Cheapest ticket for Bills game went up from $50 to $59 in less than 18 hours. IF we beat Pats, cheapest tix will be 100 bucks. I feel better and better that I bought the 50 yard line nosebleeds for 68 bucks.
Say, what were your thoughts on the new "Aviators' drum line Sunday? Like any hokie Jets crap, I rolled my eyes at first but then i got into it - especially after the game when they were drumming away outside in the plaza. Well see how entertaining they are after a cold December blow-out at home. (Not that it will ever happen)
Ill wait still as we get closer...alot of tickets will still get dumped. I also dont want to go if the weather is shit
i too rolled my eyes when i saw them at first. but when they were marching with the crowd out of the building after the last second W, i did a dance in front of them in the plaza
I also enjoyed them after the game but I would enjoy anything after a jet win, especially one like that. But the highlight for me was seeing 17a and the bummer was not seeing Baamf
A buddy of mine asked me this question. Does anyone know yell1 and Yell3 I also got an Orange Parking Pass – I am thinking I should upgrade and buy like Yellow or Green – they are available on Tix Exchange. If I want to get there around 10 AM and Tailgate where would be a good place to park? Do you know the difference between like YELL1 and YELL3?
Jets parking Yellow 1 and yellow 3 are the same. Green is closest to stadium, then yellow and now lot K Is an Orange lot, right by the giants practice facility/timex
Fucking traitors... I am sick of this sharing the same stadium bullshit.. We gotta share the same drummer boys now?
I don't know if its the same guys but the Giants have the same drummer action going on. Personally I like them. I'm all for anything to get this crowd pumped up (although winning and a great team would also work well)
That would be awesome. My best days at the games are when I go home after a game and have no voice. My section, 110, has always been somewhat quiet (except for me and my son screaming and trying to get the crowed going)but this year there seems to be some new blood there. There was more people up and cheering then there were people sitting. I hope that atmospher continues. Now if they can only figure out how to get the J-E-T-S chant going.
not in this turd of a stadium. seattle is lucky for a few reasons, there are not a shit ton of other things to do so people are involved in football, the team is really good, they play a fun brand of football and the stadium lends itself to being loud. smartest stadium in the nfl at this point as far as i am concerned. im willing to bet they are quite a bit cheaper than jets tickets too. not on stubhub but to get season tickets. although they do not appear to be sold out with seasons.
The stadium is alot like the new Yankee stadium...It isnt that loud. The old Yankee stadium would shook when Aaron Boone hit that home run
This company Gallant Entertainment provides the drumlines for both the Jets and Giants - looks like they do some Knicks games as well...Scroll down the page from this link to see the different teams...
people in Seattle get excited for soccer so what do we expect when they see real entertainment? plus their Stadium was built before the latest stadium boom catering exclusively to corporate fans over real fans. That makes a huge difference.
The market is so messed up for Sunday's game: The lowest price is $68 to get in the door, but that's for upper end zone. Who is stupid enough to pay that to keep prices there when they can get lowers for just EIGHT bucks more @ $76? Makes no sense
Guys. since83 is giving a good deal for Section 106 with Yellow parking. Here is the thread. I was going to get tickets but couldn't get it due to family reasons. If you are close to Bronx, you can have 2 tix with yellow parking for 200 or maybe even less if since83 agrees to give you the same deal he gave me earlier. I feel bad for bailing out so I am trying to help him sell.