Isn't this his 2nd or 3rd incident since the trial others also involving a gun? That being said the state of Florida had nothing to convict him on. You can't put someone in jail for being an asshole but the signs are there that this guy is a menace to society.
He's a straight sociopath. You can't put him in jail before I agree - but I don't see how anyone could of defended him. He straight up conned the system. That man needed psychological help or something. They just let him roam the planet as a free man.
No worries - he was just threatened by his pregnant girlfriend and "standing his ground" again.. right Zimmerman defenders?
I heard both 911 calls, one of the girlfriend and his. She is scared to death and he is according to her throwing things, breaking glass tables and pointing guns at her. His call he is calm , speaking softly and saying she is throwing things. He knows how to play the system. Karma never forgets and at some point it will catch up with this guy
Fuck this dude. Take away his firearms, isn't this like the 3rd incident since his not guilty verdict? He likes to kill/threaten people and then call 911 acting like he's the victim. He probably figures if he got away with murder once, he won't have a problem beating an assault charge
Dude posts bail at 9K. I know stories where people get caught with Marijuana and their bail is at least 10K ...
:lol: Guess he was standing his ground, eh? I know those hormonal pregnant women can be really dangerous at night. She must have been wearing a hoodie. I can understand his confusion. Zimmerman is a hero. haha. Did anyone catch the Zimmerman south park episode? It was pure gold. Check out this scene. [youtube]77-mBRmFcQY[/youtube]
Zimmerman got shot today, he'll live. I am thinking this man likes to be at the center of shit going down, which leads me to believe his intention was more then protecting himself against Travon. Might be wrong about about this asshole.
He got shot at and cut by glass, he did not get shot. Seems this has been an ongoing dispute with the same guy.
Zimmy from the beginning seemed like a giant pussy who only confronts others when he's carrying a weapon. F him and I hope the next guy he challenges bodies him into next year.
I would love for Zimmy to come across a honest to goodness gun totin, pistol packing, not giving a fuck about anything innercity gangstas so he can go out in a blaze of NRA glory. You have to figure they're the ones that keep propping his sorry ass up with the bail cash and living expenses. He is their official "Hero" after all.