It's not about win or losses, just Luck's lack of talent. The colts can only win for so long with Luck's weekly stinkers. Luck just can't maintain above 60% completion. And in this league it's a must. It will come to bite you at some point. Even Alex Smith couldn't keep his job and he was completing almost 70% of his passes. Luck is a scrub.
Really, how can you say this. He was 11-5 last year- so that gives him what 5 games of garbage time??? Thats with not going back and looking at those 5 games which I bet he played well in atleast 2 of them. Luck is a wonderful player. He pushes the ball down the field more then any QB in the league. Your so far off base its scary. What is the point of posts on here to knock players on other teams. Its almost if other teams players are doing well it discredits our players.
Please I am giving you a chance. Tell us you are joking. Its not about wins or losses LOL. Its the only thing that matters. Luck is heaving the ball down the field he is not throwing short crossing routes, bubble screens etc... like a Brady. Its about production. 1-3 on 40 yd passes is mor productive then 3-3 on 7 yds passes. Please tell us you are joking
This is what happens when you start a post about a guy has proven in his short NFL career that he can bring his team back. The guy threw 3 second half touchdowns today- actually 4th qtr touchdowns if you give him 5 seconds of the third. Luck is a STUD!!!!
Just go look at Luck's stat, he is a game manager. He needs a good defense to keep giving him the ball back and keeping the game close. That's how the Colts is built. I'm not saying Luck will not have success in this league but he's not what everyone thinks he's gonna be. What we see in his second year on a very good team is what he'll always be. Are his performances and stats great, heck no. The dude make safe throws. He is very impatient in the pocket. When his first read is not there he gets into back yard ball running all over the place. We're going to find a lot more about Luck in his contract year when the honey moon period is over. Below 60% completion is not gonna cut it. Heed my warning, Luck is NOT talented. That first half against the texans was the real Luck. Your eyes did not deceive you. The media is.
Your opinion is so ridiculous and foolish. So much so that I think you are just a troll and should be ignored. I will say this though; Luck is being held back by the coaching staff, whether they are consciously doing it or not. Last year was a throwaway year they felt so they let him sling it and didn't care about the ints. This year they are contenders and that has lead them to be misguidedly too conservative with their offensive game plan and play calling. I'm sure Bruce Arians being gone has something to do with it and I don't think Pagano is as good as everyone thinks.
How am I trolling? The guy doesn't play for the Jets and don't see why giving my opinion about him would insult you.
Hehe this thread is comedy gold. It starts out with everyone down on Luck with no Wayne, then he pulls off this amazing comeback and shuts everyone up. There was definitely some "luck" involved, however, and also don't forget that Kubiak collapsed which probably had the Texans on edge. They should have won the game but they completely blew it. Luck was great near the end, but was very fortunate and some of the calls had me scratching my head. That one BS fumble reverse cost them the game IMO. Woulda knocked a whole bunch outta the suicide pool too. Too bad. I agree that getting Geno weapons should be priority this off season after locking up Wilks to a big year extension.
dude just set the record for most 4th quarter comebacks in two years and you're saying he sucks. of course your a troll.
How many times in a row Luck to stink it for people to start realizing he's a no-talent bust? And don't give me his garbage time stats either.
The troll is back because Luck had a crap game. Lol, lets throw out everything he's ever done because of a bad game. I just don't get the agenda. _
The D need to ease up more, then. Official request to the league, ease up the D on Luck because 'all he does is win'. Lol
No, Luck have an additional crap game. Unlike the many previous times the team couldn't overcome such atrociousness of QB play. This is not new to Luck. This is what I know him for. It's the way and kind of passes he's missing that's scary. I see some Tebow at times. Sometimes it's painful to watch.
A lot will be found about Luck, especially next year. I think Phil Simms was one of few people who mentioned that Luck wasn't making NFL throws. Luck will be the biggest bust in NFL history.
I didn't mean to be the bearer of bad news. A lot of people bought the 'all he does is win" and come from behind hype but never watch the games. Me I watch the games before I criticize. If you wanna see how good a player is, watch the condensed version of their games on NFL Rewind. Where all the plays are run consecutively without the unnecessary delays then you get to really see what a player is really all about. Luck is very impatient and have difficulty putting the ball between the safety and CB. Plus, he misses a lot of open people.