I didn't like the 48 FPS - I thought it made it look like a TV episode and the effects quite shonky - I just cannot understand why they thought that this was a good idea- if they wanted to make it 3d for economic reasons, OK fine, but the 48fps thing was awful. far too much going on with the 3d, often it was really hard to pay attention to the film as there was simply too much going on on screen. I am curious to see it now in 2d when it comes out on dvd to see if that improves things. As a film I thought it was OK. not as good as the LOTR films but then the hobbit is not (IMO) as good a book at the lotr trilogy. Minor spoiler alert!!!! One thing I thought was really odd given that they were clearly trying to stretch the movie out - there is a great bit in the books when Gandalf is faking the voices of the trolls to confuse them and cause them to take so long to cook the dwarves they get caught by the sun - why was this cut out?
I've seen it twice in 2D, once in HFR 3D (all free!) and while I like the 2D better overall, there were some very awesome sequences in the HFR version. I'm excited to see what they do with it and how they can refine it. There were parts where it seemed like I was watching a live performance. I'm actually not a big fan of 3D in general though, so I wouldn't mind if they make a 2D HFR version next time.
after this they have one more next year...Who knows though they could keep making the sides stories on and on. But I think after next year Jackson is done
Movies? There doing 1 more after this for The Hobbit. They could probably make about 10 more movies though based on the authors work.
I was bored to tears by the Lord of the Ring films, but watched The Hobbit on the train in 30 minute increments and thought it was pretty good. I will watch Smaug just the same, in 30 minute pieces, and maybe see if I will enjoy the LOTR in the same fashion.
Probably and hopefully just three. The Hobbit doesn't actually warrant more than one movie. Two drawn out movies at the most. Total money grab. The LOTR series should have been a cable series a la Game of Thrones. I found it entertaining as someone who read those books a long time ago, but they abridged so much and left so much out that much of what mattered was omitted or changed. And in three movies, they were too long, even with the omissions.
looks good although they seem to be using the same shonky CGI for the elves as they used for legolas vs the mumakil in the LOTR films - just looks ridiculous
Anyone pick up An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition yet? It is great! Better than the theatrical version, BY FAR. And the bonus features are amazing. I won't be buying The Desolation of Smaug or There and Back Again standard versions, cause the extended ones are always better.
How much longer is the extended? I am interested too but would like to know the difference and if its like the original trilogy extended versions
The bonus features are the exact same as the trilogy was, with 2 appendices. Both with great behind the scenes stuff. An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition is 3 hours and 2 minutes. I don't know how long the theatrical version was.