And then he goes back and watches the 2012 tape, and that smile is no longer a smile. He'd be watching a very similar tale. Im going to go out on a limb and say that he's smiling because he's happy, or laughing... I dont think there's any symbolism behind it. But hey, Im not a top notch photo-analyzer.
and this one is for you. This one shows us much more than his one horrible season w/ no help and Tony Sparano running things. [YOUTUBE]8LL8FHwqDTs[/YOUTUBE]
Dude we both know we need better QBs then the ones we have either Geno or Mark are trash , Tom Brady would have got it done here, either you belive it or not.
we need better than Mark 2012 who had the worst offensive talent in the league and Tony Sparano and better than geno but mark 2009-2011 would be good enough to get this team into the playoffs at least.
I agree -- we need better than what we had in 2012-- but 2012 was a cluster all around. Was like setting the offense back 15 years in the NFL. Is Sanchez all-pro - no, but is Sanchez good enough to lead the team with better skill players in 2013 if needed? if people think Geno is still the answer having him compete against another draft pick isn't the solution. Have him try and beat out the guy he was drafted to replace. If you think there is a better QB on the open market that is currently playing or not playing this year that has shown the ability to come up big in big situations with playoff experience who is it?
I understand this game and understand what mark had to deal with last year. This is a completely different team and we would be comfortably in the playoffs.
Wishful thinking junc, the things you are dreaming of only happen in fairy tales. That whole highlight tape was before WFH ruining his Jet career. It's time to let go junc, there's only so many times you can inject that needle into your vein and slide off to the land of Franchez.
his career wasn't ruined, he had a bad year like Eli(w/ MUCH more talent) is having this year. No QB would have succeeded in that situation. His career would have been revived had we not drafted Geno or actually had a fair competition where he was named starter earlier.
idzik is going to pick up a lot of cap space this offseason just by cutting sanchez and santonio. if I was harris and hill, I would be nervous. the only way any of those guys come back is if they take a huge pay cut, like pace did. frankly , with 13 picks, I'd rather go with younger/faster/ cheaper than guys like reed, gates, harris, garrard, winslow, holmes, etc., especially guys who spend too much time off the field during the schedule.
You understand a fraction of what you think you do, but that will be news to nobody. Nothing in Mark Sanchez' play over the prior season and a half and during the preseason this year would lead anyone to believe he could win with this offense. That's not necessarily a knock on him, by the way. He was our number one pick, I want to like the guy, in many ways I do like the guy, I appreciate the success we had with him, and only wish the talent didn't evaporate around him like it did. I'd have no problem with him and Geno competing next year for the job. Neither one will have a prayer in hell without serious upgrades all around them, though.
I understand much more than you and 98% of the board. The average fan is a "what have you done for me lately" type, the kind that sees 2012, sees how terrible he was and assumes it was ALL his fault. The ones that truly understand the game understand all that went into last year and how he had no chance. There is no doubt at all we'd be significantly better this year w/ mark- how could we not be? we are seeing the worst QB play since replacement games in 1987.
You've spent so much time learning how to understand football you've skipped learning basic reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. But that's okay, I appreciate the effort. I'm not disagreeing with you about the current QB play, by the way. It's Columbia Lions-type bad.