The Geno Smith "Era" (Official Geno Thread) - All Geno Talk in here!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Please advise WOODY JOHNSON of your ability to make great personnel decisions. We need a new talent scout and you seem to be the right guy!
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If they were trying to win this year Mark would have been named starter before he got hurt but the new GM picked his QB and wanted him to play and now he is the future of our team so we should support him and have a little patience.

    He misfired badly an one of the easiest throws he could ever make w/ a wide open Hill. Geno just didn't have it yesterday. I think the CS was too spooked by a Lebeau D and that trickled down to the QB.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Yeah, blame the OC!

    Ftr, Marty did not overthrow Smith or throw to Reuland in triple coverage. Or taht awful int in the fourth quarter.

    The Jets obviously felt Pitt could be run on. It was not a bad idea, but when they asked Smith to throw it, he did not succeed.
  4. WhySoSerious488

    WhySoSerious488 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    5-1 with Sanchez? You been hanging out with Lamar Odom lately? Sanchez would be turning it over too. And he wouldn't be as effective throwing it down the field.

    The Jets D is not being wasted, they're overrated right now by our fans. Any competent QB has been able to torch us. Locker set a career high in TD passes in a half. Ryan had about 6 incompletions in 40+ attempts. Ben and Brown had little difficulty in beating us all day. The problems go way beyond QB as to why this team isn't the "elite" team you imagine it would be with Sanchez.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    There's no doubt we would have been better w/ mark through 6 games but he's done here so no use discussing it.

    The Jets' D is not as good as most think but it is still pretty good and Locker had short fields all day from NYJ TOs. They have been dealing w/ that all year, they could also turn it back over to help the O but...
  6. WhySoSerious488

    WhySoSerious488 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    There's certainly doubt. Record would probably be the same. Maybe we beat the Pats, but we probably lose to the Falcons. Sanchez wasn't winning yesterday's game. The team had a scared mentality, was poorly prepared, and got beat in all phases.
  7. Varnabas

    Varnabas New Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Geno Smith reminds me of a rookie Brett Favre.. he's going to make a lot of mistakes but he's a gunslinger.. and you always feel in the game.. especially when leading game come from behind drives when the pressures on.

    I made a pic for a poster i wanted showing Geno Smith as a gunslinger http: //
  8. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    There was an interesting article today interviewing Timmons from the Steelers. His comments seem to conform my initial observations that Geno was not following through with his passes the last 4 drives. Here is what Timmons said:

    I found this interesting as well.

  9. Toon is God

    Toon is God Active Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    What I like about Geno is that he is agressive with the ball (absent this week for some reason). Look at Bradford/Gabbert and these other top failed picks. All they do is check down all day.

    Geno is figuring out what he can and can't get away with. Remember how many times Schotty and Sanchez got 6 yards on a 3rd and 7? At least Marty and Geno will go for the first down.
  10. NYJets17

    NYJets17 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Maybe it's me but the mistakes Geno is making with the ball are kinda expected with him being a rookie. I dont even get mad, I have a feeling Geno will learn and get better. You have to admit when it's Good Geno he looks VERY good. But in the same when it's bad Geno he looks VERY bad lol, but honestly no panic from me. I have a feeling Geno will turn out to be a good QB.
  11. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    The front 7 is solid the secondary is shit.

    Deep throws -- Geno hasn't completed a deep throw in 3 weeks.

    They beat Tampa, Buffalo, NE, Atlanta, Titans, and Steelers, with even competent QB play. All 3 loses were directly the result or bad QB play. The Tampa game was won in spote of bad QB play. The Atlanta game was prefect and the Buffalo game was good. The other 4 games were miserable at the QB spot.
  12. Barcabhoy

    Barcabhoy New Member

    Oct 13, 2013
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    Geno decision making has been poor. Maybe thats understandable as a rookie. What's harder to understand is why he threw so infrequently to Cumberland yesterday. Every other opponent has been throwing to their hot guy

    on the D. Secondary is lousy, and Special teams not much better
  13. DanR

    DanR Active Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Why cant Geno just stay in the pocket more often? Why does he keep backing up so far from the line of scrimmage? I thought this something he would've stopped doing already.

    Who is the QB Coach on the Jets?
  14. namath4ever

    namath4ever Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Bad QB play against Tampa? What game were you watching? Geno led us to the winning score with hardly any time left. No way 6 wins that game. Geno has 2 4th qtr comeback wins in his first 6 as a pro.
  15. Gunther

    Gunther Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    Totally agree.
  16. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    sometimes its not the turnovers and crap but its the OPEN receivers that the QB misses on any given play.....

    its hard to follow when u are not physically at the game but there have been times when jet receivers are open but smith throws it to the predetermined receiver.

    now its only 6 games in and all so we give slack here but i need to see a better field vision going forward. its no doubt in this offense its a longer field and the routes are not as clustered as what we have seen over the previous years. that should help smith going forward to improve his reads and get quicker checking to that open guy.

    i have not seen him stare down the corner or safety too often but thats just going by what the TV is showing - thats gonna have to become routine for him - he obviously didn't have to do any of that stuff last year and it shows.

    i am going to the pats game next week and 1 other home game this year and will be watching the QB much closer.
    #4416 jilozzo, Oct 14, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    seeing an open receiver in the stands is very different than being able to see it in the pocket. It may look like an easy miss to you, me or any other fan/media but so much more goes into it.
  18. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    agreed plus when a QB has guys running at him determined to remove his head, it gets a bit dicey! Geno usually hits the deep passes ! He is a rookie just developing his game. I like what I have seen for the most part!
  19. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Just to help you out a little bit with not being so reactionary, your favorite QB in the whole wide world Mark Sanchez had a 3-3 record after his first 6 games. Weird, that looks awfully similar to Geno's. Then we compare #'s and Mark had 1035 PaYds, 50 RushYds, 5 PaTDs, 1 RushTD, 10 INTs, 6 fumbles, and a passer rating that ranged from 8.3 to 101.1. Geno on the other hand has 1490 PaYds, 114 RushYds, 7 PaTDs, 1 RushTD, 10 INTs, and 4 fumbles, with a passer rating ranging from 27.6 to 147.7. Mind you, Geno has been sacked 21 times to Sanchez's 12, but some would (rightfully) argue that the line was much better in Sanchez's first year than Geno's, and there was more talent on the offense at that time.

    Now here's where things get fun. Sanchez's FOURTH year? Started the year, you guessed it, 3-3. Sure, his 4th year start dominates Geno's in terms of #'s. Weird, Sanchez only threw for 1125 yards in his first 6 games last year. Oh but he did throw a whole 2 TDs more than Geno, only got picked off 7 times as opposed to 10, and ran for a whole 4 yards in 6 games. Did he lose to some better teams? Absolutely. But I don't call losing to Pittsburgh last year 27-10 as all that great when you complete 37% of your passes for 138 yards. Nor losing to San Fran 34-0 at home and throwing for 103 yards. Oh yeah, and even one of those wins, he went 11 for 18 for 82 yards against Indy. By the way, we're talking about Sanchez's FOURTH year! Actually in 4 years, Sanchez only once started the season something other than 3-3, and that was with an impressive start to his 2nd year. Can you at least give Geno 6 games in 2014 to see what we've got before you freak out?
  20. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    wow! If that doesn't quiet him down nothing will. Great response and I agree completely with you! The Suckchez hero worshipers will never be happy until Sucky is starting again perhaps in Canada! Maybe they will follow their hero there!

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