICK RETURN and bizarrely has his back to the play (to try and make it seem like he doesn't know what's going on) he looks over his shoulder for Jones. As soon as he comes in to his view Tomlin (oops I'd better get out of here nyuk nyuk but first let me kick my right leg out a bit) This was blatant and ridiculous and 1000x worse than Alosi now let's see the Steelers get crucified for being a dopey 5-7 clownshow. Somehow I don't think it's going to happen
Tomlin should be suspended, the end. Classless stunt he pulled last night, lost a lot of respect for him, not cool at all. If Rex did this he would be getting crucified today.
I don't understand why a flag wasn't thrown. He was in the ref's way and the ref had to adjust. That's been enough for flags in most situations. I think it was even called on the Jets once. BS. Can't really blame Tomlin, though. He sees football like a game of chess. Brilliant coach, really.
Alosi's trip was clearly intentional. Tomlin's interference may have been and it doesn't show a double standard based on this vs. alosi but rather this vs. our ass't last week who got a 15 yd penalty b/c an official ran into him.
I still don't buy that. He was standing his ground as a phins player was running out of bounds near our bench and staff. He barely moved at all, it looked like he was just bracing for impact. He didn't really extend the knee.
The Tomlin "trip" is bad, deplorable for a head coach. Difference- ny media would destroy Rex for this, Pittsburgh media will do their best to sweep it under the rug. National media will most likely follow suit of Pittsburgh media. It's a double standard Junc, can't deny it.
It was called on us last week as the ref ran into our coach. Tomlin was on the fucking field and the stupid ref ran right between him and another coach. The ref should be suspended as well. It's an absolute disgrace and you throw the fact that Tomlin was smiling after the fact you know dam well it was intentional. That play not only could have resulted in the Ravens losing the game (as I think JOnes was not getting tackled) but it could have possibly cost them a spot in the playoffs. You seriously don't think Alosi intentionally tripped that guy? Seriously, can you even say that with a straight face? It was a poor decision by Alosi probably a heat of the moment thing after being humiliated by a horrible team but there is no way you can seriously say he didn't do it on purpose.
It wasn't just that he got in the refs way - as was called against the Jets a few weeks back, he was on the field and interfered with the play! Jones reacted to Tomlin's flinch and was subsequently tackled. How is that not called and how is that not punished by the league? He's the fucking Head Coach!
You are totally trolling now. Being a blinded Sunshiner is one thing, but even the Jets organization knew he needed to be fired. He tripped and could have seriously injured someone. Put the shoe on the other foot. If the Pats had done it, you would be up in arms about the Jets being screwed. You are becoming a caricature of yourself now. Wow!!!
You, Junc and others are a bunch of self hating Jets fans. If you can't see how Tomlin's actions are much, much worse than Alosi's or the penalty the Jets got this season, then you are out your minds. Alosi's play knocked a punt coverage player down and may or may not have had any impact on the play. In any event, that play had no impact on the game or the season or a playoff spot. The play last Sunday had no impact on the game at all. Tomlin - the HEAD Coach was not only in the white area, but on the field and in the way of a a player who was on his way to the end zone. The Ravens had to settle for a FG on that drive and the 4 point difference could have cost them the game and a potential playoff spot. But given that it was the national media darling Steelers' coach who committed the act, it is met with laughter and some mild criticism. If Ryan had done that, the media would be screaming for him to be fired. Tomlin's act was multiple times worse than anything the Jets did on both punt returns when they were penalized. How can you not see that. Tomlin should be suspended at least one game if not more and fined heavily.
If Rex did that not only would the refs have thrown the flags, but the league would've announced a fine by now.
Nobody is defending Tomlin or saying Alosi's actions are worse than Tomlin. It has nothing to do with being a self hating Jet fan in fact Junc is one of the biggest homers on the board but if you can't see what Alosi did was a deplorable action potentially injuring a guy than I don't know what to tell you. Tomlin shoud be fined and suspended but to act like Alosi should not have been punished for his actions or act like he did nothing wrong is a joke.