Really, ESPN?
They're selling to their audience, 97% of whom aren't Jets fans, probably higher than that, and 51%+ who love to rag on NooYawk.
I'm sure their "formula" overvalues the cost of tickets, which puts the Giants in the bottom half of the league somehow. That said, I guess you're right. "Jets are the worst" sells a lot more than "Marlins suck"
97% of their audience isn't a fan of probably 118 of the 122 teams so that is irrelevant. The problem is largely cost of owning, maintaining, and participating (as a fan) in the franchise. That is why there is a "bias" and if you take off the woe is me NY glasses the bias in this exists for other large market franchises as well. Problem is NY is the only city with multiple teams in ALL FOUR major sports.
I wont even read it The media is comical in their attacks The team is obviously the most interesting in all sports, the stadium will b packed sunday (me included), and the fan base continues to grow. The franchise is also worth a shitload The ny jets and the massive fan base are doing just fine
And the hate continues from the Disney Network.... We do have the worse owner by far though. Dump Woody.
If they looked at it objectively they'd have the Jets, Giants, Yankees and maybe Rangers in the top half of all franchises in terms of enjoyment factor. The pricing of tickets is a real factor, however most fans do not attend games on a regular basis. Other than that all 4 of those franchises give their fans more enjoyment on a regular basis than most professional sports teams. The Jets are behind the Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, Detroit Lions, Buffalo Bills and Oakland Raiders in terms of fan enjoyment? Puh-leeze. The best thing the Browns could do for their fans right now is to raise prices so much that nobody bought a ticket. Can you imagine being a season ticket holder to a franchise that has been that bad for that long?
Did you expect anything else from ESPN? Until they finally admit they are owned by all Boston sports teams there is no sense in even reading anything they write. BTW, the new FOX Sports channel is the only one I will watch now. So far it seems very level and unbiased in their reporting.
Shouldn't area median income be a factor when looking at ticket price? If you don't then the analysis is meaningless. A $200 ticket in NY is the same as a $50 ticket in Jacksonville or Detroit.
First 32nd in power rankings and now this. I think Woody fucked ESPN President's wife this summer. Otherwise difficult to explain this hatred.
It's not quite the same thing but it's close. I'm a Mets fan but for awhile in the 90's I had a partial season ticket to the Yankees to stay connected to friends I grew up with. I made a good salary and I was fine with paying a premium once a week to hang with my buddies. Then the Yankees won a couple of championships and the prices just went sky-high at that point with Steinbrenner and his $150M payrolls. My tickets got dropped like a hot potato because the difference between $75 a week counting hot dogs and $200 was too much for me to handle. I wasn't going to spend that amount of money on a game each week. The main point is that for upper middle class fans there's a breakpoint in what they're willing to pay for entertainment that probably rests somewhere in between that hypothetical $50 in Jacksonville and $200 in NY. There's a point at which you just don't want to spend that much when you can sit at home and watch instead.
the fact that any basketball team, let alone the memphis grizzlies, finished first shows that list is a farce.
I haven't checked out the Fox sports channel yet but recently discovered the CBS sports network. Most of the programming is for college football but I find it informative as well as pretty neutral in its coverage.. Really good stuff.