I am sure the person you saw on the jumbotron was 17A who I ran into yesterday and felt like an idiot because I did not recognize him. Dude is one tall person. For the longest time I thought his avatar was him and his family. I am guessing its Pats hater. It was great seeing you again Kevin!!!!!!!!!! Game sucked yesterday, what a disgrace with so many Pitt fans, must have bought those tickets before the season. I could see someone who paid a 10k PSL trying to make some dough, but an Upper decker, no way. That's lame, give youe seats up please.
even in the old place it would be filled w/ Pitt fans but now it's even worse which is why we got what we got yesterday and the Jets(and giants) deserve it for being so greedy.
How true Junc. I know there are different reasons for people giving up Season's. Here is an article on MMQB about a Skins fan http://mmqb.si.com/2013/10/08/why-i-gave-up-my-nfl-season-tickets/
They looked for the quick buck instead of thinking long term. we had a 20,000 waiting list for tickets that evaporated overnight. In regards to that article I think fan behavior is MUCH better now than in the 90s when we stunk, I think most people left b/c: PSLs ticket prices too many late games flex scheduling
Such a different atmosphere,,,,,a shell of what it once was,,,very sad . I am starting from the tailgate which was nothing yesterday to what it once was, then the stadium was once again filled with opposing teams fans and I am telling you there were as many Steeler fans as I have ever seen and I was in section 104. Then the jet fans that were sitting near me were oh so different,,,,,I mean it has always been tough being a jet fan we all know that but the things they were saying / shouting were simply amazing . I mean one guy and he was not a kid mind you is shouting many things all game one of them being " hill you suck " as we watched Geno over throw him on a wide open 80 yard td,,,,good luck woody and company you are going to need it,,,,I mean I understand that this is a rebuilding year but should the jets lose to the Pats next week the ca$h registers are going to feel it big time. Days like yesterday were great weather wise to be out with the family was very cool,,,,but i will say it again zero regrets about giving up my season tix.
My tailgate was great and then it went downhill after that just like it usually does. I feel like I am being led to slaughter walking into that place. The amount of Steeler fans made so angry I was afraid I would do something stupid. The largest amount of opposing fans in my 33 years, no question. Depressing. Of course if we won, it would have been great to shut them up. I guess I should keep things in perspective, we are going to be between 6-10 to 8-8. By Rex!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty much surrounded by annoying Steeler fans in sec 338. The two seats on the aisle row one next to us this year occupied by...TB fans, Bills fans, Steelers fans...and I'm sure NE and NO fans to come...sigh.
that was me. i got a seat upgrade to the 2nd row on the 10 yard line for paying my season tix with a master card.
Ah U left out the MOST important item IMHO which is we have still not won NOTHING since 01/12/69 :sad:
Btw I'd rather sit in my seat in the upper level than that 2nd row seat any day. The concourse felt like I was in the back area of a Costco. Same food as the uppers. Couldn't see action at the other end. Couldn't tell if it was a 10 yard gain or a loss. Yes when the action was in front of me it was cool.
$145 a game tix isn't ridiculous but a $10000 PSL is for section 135. And 3 of the 4 seats in row 1 were unoccupied. Snuck chrebet86 and his friend down to sit with me
Giants have secondary market for PSL's on their official website. Other than the brokers, is there a PSL exchange site that is managed by the Jets itself? I am in the market for Club tix but regular PSL prices are above my budget.
Tks I have found to save my eyeballs & still get my fix of NYJs I have begun utilizing Tweeter more & the TGG less :sad:
Well lets C this will be end of year 3 of the plan or 1/3 done of not winning a SB. Next year again will be a no win the SB year. Soon or later Woody the dunce will smarten up & axe RR cause he has zero vision of how to manage a team IMHO. That adds 3 or more years before we MAY be in contention for a SB. Add all that up & it is now year 8 of the 10 year. IMHO that is pretty good forecasting way ahead of actual results . Oh yes that is not even counting that Geno turns out to be a big bust & we still have to find our next JWN which what I have seen GS it will certainly not be him :sad:
I've sat down low for preseason games. It's a different perspective and something that is fun to do once a year but not somewhere I'd want to sit on a regular basis. I haven't been as low as row 2 but I'm sure for kids it was a cool experience. Not worth the $$$ though.
I've been there for many Steeler games, and this time there were less than the last time, in 2007. Maybe it's the luck of the draw but in 337 were we were, it wasn't so bad. Yes, there were Steeler fans but perhaps they behaved themselves since they were near the railing and probably were afraid of being tossed over. :grin: In 2007 when i was in 122 at Giants Stadium, the towel waiving was annoying as hell. It obstructed my view of the field. It wasn't that way last Sunday. Shame we couldn't win. It would really have made this Sunday a big one. I suppose it still is. I hate thinking they have a better chance to upset a team on the road than they do at home though. Should not be that way.
2007 was late in the year of a bad season, Sunday we were coming of our biggest win and hopes were highest in early October.