What was up with those Obomanu penalties? So many things went wrong in this game that will go unmentioned.
Clyde gates looks like if it is really a windy game, He is gonna blow out of the stadium. Skinniest lightest and weakest player I have ever seen.
Would boost the trainwreck that is our PR/KR unit. DWard would set an NFL record for FC's at this rate.
I can't remember who it was but one of the really old posters here actually had a Keven Swayne jersey.... don't know why but he did. You mean Johnny Lam Jones, Don Boyd Odergard, Chris Burkett, and Kurt Sohn aren't all time greats?
Odegard was a DB. We've had some legit wideouts. Running backs on the other hand. Seems like every team just signs guys off the street. We sign Kevan Barlow. Guy can't even spell his own first name.
That's right, he was a DB and a terrible one at that. I should know that since he went to my alma mater. RB's we've had some terrible ones.... Derrick Blaylock, Dexter Carter (who set a very odd record when he played for us) more on that later. Nuu Faaola, Dexter Carter became the 1st player in NFL history to get a touch in every single week of the NFL season in 1995 as the Jets cut him previous to their bye week and the 49ers resigned him after theirs.
If Hill and Holmes end up being out, it'll be interesting to see if MM gets Goodson more touches than expected. I mean he has been practicing with the team since late August, right? Him just being a threat to get the ball in the flat will hopefully open the middle up a bit for Winslow and Kerley.
Are they really gonna go into a MNF game with Kerley, Gates, Obomanu and Spadola? I imagine that both Hill and Holmes might end up playing but neither guy is a 100%.