Fins Thread

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Axel3419, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    He also kept repeating some ridiculous statement about trusting all his coaches and players and his locker room being a place of respect. The goon Incognito has already been kicked off the team and Philbin can't go up there and either say that he's lying about the coaches encouraging it or that a comment was made but he took it way over the line? Disgraceful.

    It's also sad that the media continues to give a clown like Rolle attention, all he does is make ridiculous statement after ridiculous statement, it's not even worth reporting the nonsense he spews as I doubt even he believes it.
  2. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I still think all this is ridiculous. I'm pretty hard on my team when I think they have done wrong. But the team coming out in support of Incognito and talking about how Martin was joking around about the voicemail and pulling pranks himself speaks volumes to me. Sounds like he is looking for a way to quit a job he really doesn't love and still get to be paid for it.
  3. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Philbin went strictly by the guilty man's play book .....

    Try to act nonchalant and uneffected by starting the presser with a corny joke, follwed by answering every question with "I won't comment on an ongoing investigation", and then fleeing the podium as if it just burst into flames.

    I smell a cover up.
  4. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Just to make it clear, I never liked Joe Philbin, so if it looks like I have a clear bias against him, its because I do.
  5. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Couldn't be happier that the negative attention isn't on us for a change.
  6. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    that's a very touchy position to have in this culture, but fuck, I can't believe how much the media is treating Martin like he was Arnold Jackson being tormented by the Gooch.

    these are grown men who play professional football. clearly Martin has emotional problems that extend beyond this incident, but do we really need to pussify our football players as men who can't defend themselves and are bullied?
  7. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    What indications are there that Martin has emotional problems? Because he may have been lucky enough in his life to not have to deal with a brainless thug like Incognito before now? You can say he should've gone to the coaches rather than leaving the team but if it turns out they knew about it or condoned it what other option did he have?

    I do agree there is some disconnect when people constantly call it "bullying" though, which to me conjures up an image of some 8th grade girl calling another fat on facebook. From the stuff I've heard about the incidents so far extortion and harassment would be much more appropriate terms for what went on.
  8. Mr. Green Pants

    Jan 17, 2011
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    I cringe pretty much every time I hear "bully" used in situations involving adults. Work place harassment, if that's what occurred here, isn't okay, but it shouldn't be equated with what vulnerable young people - with fewer coping skills and avenues of relief - go through. That just weakens the very worthwhile anti-bullying movement and adds to the increasing pussification of our society.
  9. Mr. Green Pants

    Jan 17, 2011
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    Most people don't have to go into "treatment" - which I'm assuming is another way of saying he took a vaycay in some hospital's psych ward - because of workplace harassment.
  10. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Did Incognito say "N@gga" or "N@gger"? There's a huge difference. I know plenty of white folks that are big into the whole hip hop culture (more "black" than some black dudes I know) and use the one with A at the end because in hip hop it is not used as a racial slur. It's really more used as a synonym for homey or buddy, somebody that feels or shares your pain, making them your boy. I say this because non hip hop fans do not understand this at all. They don't realize that it isn't the same as the racist version used to slander black folks. It was derived from a racist word, but was flipped around to spin it into something positive to promote unity. Quite brilliant actually, but most folks see the word and don't even think about it like that. They think they are the same exact word, but they aren't.

    I love the way KRS breaks it down here. KRS is the truth! It's spinning a negative perception into positivity, and KRS knows all about that. Nas touched on it a bit as well on one of his albums.


    A lot of the teammates are defending Incognito. What are the chances that this whole thing is blown out of proportion because Martin is mentally unstable? Sometimes you just don't know with these things. Sometimes everything seems just fine and dandy until the straw breaks the camel's back and he flips out. Some teammates even said Martin originally laughed that the allegedly racist texts. If he was laughing at the obvious jokes by Incognito, then can you really say there was this huge bullying thing going on? What if the dude has mood swings? There's a reason he's getting professional help right now. I'm just glad he sought help before doing something crazy.
    #390 Barcs, Nov 6, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  11. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Even if he said nigga instead of nigger why put the "half" in front of it. Forget about the racial part of the message anyway he also talks about slapping the dudes mother and threatening his life. Martin should of maybe handled everything differently(we don't know at this point what he did or didn't do) but Incognito crossed the line.
  12. MowTin

    MowTin Active Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    That's my favorite big word.
  13. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Definitely blown out of proportion. I have black friends who have told me the whole "you have my permission to use the n-word" thing even though I would never say it. It has become more a term of endearment or substitute for the word "dude" as long as you aren't using it in the old context of the word.

    I'm sure in a few weeks time we will know more about this whole thing. No matter what the nerd-pansies in the media like Schefter and Florio are leading us to believe.
  14. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Incognito has been kicked off every team he's ever played for going back to and including college. considering his history of being a jerkoff asshole his entire career I don't see how you can dismiss this by saying it's just overblown. it might be, anything's possible, but probably not. Even if it is, Incognito is an idiot still. He knew he was on his absolute last straw, he should be acting like nothing less than a fucking saint at this point in his life.
  15. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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  16. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    the fact that the players in Miami are coming to Incognito's defense just shows how fucked up things must be in that locker room.

    The guy is and has always been a Grade A scumbag. He's your team leader? Yikes... no wonder they are coming to his defense - they don't know any better.
  17. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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  18. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    only the media, people with an agenda or people who are out of touch with the younger culture still make a big deal out of Nigga. if his black teammates are coming out and saying he isn't a racist, then he isn't a racist in the way it is predominantly used -- as hating the other race or feeling superior to it.

    from the broadest definition of racism if you just don't find another race attractive that can be qualified as racism, because you think they are less attractive than another race, and this less than that other race. nobody really uses racism that way. racism is equated with being hateful, and if Incognito has black friends and teammates then it is difficult to claim he is a racist in that regards.

    but the real issue that the NFL has is how they want to handle any type of demeaning behavior from employees and players. sure, the Incognito situation is an extreme situation, but when Brady yells at his receivers, or coaches yell at officials, that is just as demeaning and is just as much bullying. if a receive complains to the league that he feels bullied because his QB yelled at him on the sideline or his coaches yelled at him in practice, are they going to be suspended? the policy would have to be zero tolerance. you can't leave it up to interpretation.

    if the NFL takes the position that teammates cannot demean one another, there is no wiggle room for them. now you have a situation where the league has to crack down on those behaviors, especially when they happen so visibly on the sideline. Brady yells at his receiver for running the wrong route. bully! suspend him. Dez Bryant goes on a tirade on the sideline demeaning his teammates; bully, suspend him!

    is that really where pro sports is heading? that is what the media wants to purport as being progressive, and is bullshit. talk about pussifying the NFL.
  19. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    from all reports he was extremely withdrawn from his teammates from the get go. that is not particularly normal and indicates some sort of emotional issue that made him susceptible to the irrational way he handled the situation. he has a players union to go to if he wasn't getting help from the organization to make it stop, but didn't do so. he just quit. that is an extreme reaction that rational and emotionally well balanced people wouldn't make.
  20. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Have any of y'all gone over to FinHell to taunt, troll, and hopefully receive replies from, Incognito Sr.? If so, thank you and please provide link(s).

    Some individuals deal with conflict differently than others and are thus labeled "irrational", "weak", and "abnormal". Few people are making the applicable argument that Martin likely (unfairly to himself) internalized his experience and blamed himself while at the same time feeling hesitant to act in a way that some deem traitorous, which is to be expected from someone with severe social anxiety in a lockerroom situation (similar to Ricky Williams). Just like people don't understand why Ricky wore a helmet during some interviews (avoid eye contact, feelings of claustrophobia, among other benefits as a simple coping method for S.A.) many won't understand why Martin acted in manner in which he did.
    #400 VanderbiltJets, Nov 7, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013

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