I haven't consistently listened to Francesa in a long time now because I think he's an unbearable douche, but that impression is one of the greatest things I have ever seen.
Kid's got it down pat. Voice, mannerisms, etc. If you didn't know it was a spoof you would think that is actually Francesa's voice. Love the Diet Coke bottle. :rofl:.
BWAHAHAHAHA...that was pure comedy gold, and I'm at least an amateur Revolutionary War buff in addition to being well versed on Fatty :lol:
I have actually returned to listening to Fatso in the afternoons after a long stretch of enduring Kay and LaGrecca. Francessa has been fair in his analysis of the Jets since the season started and his ridiculous ranting and screming have been absent. For now I'm listening. If he steps over the line I'm gone.
I cant stand Kay and Legrecca, the problem with the ESPN shows is that they hype up stuff and then go to commercial break. Its so annoying, they will always ask a question and then be like "Our answer after the break". And ESPN wonders why its ratings are so poor compared to WFAN, ESPN is like listening to puppets that are on a time schedule for each segment.
I can't stand either one. Listen to Schein on Mad Dog and NFL on Sirius. That's all I can take. Mike is still a douche regardless of his Jet hate and Michael Kay knows nothing about Football and is sports version of Sean Hannity.
^^ Guy looks like John Lennon or the 'white' guy in the old Mad Magazine "Spy vs. Spy" - Speaking of which, is there a "Falcons Look a Like" thread for this week?
I flip them on once in a while but I stopped listening for that exact same reason. I hate the silly "tease". It's an espn mandated thing though so don't blame the hosts.
I do have a 60-70 minute commute during afternoons and I kind of found a solution to ESPN's bullshit. I don't have satellite radio and I can't stand Fatcesa so ESPN is my only option. each time they go on commercial, I switch to a music channel that is not on commercial, listen 1 or 2 songs and get back to ESPN. I miss beginning of the conversations some times but I don't mind. Better than listening to bullshit ESPN commercials. Are there any good sports radios on satellite radios worth paying?
Opie and Anthony talking Fatcessa and the spoof...Also the time when he hung up on the guy trying to propose to his gf [youtube]KrxRIQUrrmg[/youtube]
Personally I look forward to the "break" It's the only relief for afternoon drive time sports talk in NYC.
Yeah I know, I think they would do better on a different station. Dave Rothernbergs show is pretty good IMO.,