"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. horsehead

    horsehead Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2002
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    Geno could use a week with the clipboard.
    Give Simms a game. It's not the end of Geno's career.
  2. Pluvrr

    Pluvrr Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I'm in favor of Simms now. Sure geno can put together a win here or there, but we really need some consistency.
  3. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Is anyone here besides me thinking that the Jets are gonna do their best to avoid any Qb controversy come hell or high water?

    Geno is being given every opportunity to succeed and since the ATL game, has pretty much spit the bit. The FO/CS being adverse to controversy, might be worried that if Simms lights a fire under this team and they make a run, they will have a full blown Qb competition on their hands instead of the sham they perpetrated on Jet Nation since TC. Perhaps in their minds, honest competition = Qb controversy.

    The perfect scenario would be for Geno to suddenly "get it" and the team makes a run to the postseason.

    The nightmare scenario would be for Geno to stink up the joint and Simms leads the team into the playoffs.

    Wonder which scenario is happening right now....

    For the longest time, this franchise has been reluctant to admit a mistake. Gholston rings a bell. Perhaps its the inferiority complex that certainly exists. I'm not saying that Idzik is pulling the strings here on Geno's playing time, but you have to wonder if Rex is bending over backwards giving this kid unwarranted opportunities instead of treating Geno like a rookie that isn't performing up to expectations. Same goes for Milliner.
  4. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I just do not see how the nightmare scenario involves us making the playoffs regardless of who gets us there.

    We already saw the nightmare scenario yesterday against the Bills. It needs to stop pronto.
  5. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    The bad draft picks didn't help Tanny but that is not why he is gone.

    Giving out bad contracts to underproductive players, especially the Sanchez extension got him banished from Jetland.
  6. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Interesting take, the fact is were 5-5 fighting for a playoff trip and Geno is turning the ball over too much for us to compete, we have to make a change. If we were 3-7 I'd say keep Geno in for the reps but were fighting for our playoff lives.
  7. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    Sums it up pretty well. I think the tendency exists everywhere, maybe it's magnified with the Jets for the reasons you stated though. It doesn't reflect well on management if you invest a bunch of resources in someone then have to explain to the owner why you aren't even utilizing them in favor of somebody else with lower perceived value. Walls came in for Milliner and played competently especially considering it was his first year on the field too, but nobody wants to give him a shot to learn and develop consistently. After the Saints game it seemed like that might've turned out to be a decent decision, but obviously not in light of yesterday. Simms is perceived as a nobody so the same goes for him. I have to take some comfort that they at least benched Geno again once his day was done and let Simms throw the ball around for more than 2 minutes. If your perspective really were such a large systemic fear they would've just had him hand the ball off if he was even brought in at all.

    It's also not cut and dry because there is merit to the idea that Milliner and Smith have more upside and keeping them in to get them seasoning could wind up paying bigger dividends in the long run even at the expense of short term production. At the end of the day I just don't see Simms stepping in and winning 3 playoff road games and the Super Bowl either. I hope that Walls doesn't get swept under the rug in the offseason because I'd hate to see him go to waste especially when it's starting to look like Cro should be cut next year too. As for Smith I remember you saying that he was the future a few games back to which I replied don't forget you said that if things go shitty. Well, it really hit the fan now and it's no fun at all. I expect Geno to start but wouldn't be entirely shocked if they go with Simms, just hoping that whoever it is the team bounces back somehow to beat the Ravens to put the direction of the franchise back on track.
  8. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    There is no way in hell that Geno doesn't start the rest of the season. We wouldn't be in playoff contention without him. It's unreal how quickly everyone (fans, media) can turn on a friggin ROOKIE QB. Most experts had the Jets at 4 wins for the year and Geno's one of the reasons why we've already exceeded that. Could we be 6-4 or 7-3? Of course. However those are the lumps you take with a rookie QB. You don't sit a guy, who's won a lot of games early in his career, after a few bad games. I seriously can't believe this is even being discussed. Marty really needs to tailor a very specific game plan for Geno to be successful. I'm in no way saying Geno is the long term answer. Yet for this season you've got to ride or die with him at this late juncture.
  9. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Being careless with the ball is why Geno needs to sit.
  10. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    Feel free to judge whomever you want and I will judge whomever I want...
  11. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    I'm sure Idzik is confident in his draft picks, however, Smith has been worthy of being benched, also keep in mind, Rex stood by Sanchez for 4 years, so I wouldn't expect, Geno to get the axe, no matter how deserving he is.

    Maybe that's what Geno needs to be benched for a game, to learn there ate consequences for hideous play, I didn't like the Geno pick, an so far he hasn't proved me wrong.
  12. JetDynasty

    JetDynasty Active Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    I think geno's poor play is due to complacency of what he's done so far this year. He's crowned himself the king of new york and using the comeback wins as support, but his decision making is poor and he is CLUELESS under blitz packages. I think lack of film prep could be attributed to this. Geno is not the answer. I'm not saying Matt Simms is, but can we at least give the kid a shot?
  13. mikey

    mikey Active Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Let's all remember this is Geno's rookie year. He's going to make mistakes and we're all going to have to live with them. That being said, we are already ahead of where pundits had us at this point of season. Way ahead. Being considered a playoff contender is gravy, but was never the goal of this season. It was supposed to be a rebuilding season, but we are way ahead of schedule.

    Geno's taking his knocks right now, but given it's his rookie year and the lack of weapons, including a sufficient running game, I'm excited for what's to come and will roll with him another year.
  14. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    This is a young team in a rebuilding year. The playoffs were not the goal and making the playoffs in 2013 is far less important than finding out whether Smith is good enough to be a starting NFL QB or whether the Jets need to use an early pick on another QB next year. Smith plays the final 6 games no matter what because the Jets need to evaluate him. This season is an audition for Smith. The Jets and Smith learn nothing with him on the bench. This team was predicted to win 4 games this year and has won 5 already. This team needs to find a starting QB who can consistently win. Benching Smith puts the Jets in the same position as they were in a year ago.

    The job is Smith's to win or lose over the next 6 games. Starting Simms is idiotic. This is as far from a win now team as the Jets have been in years. The desperation in this thread is so ridiculous and out of touch with reality it is almost comical.
  15. jetsclaps

    jetsclaps Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Those are awfully large assumptions with absolutely zero evidence to back it up.
  16. TutanKhaman

    TutanKhaman Member

    Oct 9, 2013
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    If Geno had protection and stinking it up then I would support giving simms a try. But the protection was just not there from his first attempt when he almost got his rib shattered.
  17. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Say rebuilding all you want this is a win now league and were fighting for the 6th seed in the playoffs, we can't afford having our QB turn the ball over 4 times on 21 pass attempts It's unfair to the rest of the team. If Geno starts next week he better be on a short leash.
  18. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I disagree...there's considerable evidence that this team has the record it has in spite of Geno Smith. As well, there is resounding evidence that we have the losses we have because of Smith.

    To be very honest what the "experts" missed on was how GOOD our defense was going to be so quickly. Yes, we have issues in pass coverage but that didn't stop us from shutting down the N.O. Saints. We beat the Saints because Chris Ivory made it his mission that we were going to beat the Saints. When the defense is given an offense that can produce and they do not have to spend ridiculous amounts of time on the field they, too, can produce. When a defense is back on the field in 3 and outs and/or a tremendous number of turnovers that only increases their snaps and wear's them out. By the end of the season, at this pace, Geno will have nearly 30 turnovers and the defense will have been on the field for 1/3 more snaps than normal.

    And no...there's no verifiable proof that Simms is going to do any better. It only "looks" that way. But to be honest...at this point I would rather see what we have in him that "looks" to be better than to watch a turnover fest the rest of the season and risk one of our budding defensive stars suffer a career threatening injury because he was on the field too damn long and suffered from fatigue. Just sayin'

    There is a whoooole lot more going on than just a Rookie QB, that was circumspect to begin with, gaining reps. Did anyone REALLY believe we were going to find our franchise QB in the 2nd round?? The Jets do not have luck like that. Heck Simms is only a stop gap until next year's draft to be honest. Maybe we get lucky...most like we don't. It's worth a shot though.
  19. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Bullshit...tell that to the other 52 guys in that locker room. I'm about sick to death of hearing this!!! There are guys on that team, right now, who will NOT be back here next year. Do you really think they give a shit about next year? Every single guy on that team is another year into his NFL career. Do you really think Mangold snaps that ball and thinks every second...can't wait til' next year. Do you think Cromartie is thinking this?

    The desperation you see in this thread is a group of Fans who see a fantastic defensive effort being wasted. A legitimate shot at the playoffs being flushed when there was no hope of one at the start of the season. Sorry, "Joe Willie" I do not agree with you. If this team had fully shit the bed right out the gate I would agree...but not with a playoff shot. Those do not come around every year and when it's there for the taking...you take it. The mediocrity that some of you have chosen to champion is astounding.
  20. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This is crap too...they KNOW Smith can't toss the rock so the box was stacked and pressure was brought almost incessantly.

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